US missile defense blocking nuclear arms reduction agreement U.S. missile shield holding up nuclear deal-Putin Tue Dec 29, 4:33 PM By Gleb Bryanski VLADIVOSTOK, Russia (Reuters) – Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Tuesday U.S. plans for a missile defense system were the main obstacle to reaching a new deal on reducing Cold War arsenals of nuclear weapons. The two largest nuclear… Read more »

Afghan President Karzai demands US hand over gunmen who killed children From The Times January 1, 2010 Hamid Karzai demands US hand over gunmen who killed children President Karzai’s security chiefs have demanded that America should hand over the gunmen behind a night raid in eastern Afghanistan that government investigators and the United Nations say killed at least eight schoolchildren. It was the Afghan Government’s… Read more »

Gerson: Globe misstates key facts about Nuclear Posture Review

Joseph Gerson wrote this letter to the editor of the Boston Globe commenting on its article about the Nuclear Posture Review currently underway: Dear Editor, Brian Bender’s article “Obama presses review of nuclear strategy” contains misstatements of fact, makes no reference to essential context of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference, and misses the… Read more »

Pentagon resists Obama’s nuclear disarmament initiatives,0,2198537,full.story Obama’s nuclear-free vision mired in debate Pentagon officials have pushed back against the president’s goals to shrink the U.S. stockpile and reduce the role of such weapons in foreign policy, sources say. By Paul Richter January 4, 2010 Reporting from Washington – President Obama’s ambitious plan to begin phasing out nuclear weapons has run… Read more »

Army wants to use Makua for counterinsurgency training

So here is the Army’s counterinsurgency plan for Makua.   They will be “lessening” the impact, moving “storm the hill” type training to Pohakuloa and changing the training to traditional infantry live fire training and roadside bomb detection.  Meanwhile they have tried to win support from the Wai’anae community.  They plan to return to training as… Read more »

Security kept Obama close to marine base, on stolen Hawaiian land

Military occupation of Mokapu means the president gets a beautiful, secure playground for his visit to Hawai’i.  But the story fails to address the fact that the military forcibly seized this land during WWII, much of it ancestral Hawaiian lands and national lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom.   More than two thousand Hawaiian iwi kupuna (ancestral… Read more »

Tensions between Japan and U.S. over Okinawa bases

The Honolulu Advertiser ran this story from the AP about the ongoing tensions between the U.S. and Japan over the fate of Futenma Marine Base.   The U.S. wants to proceed with plans agreed to by the previous Japanese conservative government to relocate the base in the pristine coral reef habitat of Henoko, destroying critical habitat… Read more »

U.S. threats to Yemen – another imperial war? Patrick Cockburn: Threats to Yemen prove America hasn’t learned the lesson of history Extraordinarily, the US is making exactly the same mistake as in Iraq and Afghanistan Thursday, 31 December 2009 We are the Awaleq Born of bitterness We are the nails that go into the rock We are the sparks of hell He… Read more »

The Place of Hawai‘i in American Studies II

The Place of Hawai‘i in American Studies II March 11-12, 2010 Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, Halau o Haumea 2645 Dole Street University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Thursday, March 11 3:00-4:30 p.m. ROUNDTABLE 1: “Occupied Hawai‘i: Issues of Nationhood and Colonialism” Jonathan Kamakawiwo‘ole Osorio Ty Kāwika Tengan ‘Ilima Long Seto 4:45- 5:45 RECEPTION 6:00-7:00 p.m…. Read more »

Military working to unleash laser weapons Military working to unleash laser weapons By Mark Abramson, Stars and Stripes European edition, Tuesday, December 29, 2009 Photo courtesy of Boeing The military is testing laser weapons and is developing a system that could be mounted on light vehicles. The Laser Avenger has the laser mounted on the left of the vehicle. Boeing… Read more »