Draft Environmental Impact Statement available for military expansion on Guam / N. Marianas

NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF DRAFT EIS/OEIS AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS The Department of the Navy (DoN) and the Joint Guam Program Office (JGPO) announces the availability of the Guam and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) military relocation Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (EIS/OEIS). The Draft EIS/OEIS analyzes the potential environmental… Read more »

Judge sustains Makua complaint

http://www.starbulletin.com/news/20091120_Judge_sustains_Makua_complaint.html Judge sustains Makua complaint The ruling reveals doubt about whether Army environmental surveys were sufficient By Gregg K. Kakesako POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Nov 20, 2009 A federal judge has sided with Hawaiian activists who want the Army to stop training in Makua Military Reservation, putting the military on notice that it will have… Read more »

VIDEO: Ohana Hoopakele wants puuhonua at Kulani

Watch video of the ‘Ohana Ho’opakele press conference on Hawai’i island against the closing and militarization of Kulani prison and for a pu’uhonua (place of refuge and healing). http://www.bigislandvideonews.com/2009/11november/20091120kulani.htm VIDEO: Ohana Hoopakele wants puuhonua at Kulani Ohana Hoopakele holds press conference November 20, 2009 – Hilo, Hawaii VIDEO by David Corrigan As the sun sets… Read more »

Military bases factored into APEC choice

An interview with Charles E. Morrison, President of the East-West Center, which successfully bid for Hawai’i to host the 2011 APEC Summit, confirmed that the military presence was a significant factor in the decision to select Hawai’i.   We can expect to see intensified militarization of Honolulu in preparation for the summit.  When the Asian Development… Read more »

Superferry may rise from the dead

While the Hawaii Superferry corporation is bankrupt, the Superferry concept itself may not be completely dead: “We recognize the value that the ferries can provide Hawaii and are willing to work with transportation planners, providers and officials to advance proposals to use them in regular service” in Hawaii, the Maritime Administration official said. Maka’ala. >><<… Read more »

Lithuania investigates facility that may have been CIA ‘black site’

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/18/AR2009111803994_pf.html Lithuania investigates facility that may have been CIA ‘black site’ Townspeople tell of secretive Americans at mysterious building By Craig Whitlock Thursday, November 19, 2009 ANTAVILIAI, LITHUANIA — Residents of this village were mystified five years ago when tight-lipped American construction workers suddenly appeared at a mothballed riding stable here and built a large,… Read more »

Nominations sought for workshop on Pihemanu Kauihelelani (Midway Atoll)

Pihemanu Kauihelelani (Midway Atoll) is one of the oldest kupuna (elder) islands of the Hawaiian archipelago and was one of first places visited by Pele (goddess of the volcano) and her family on her epic journey to her present home in Hawai’i island.  Pihemanu Kauihelelani is also one of the last places traveled by the spirits… Read more »

LIVING ALONG THE FENCELINE: Women Resisting Militarism and Creating a Culture of Life

Click here to download the flyer Film Preview event & poetry + performances from inspiring local women LIVING ALONG THE FENCELINE Women Resisting Militarism and Creating a Culture of Life Friday, Dec 4, 6:30 pm Harris United Methodist Church, Miyama Hall Corner of Nuuanu Ave. & Vineyard Blvd. Honolulu Suggested donation: $5–$10 No one turned… Read more »

Hannemann says Inouye asked him to run for governor

In the last election, when Mayor Hannemann claimed victory in his reelection bid, Senator Inouye stood beside him on TV and publicly congratulated him.  Many took this as a sign that Inouye had anointed Hannemann as his successor.  There were already signs that Inouye and US Representative Abercrombie were divided on certain issues, of note… Read more »

‘The Imperial Cruise’ excerpt

http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/19/books/excerpt-imperial-cruise.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all Excerpt ‘The Imperial Cruise’ Chapter 1: One Hundred Years Later “I wish to see the United States the dominant power on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.” — Theodore Roosevelt, October 29, 1900 When my father, John Bradley, died in 1994, his hidden memory boxes illuminated his experience as one of the six men… Read more »