Yemen: The Latest U.S. Battleground Yemen: The Latest U.S. Battleground Stephen Zunes Chair of Mid-Eastern Studies program at the University of San Francisco Posted: January 8, 2010 05:10 PM The United States may be on the verge of involvement in yet another counterinsurgency war which, as is the case in Iraq and Afghanistan, may make a bad situation even… Read more »

Guam says “No Deal!” to the U.S. Military Buildup

The U.S. military currently is conducting public hearings on its draft environmental impact statement for its military buildup in Guam and the Northern Marianas islands.   At the first hearing, residents overwhelmingly opposed the plan.   Here is a powerful testimony by prophet-poet Melvin Won Pat-Borja, a former mentor with YouthSpeaks Hawai’i who now teaches in Guam…. Read more »

Obama to boost military budget in FY 2011, then later reduce it Pentagon funding seen boosted now, squeezed later Fri Jan 8, 6:18 pm ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama is expected to boost funding for the Pentagon in his fiscal 2011 budget but defense spending may be squeezed over the next couple of years, officials said on Friday. After huge spending growth on… Read more »

Federal Government considering listing False Killer Whales as endangered or threatened

The federal government is considering listing the Hawai’i population of false killer whales as an endangered or threatened species. Such a listing would create additional protections for this species from harmful longline fishing activities.  The listing may also trigger regulations that restrict Navy sonar training, which can disorient or even kill marine mammals. >><<… Read more »


PRESS RELEASE Cory Harden PO Box 10265, Hilo, Hawai’i 96721 808-968-8965 For immediate release January 8, 2010, Hilo, Hawai’i Attachment: Memorandum and Order, January 7, 2010, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board DEPLETED URANIUM PROCEEDING, JANUARY 13, HILO, HAWAI’I A legal proceeding on an Army application for a depleted uranium (DU) license… Read more »

Afghanistan and the Marketplace of Violence

The following article was published in the online newsletter War TImes: >><< Afghanistan and the Marketplace of Violence By H. Patricia Hynes The national spotlight on U.S. troop escalation in Afghanistan has overshadowed the prevalence of private military contractors in that conflict. The number of Pentagon contractors in Afghanistan could grow to 160,000 as the… Read more »

Military-Business Love Fest

The annual Hawai’i military-business love fest took place this week in Waikiki.   The Hawaii Chamber of Commerce sponsors the event each year.  This collaboration between military and local corporate interests goes all the way back to the Treaty of Reciprocity of 1876 between the U.S. and the Hawaiian Kingdom, in which the U.S. was granted… Read more »

Mind-reading a new weapon against terror?

This would be funny if it weren’t so disturbing.  This AP article in the Honolulu Advertiser describes an arsenal of new weapons in the war against terrorism.  They involve some very troubling invasive surveillance and screening technologies and techniques that go far beyond clothes-penetrating x-rays.   Methods such as profiling and mind-reading technologies are seriously being… Read more »

US military bases “an obstacle to peaceful long-term relations between the United States and other countries”

Influential international columnist William Pfaff dares to ask “the question no U.S. official dare ask”:  “Has it been a terrible, and by now all but irreversible, error for the United States to have built a system of more than 700 military bases and stations girdling the world? Does it provoke war rather than provide security?”… Read more »

Kauanui: Pro-Independence Talking Points on the ‘Akaka Bill’

PRO-INDEPENDENCE TALKING POINTS ON THE AKAKA BILL The Akaka Bill legislation, first introduced in the U.S. Congress in 2000 and now before Congress in two different bills (H.R. 2314 and S. 1011), proposes that the U.S. Government recognize a “Native Hawaiian governing entity” that is to be certified by the U.S. Department of the Interior… Read more »