Japan’s new government investigates secret nuclear agreements with the U.S.

Despite Japan’s pacifist constitution and aversion to nuclear weapons, the U.S. and Japan reached  a secret deal in the 1960s that allowed U.S. nuclear weapons into port and select locations.   The new government in Japan is now investigating these secret agreements.   Check out the National Security Archive for more background on this issue. >><< October… Read more »

Tech start up gets quick earmarks

This article from the Washington Post exposes another facet of the world of military contracts, congressional appropriations and earmarks.   Rep. Visclosky might have taken a few pointers from Senator Inouye.   Some of Inouye’s biggest earmarks are disguised as competitive contracts.  In these cases, the clear intent of the appropriation is to have the money go… Read more »

Stryker brigade prepares for Iraq deployment

The article says that the Army is the “owner” of Pohakuloa, but it actually occupies Hawaiian national lands that were stolen by the U.S. Much of the land is actually leased from the State of Hawaii. >><< http://www.starbulletin.com/news/20091026_new_look_stryker_team_trains_to_help_finish_mission_in_iraq.html New-look Stryker team trains to help finish mission in Iraq By Gregg K. Kakesako POSTED: 01:30 a.m…. Read more »

US Announces Military Base in Romania to Become “Permanent”

http://news.antiwar.com/2009/10/23/us-announces-military-base-in-romania-to-become-permanent/ US Announces Military Base in Romania to Become “Permanent” Enduring US Presence at Site Used in Iraq Invasion, CIA Renditions by Jason Ditz, October 23, 2009 In an announcement today which likely surprised no one, the US army announced that the military base just northwest of the Black Sea Port City of Constanta, Romania… Read more »

Navy will test its “Giant Voice” in Wahiawa

http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/20091023/BREAKING01/310230020/+Giant+Voice++system+to+be+tested+in+Wahiawa Posted at 12:51 a.m., Friday, October 23, 2009 ‘Giant Voice’ system to be tested in Wahiawa Advertiser Staff The Navy says it will conduct an operational test of its “Giant Voice” mass notification system at its Wahiawa annex today at 1 p.m. The announcement on the public address system will be audible to those who… Read more »

Sen. Inouye may strip anti-rape amendment from defense bill

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/22/frankens-anti-rape-amendm_n_329896.html Franken’s Anti-Rape Amendment May Be Stripped By Senior Dem, Sources Say By Sam Stein, stein@huffingtonpost.com First Posted: 10-22-09 10:40 AM | Updated: 10-22-09 12:35 PM An amendment that would prevent the government from working with contractors who denied victims of assault the right to bring their case to court is in danger of being… Read more »

Pentagon Instructs Officials to Cancel Contracts with ACORN. The Problem: They Don’t Exist

This would be funny if it weren’t so alarming.  The Department of Defense has jumped into the political witch hunt against ACORN, a community organization that fights for the rights of low income people in many cities, by ordering all DoD contracts with ACORN canceled. But as, Jeremy Scahill reports below, the DoD has no… Read more »

Does Military Service Turn Young Men into Sexual Predators?

http://www.alternet.org/story/142942/ Does Military Service Turn Young Men into Sexual Predators? By Penny Coleman, AlterNet Posted on October 22, 2009, Printed on October 22, 2009 Every day, for four years as a West Point cadet, Tara Krause lived and worked alongside the men who had gang-raped her. Still, she managed to graduate in 1982. She served… Read more »

New PACOM Commander installed

Here’s the press release from the Pacific Command about the change in Command from Adm. Keating to Adm. Willard.   It will be interesting to see how Willard makes his mark. >><< http://www.pacom.mil/web/Site_Pages/Media/News%20200910/20091019-ChangeOfCommand1.shtml Keating Passes PACOM Torch to Willard By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service CAMP H.M. SMITH, Hawaii – Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates… Read more »

New Pacific Air Force Commander awaits F-22s

The F-22 program was one of the expensive and wasteful projects that the Pentagon and the Obama administration wanted scrapped.   So why are these planes still coming to Hawai’i?  According to a leading analyst of defense spending, Senator Inouye has employed legislative tricks to “breath life back into the F-22”.  In 2007, twelve F-22s left… Read more »