Kauanui: Three key arguments against Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act (“Akaka Bill”)

Kauanui’s Comments on Three Key Points Re: H.R. 2314, The Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009, Passed by the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources on December 16, 2009 (Introduced by Rep. Abercrombie): THE NAME OF THE BILL ITSELF PERPETUATES A LIE Why is the bill called the “Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act” instead… Read more »

Lind: Hearing next week on challenge to Army license for depleted uranium

http://ilind.net/2010/01/06/hearing-next-week-on-challenge-to-army-license-for-depleted-uranium/ Hearing next week on challenge to Army license for depleted uranium January 6th, 2010 The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, an agency of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, will hold a hearing next week on challenges filed by four Hawaii residents to an Army license to possess depleted uranium at Schofield Barracks on Oahu and… Read more »

Biba Guahan! Residents oppose military expansion at Draft EIS hearing

http://www.pacificnewscenter.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2486%3Abuildup-hearing-filled-with-anti-buildup-sentiments&limitstart=1 Buildup Hearing Filled with Anti-Buildup Sentiments Guam – The Southern High Cafeteria was filled with residents both curious and eager to speak publicly about the imminent military buildup. This is where the Joint Guam Program office held the first of it’s series of public hearings on the the Draft Environmental Impact Statement or D.E.I.S…. Read more »

Air Force telescope faces delays

According the Hawaii Tribune Herald, the Air Force Pan-STARRS telescope proposed to be built on the sacred mountain Mauna Kea has been delayed, in part by cost overruns.  The article states: When complete, Pan-STARRS will scan the heavens for “near-Earth objects,” comets and asteroids that pose an impact threat to Earth. The Air Force funding… Read more »

Schofield Barracks soldier arrested in Kahala store robbery

http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/20100107/BREAKING01/100107029/Schofield+Barracks+soldier+arrested+in+Kahala+store+robbery Updated at 10:38 a.m., Thursday, January 7, 2010 Schofield Barracks soldier arrested in Kahala store robbery Advertiser Staff A 22-year-old Schofield Barracks soldier was arrested yesterday in connection with an early-morning robbery of a convenience store in Kahala. An employee told police the man entered the store at 12:43 a.m., pulled out a knife,… Read more »

Former Assistant Secretary of Defense cautions U.S. regarding Okinawa

Joseph Gerson of the AFSC Cambridge office sent along the following NYT op-ed by Joseph Nye, former Assistant Secretary of Defense, cautioning the U.S. in its approach to handling the dispute over military bases in Okinawa: Throughout the Clinton era, Nye was the driving force in U.S. policy toward Asia, and before Obama appointed a… Read more »

The sinister powers of crowdsourcing

“Crowdsourcing” (solving a task by appealing to a large undefined group of web users to each do a small chunk of it) is a powerful new social technology made possible by computers and the internet.  However, this article from New Scientist describes how the technique could be used to covertly enlist anonymous and unwitting participants… Read more »

Mosquitoes of Makua

War of the small, War of the flea, Where the strongest bomb is human Who is bursting to be free. The moon will be my lantern, And my heart will find the way To sow the seeds of courage That will blossom into day, To blossom up a garden So green before they came, Our… Read more »

Is Blackwater CEO ‘graymailing’ the U.S. Government?

http://www.thenation.com/doc/20091221/scahill2 Is Erik Prince ‘Graymailing’ the US Government? By Jeremy Scahill December 4, 2009 The in-depth Vanity Fair profile of the infamous owner of Blackwater, Erik Prince, is remarkable on many levels–not least among them that Prince appeared to give the story’s author, former CIA lawyer Adam Ciralsky, unprecedented access to information about sensitive, classified… Read more »

Briefing Paper: Military Buildup in the Mariana Islands

Koohan Paik created this briefing paper from the military’s Draft Envirionmental Impact Statement for the military expansion in Guam and the Northern Marianas: THE MILITARY BUILDUP IN THE MARIANA ISLANDS Guam, a possession of the United States, is one of 15 islands in the Marianas, an archipelago in the western Pacific so pristine and rich… Read more »