Mokumanamana – native ecosystem, ancient cultural sites, and bomb craters

An article in the Honolulu Star Bulletin stated: “The scientists found more than 30 craters from bombings and shrapnel fragments next to heiau sites but are not sure who caused the damage.”  Umm, let’s take a guess…the military? In another article by the AP, the sacredness of Mokumanamana to Kanaka Maoli as a leina a… Read more »

Waikane Valley Restoration Advisory Board Meeting

Waikane valley was used by the military for live fire training during WWII until the 1970s.   According to the lease, the military was supposed to clean up the unexploded ordnance and return the land in its original condition when they left.  Instead, the Marine Corps condemned the land from the Kamaka Family.  After many years… Read more »

Women’s Vigil for Peace and Solidarity

In Solidarity with the 7th International Network of Women against Militarism (INWAM) Meeting: Guahan Hafa Adai, my name is Angela T. Hoppe-Cruz. I am a Chamoru woman born and raised on the island of Guahan, now residing in Makaha. The INWAM formed in the mid 1990’s in response to the rape of a young Okinawan… Read more »

Police to get access to classified military intelligence [Raw Story] Police to get access to classified military intelligence BY JOHN BYRNE September 16, 2009 In a move raising eyebrows among civil liberties advocates, the Department of Homeland Security announced Monday that it would give so-called local and state “fusion centers” access to classified military intelligence in Pentagon databases. Fusion centers are hubs… Read more »

U.S. abandons missile defense bases in Poland and the Czech Republic

According to this article in the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. is abandoning its plans for missile defense bases in Poland and the Czech Republic.  This is a big win for the anti-bases movements in those two countries!  However, as Wilbert van der Zeijden, coordinator of the International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases… Read more »

Toxic Chemicals at Vieques: Is U.S. Accountable?

Wednesday, Sep. 16, 2009 Toxic Chemicals at Vieques: Is U.S. Accountable? By Tim Padgett When Hermogenes Marrero was in Marine boot camp, he recalls being the only recruit who didn’t panic during simulated-chemical-warfare drills. “I’d sit there calmly with my gas mask on,” Marrero says, “while a lot of other guys got scared and ran… Read more »

Sovereignty advocates disrupt Akaka Bill presentation

Who speaks for Hawaiians? A meeting on the Akaka Bill reveals a divided community By Alan D. Mcnarie Wednesday, September 16, 2009 10:30 AM HST “We don’t want nobody to give huhu,” said ILWU business agent Wallace Ishibashi. “We agree to disagree on that issue….” “That issue” was the Akaka Bill, which would set up… Read more »

Need to Veto Inouye’s Pentagon Pork

This analysis was posted on the Center for Defense Information website. It exposes and is critical of Senator Inouye’s tricky maneuvering to reinsert the F-22 program into the Defense Appropriations Bill. >><< September 16, 2009 More on the Need for Veto of Pentagon Pork The porkers in the Senate appear to be heeding Obama’s threat… Read more »

Israeli Teenagers Say NO to the Israeli Occupation

Announcement from World Can’t Wait Hawai’i: Israeli Teenagers Say NO to the Israeli Occupation Monday, September 21, 2009 UH-Manoa Architecture Auditorium 7pm The “Why We Refuse” Tour is a national tour of two Israeli women who have come to the United States to speak about their experiences as conscientious objectors in the Israeli army. Maya… Read more »

Open House at Hickam, Thunderbirds to perform

Thunderbirds will soar over Hickam By Gregg K. Kakesako POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Sep 15, 2009 The red, white and blue F-16s of the Air Force’s aerial demonstration team, the Thunderbirds, will soar over Hickam Air Force Base this weekend, with more than 120,000 people expected to attend the installation’s first open house since 2003…. Read more »