Iraqi resistance fighters hack U.S. killer drones

Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan  – $943 billion Predator Drone  – $4.5 million SkyGrabber software  –  $26 Watching the drone video feed live  –  Priceless >><< DECEMBER 17, 2009 Insurgents Hack U.S. Drones $26 Software Is Used to Breach Key Weapons in Iraq; Iranian Backing Suspected By SIOBHAN GORMAN, YOCHI J. DREAZEN and AUGUST… Read more »

Agent Orange’s lethal legacy, part 5,0,2121785,full.story AGENT ORANGE: PART 5 OF 5 Agent Orange’s lethal legacy: Defoliants more dangerous than they had to be Papers show firms didn’t act on data to reduce toxicity Before-and-after air views show the effects herbicides had when sprayed in Vietnam during the war. Above is an unsprayed mangrove forest, date unknown, and the bottom… Read more »

New Defense Appropriations Bill: Porkers up to their usual tricks Congressional Porkers Up to Their Usual Tricks Winslow T. Wheeler Director, Straus Military Reform Project, Center for Defense Information Posted: December 17, 2009 04:52 PM I have taken a quick look at the brand, spanking new 2010 Department of Defense Appropriations Conference Report – the bill with the final say on how much money… Read more »

Franken’s Anti-Rape Amendment Survives

According several news sources, the Franken Anti-Rape Amendment has survived the conference committee in Congress where it came under intense pressure from the Pentagon and military contractors to gut or water down the amendment.   The Huffington Post initially reported that Senator Inouye was being pressured by defense contractors to remove the amendment or weaken it. … Read more »

Military housing allowance up 2.5%

While the average soldier is underpaid and exploited like most workers, the extra assistance they receive when stationed in a place like Hawai’i can have negative effects on the cost of housing for civilian residents by artificially inflating housing prices in Hawai’i, which tends to drive out residents who cannot compete.  This is one factor… Read more »

Lingle turns against Akaka Bill

After Hawaiian independence activists protested on Monday, joined by a chorus of right wing anti-Hawaiian think tanks and media outlets to denounce alleged secret plans to slip the Native Hawaiian federal recognition bill (Akaka Bill) into the Defense Appropriations Bill, Senator Inouye publicly denied that such a rider was in the works. Now Governor Lingle… Read more »

U.S. and South Korea to draw up military pact

The U.S. and South Korea plan to draft a military guidelines similar to the U.S. – Japan mutual cooperation agreement.  The pact will include provisions to ensure a “U.S. nuclear umbrella for South Korea and the stable presence of U.S. forces in Korea.” >><< 12-16-2009 18:07 S. Korea, US to Draw Up Defense Guidelines… Read more »

Inouye denies Akaka Bill ‘sneak attack’ Posted on: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 ‘Sneak attack’ claims dismissed By John Yaukey Gannett Washington Bureau WASHINGTON — Sen. Daniel K. Inouye denied accusations yesterday by a group of mostly Native Hawaiians that he is trying to avoid public scrutiny of legislation that would grant them historic new status by hiding it in a… Read more »

DN!: Indigenous Leaders at the Front Line of Climate Change

Malia Nobriga from Hawai’i was interviewed by Democracy Now! at the Copenhagen Climate Change action where 100,000 people marched outside while the states debated inside.  The issue of climate change, rampant development, energy consumption and degradation of the environment is now reaching an irreversible tipping point for the planet, with the poor and indigenous peoples… Read more »

Inouye’s legacy: locking the military into Hawai’i “for a long time”

The militarization of Hawai’i is driven by both the ‘push’ of military strategy in the Pacific and the ‘pull’ of politicians, unions and corporate leaders who profit from the military domination of Hawai’i.  The logic is spelled out here in a recent Hawaii Business article about Senator Inouye: “The (White House) was not too keen… Read more »