Maui News: “The Superferry may not have made it even with an EIS, but without one, it was doomed.”

Governor’s sour grapes POSTED: September 10, 2009 First off, we were ardent supporters of the Superferry. There was no doubt in our minds that Hawaii needed an alternative, affordable means of travel between the islands. We know farmers who grew to rely on it to get goods to Oahu. We know families who packed up… Read more »

Afghanistan: What Are These People Thinking? Afghanistan: What Are These People Thinking? Conn Hallinan | September 10, 2009 Editor: John Feffer Foreign Policy In Focus One of the oddest – indeed, surreal – encounters around the war in Afghanistan has to be a telephone call this past July 27. On one end of the line was historian Stanley Karnow,… Read more »

NYT article on Hawai’i renewable energy plans

This is something that environmental, economic justice and peace activists have said for a long time: Hawai’i needs to be more energy self-sufficient. And we have the natural resources for it, but there hasn’t been the political will or capital to make it a reality.  Closing and converting the infrastructure of military bases to research,… Read more »

Air Force targeting 12 – 18 year olds

CAP offers many opportunities to cadets Published: Sunday, September 13, 2009 7:56 AM HST Open house Sept. 26 at Lyman Field hangar in Hilo If you are between the ages of 12 and 18 years old, and want to learn about flying, aerospace, radio communication, search and rescue and serving your community: Come check out… Read more »

Bill to adress WWII internment Japanese Latin Americans advances

For immediate release September 14, 2009 Contact: Christine Oh 213-500-9346 Japanese Latin American Commission bill scheduled for markup by full House Judiciary Committee CFJ urges the public to contact Judiciary Committee members to support Commission bill LOS ANGELES, CA – September 14, 2009 – Japanese Latin Americans (JLAs) who were interned by the United… Read more »

“No regrets” for killing an unarmed Iraqi

Trey Corrales, a former Schofield Barracks soldier killed an unarmed Iraqi, but was acquitted of murder.  Several witnesses died in a helicopter crash before they could testify.  His wife said “There’s something else that God wants you to do.”  How about repent? Source: GI looks ahead with no regrets By Sig Christenson – Express-News… Read more »

Mental health program to aid Guard, Reserves

Mental health program to aid Guard, Reserves By Helen Altonn POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Sep 13, 2009 Mental Health America of Hawaii is launching a program called “Healing the Trauma of the War” to address combat stress, depression and other needs of returning National Guard soldiers and Reservists. “We’re going to do a review of… Read more »

Weapons of Mass Destruction exercises set for Kauai next week

“Weapons of Mass Destruction”?  On Kaua’i?  The article below states that  “Field exercises will take place on Thursday around Nawiliwili Harbor as well as at the Pacific Missile Range Facility.”   Did they mean missiles and Superferries? Or are they just training to suppress protest? >><< Updated at 1:46 p.m., Sunday, September 13, 2009 Weapons of Mass… Read more »

‘Toxic Waters’ series in the NYT

The New York Times published the first in a series of investigative articles on water pollution and the failures of the EPA to enforce the Clean Water Act.  They have compiled a massive searchable database and map of clean water act violations.   The data for Hawai’i shows Sand Island Wastewater Treatment facility run by the… Read more »

US to continue counter-terror cooperation with Philippines

US to continue counter-terror cooperation with RP – Gates By Jaime Laude and Jose Katigbak (The Philippine Star) Updated September 12, 2009 12:00 AM MANILA, Philippines – United States Defense Secretary Robert Gates said his country’s counterterrorism cooperation with the Philippines will continue. Gates voiced the US position in a meeting with Defense Secretary Gilbert… Read more »