U.S. troops engaged in military operations in the Philippines

After U.S. bases were evicted from the Philippines in 1991, the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. and the so-called Global War and Terror created an opportunity for the U.S. to establish new “lily pad” bases and resume military activities in the Philippines.   Filipino activists and scholars have warned that the Visiting Forces Agreement that allows… Read more »

Heritage Foundation report rehashes Manifest Destiny

The Heritage Foundation, the notorious Right Wing think tank published its 2009 book of charts on the Asia-Pacific region.  It is all rehashed Mahan, “American Lake”, “Manifest Destiny”: The United States is no less a Pacific nation than an Atlantic one. The state of Hawaii and the territories of Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and American… Read more »

Japan government to reveal details of secret pact with U.S. allowing nuclear weapons into Japan

The Democratic Party of Japan, the new ruling party that broke 60 years of conservative party domination, will reveal details of a secret agreement between Japan and the U.S. that allowed the U.S. military to bring nuclear weapons into Japan despite an explicit prohibition under Japanese law.  Ralph A. Cossa, president of the Center for… Read more »

NYT: Obama May Add 30,000 Troops in Afghanistan

Obama is escalating the war in Afghanistan.  When will we ever learn? >><< http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/25/us/politics/25policy.html?_r=1&th=&emc=th&pagewanted=print November 25, 2009 Obama May Add 30,000 Troops in Afghanistan By HELENE COOPER and ERIC SCHMITT WASHINGTON — President Obama said Tuesday that he was determined to “finish the job” in Afghanistan, and his aides signaled to allies that he would… Read more »

Military’s tactics fueled animosity in lead-up to Afghanistan attack

http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20091123/WANAT01/911230301&template=wanat Posted on: Monday, November 23, 2009 Military’s tactics criticized in lead-up to Afghanistan attack Report faults Army’s heavy-handedness in lead-up to Wanat PDF: Cubbison Report on Battle at Wanat PDF: U.S. Army executive summary of battle PDF: U.S. Army briefing on Wanat battle for David Brostrom • Bad Blood: The Ambush of Chosen Company… Read more »

No-Bid Contracts to Alaska Native Corporations under investigation – What about Native Hawaiian Corporations?

This article deals with Congressional investigations into no-bid contracts awarded to Alaska Native Corporations, but it is extremely relevant to Native Hawaiian owned companies that are able to get the same no-bid, unlimited-sized contracts, the so-called “Super 8A” class of minority owned small business set asides.   Senator Inouye has included language in Defense Appropriations… Read more »

Judge Orders Army to Disclose Impacts on Sacred Hawaiian Valley

http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/nov2009/2009-11-22-091.asp Judge Orders Army to Disclose Impacts on Sacred Hawaiian Valley HONOLULU, Hawaii, November 22, 2009 (ENS) – A federal judge in Honolulu has ruled that the U.S. Army is obliged to give the community meaningful information on how military training at Makua Military Reservation on Oahu could damage native Hawaiian cultural sites and contaminate… Read more »

Lowering the Bar: Kindergarten Recruitment

Jon Letman is a reporter on Kaua’i island. He recently wrote an article about the school furloughs (Dead Last: Hawaii Gets an “F” in Education).  He had mentioned to me this incident about military recruiters visiting his son’s kindergarten.  I was amazed.  After years of doing counter recruitment work, I had not heard of the… Read more »

“Grass skirts” and “riot response”

There has been no criticism 0f Obama’s quip:  “I look forward to seeing you all decked out in flowered shirts and grass skirts, because today I’m announcing that we are bringing this forum to my home state of Hawai’i in 2011.” Joking about such racist stereotypes of Pacific Islanders normally would meet sharp criticism or… Read more »

A Hawai’i soldier’s death in the ‘Graveyard of Empires’

A Hawai’i soldier, Jonathan P. Brostrom, died in fighting in Wanat, Afghanistan. Another casualty in the graveyard of empires.   The Honlulu Advertiser published several in depth articles based on a review of Army reports on the battle and interviews with family members of the troops who died. The Army reports are posted on the… Read more »