Will Hawaii construction workers get work destroying Guam?

Two articles in the Honolulu Advertiser on the Defense Appropriations Bill compromise came out with different conclusions.   One headline reads “Deal ensures Guam jobs will go to U.S. workers” and describes the compromise as a win for Congressman Neil Abercrombie, who is running for Governor in 2010.  The other article has a headline that… Read more »

Celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day – Burning of the Papal Bulls

This week, 350 Hawai’i religious pilgrims visited the grave of Father Damien in Belgium, before flying to Rome for the canonization of Damien on Sunday.   Father Damien is beloved because of his selfless devotion to serve the Hansen’s Disease patients, many of whom were Native Hawaiian, exiled in Kalaupapa, Moloka’i.  How ironic it is that… Read more »

Film and panel about Hawaiian national hero Joseph Nawahi

Biography Hawai’i: Joseph Nawahi Time: October 7, 2009 from 6pm to 9pm Location: Kamakakuokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, UH Manoa Event Description: On October 7th from 6-9 at Kamakakuokalani (Center for Hawaiian studies) there will be a film showing of the recently made documentary on Joseph Nawahi, followed by panel discussion w/ Filmaker Victoria Knuebuhl,… Read more »

Hoomanao (Remember): The Massie Case and Injustice, Then and Now

Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i, University of Hawaiʻi Mānoa Office of Multicultural Student Services present Hoomanao (Remember) The Massie Case and Injustice, Then and Now UH Manoa Architecture Auditorium Wednesday, October 21, 6 pm to 8 pm A nationwide sensation in 1931 – 32, the notorious Massie Case served as a touchstone for race, class,… Read more »

‘Twitter Terrorists’?

http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2008/10/terrorist-cell Spy Fears: Twitter Terrorists, Cell Phone Jihadists By Noah Shachtman October 24, 2008 Could Twitter become terrorists’ newest killer app? A draft Army intelligence report, making its way through spy circles, thinks the miniature messaging software could be used as an effective tool for coordinating militant attacks. For years, American analysts have been concerned… Read more »

When Tweeting is a crime

http://rawstory.com/2009/10/g20-protester-arrested-for-twitter/ ACLU: Arrest of G20 Twitterer part of ‘war on demonstrators’ By David Edwards and Stephen Webster Monday, October 5th, 2009 — 7:45 pm When the FBI staged a terror raid on the New York home of 41-year-old Elliot Madison, they were not looking for weapons of war, deadly chemicals or the keys to unlocking… Read more »


Call to action from World Can’t Wait Microsoft Word – October 17 color poster SURGE THE RESISTANCE – NOT THE WAR! JOIN THE PROTEST MARCH on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 3pm END U.S. WARS, OCCUPATIONS, AND TORTURE FOR EMPIRE! Gather near the Atkinson entrance to Ala Moana Park for a permitted street march. Bring signs and… Read more »

45 days for public to comment on military tsunami about to hit Guam

45 days to review buildup draft study By Dionesis Tamondong • Pacific Daily News • October 6, 2009 Senators are concerned the public won’t be given adequate time to properly review and comment on a draft study of the military buildup’s environmental impact to Guam. The Joint Guam Program Office yesterday gave an overview and… Read more »

Protest of Stryker and other live-fire training at Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA)

Press Release Monday, Oct. 5, 2009 Protest of Stryker and other live-fire training at Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) Saturday, Oct. 10, 2009 Mauna Kea State Park There will be a peaceful protest l0AM Saturday Oct. l0th at Mauna Kea State park –l mile east of the Pohakuloa main gate on Saddle Road. (Car pools will… Read more »

Jobs vs. bottom line in mega military project

The focus on the jobs vs. savings debate has overshadowed more fundamental questions of U.S. imperialism, violations of Chamoru self-determination, and the social and environmental impacts of the impending military invasion of Guam, a U.S. colony. >><< Jobs vs. bottom line in mega military project Bill would give Guam base expansion jobs to U.S. workers,… Read more »