Japan government out of touch with Okinawan concerns about U.S. bases

http://mdn.mainichi.jp/features/news/20091109p2a00m0na021000c.html Gov’t out of touch with the real problems Okinawans over U.S. military presence The charred Javanese bishopwood trees are a pitiful sight, a lasting reminder of the U.S. military helicopter crash on the campus of Okinawa International University on Aug. 13, 2004, just south of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma. Noriyoshi Miyagi, 67,… Read more »

Okinawa Governor greeted in Honolulu with anti-bases message while thousands protest bases in Okinawa

Over the weekend there were massive protests in Okinawa against the expansion of a U.S. military base in Henoko, Okinawa.   Below are two articles about the demonstrations. But where was Okinawa’s Governor Nakaima? The pro-base politician was on a trip, dodging a confrontation with the protest movement.    Instead of facing his own constituency, Nakaima was… Read more »

Updated article on Inouye’s earmarks and campaign contributors

This is an updated version of an article that already ran.   In this article they also discuss Oceanit’s contributions to Inouye’s campaigns. Oceanit is one of the top beneficiaries of Inouye’s earmarks.  During the UARC/Project Kai ‘e’e scandal, the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) ordered (Task Order T-03-03-DSM012) the “technical services” of Anteon (a military… Read more »

Dahr Jamail: Mass Shooting Indicates Breakdown of Military

http://www.truthout.org/11050912 Mass Shooting Indicates Breakdown of Military Thursday 05 November 2009 by: Dahr Jamail, t r u t h o u t | Report At approximately 1:30 p.m. CST today, a soldier went on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas, killing 12 people and wounding at least 31 others, according to base… Read more »

Marines plan another urban training site in Hawai’i?

The article doesn’t specify where the Marines plan to put this new facility.  They already built a new MOUT at Waimanalo (Bellows) on Hawaiian national land that was supposed to be returned.  They failed to consult with the local community, which sparked protests.   Previously, the Marines had wanted to build a MOUT on Mokapu peninsula,… Read more »

“The Good Soldier” opens Veteran’s Day November 11

The Good Soldier http://thegoodsoldier.com/index.html Directed by Lexy Lovell and Michael Uys (DGA, Los Angeles Film Critics, and Peabody Award winners for Riding the Rails) The Good Soldier follows the journeys of five combat veterans from different generations of American wars as they sign up, go into battle, and eventually change their minds about what it… Read more »

Report on protest at Hilo Veteran’s Parade

Aloha kakou, About 40-50 people in total turned out, during the nearly 3 and l/2 hour protest at today’s Hilo Veterans Parade. The protest focus was the U.S. illegal wars of aggression and occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan and the military including vehicles from Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) recently returned from Iraq. Among those present… Read more »

ATSDR: Change in Public Policy regarding Vieques

PRESS RELEASE FROM CASA PUEBLO, Adjuntas, Puerto Rico, via Atlanta, GA, USA, to Vieques, Puerto Rico ATSDR: Change in Public Policy regarding Vieques Drs. Arturo Massol Deyá of Casa Pueblo de Adjuntas / UPR Mayagüez, Carmen Ortiz Roque, and Carmen Colón de Jorge participated in extensive discovery meetings about scientific investigations of Vieques in the… Read more »

Dead Last: Hawaii Gets an “F” in Education

http://www.truthout.org/1106098 Dead Last: Hawaii Gets an “F” in Education Friday 06 November 2009 by: Jon Letman, t r u t h o u t | News Analysis Hawaii’s public schools are in crisis. Simply put, there isn’t enough money to keep them open full-time. With the State of Hawaii facing a $1 billion budget deficit… Read more »

Hilo groups will protest Strykers on parade

According to the Honolulu Advertiser article Strykers will be included in the Hilo Veterans parade: Organizers hoped to keep word of the vehicles a secret from peace activists like Jim Albertini of the Malu Aina Center for Non-Violent Education and Action, in an attempt to ward off conflict. Albertini found out anyway, and on Sunday… Read more »