‘Freedom Walk’ sponsored by ‘Operation Homefront’ and led by ‘Nimitz Elementary’ school children

How militarized are we? >><< Updated at 4:26 p.m., Friday, September 11, 2009 Schoolchildren from Holy Family Catholic Academy and Chester Nimitz Elementary School led more than 1,500 participants in today’s third Freedom Walk. RICHARD AMBO | The Honolulu Advertiser Schoolchildren lead more than 1,500 participants in Freedom Walk Advertiser Staff More than 1,500 people… Read more »

Schofield soldier dies in barracks

Nathan Spangenberg sent this lighthearted picture to his mother, Lois Spangenberg, when he was deployed in Iraq in 2007. Courtesy of lois spangenberg Tucson GI made it through Iraq duty, died in barracks By Carol Ann Alaimo Arizona Daily Star Tucson, Arizona | Published: 09.11.2009 The Army is investigating the death of a Tucson soldier… Read more »

International Week of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space – October 3-10, 2009

International Week of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space – October 3-10, 2009 Modern warfare, such as the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan and attacks on Pakistan, uses Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and GPS-guided bombs. Directed by space satellites, and remotely controlled far from the battlefield, these weapons are responsible for massive civilian casualties. In… Read more »

Defense appropriations subcommittee led by Inouye increases war funding 20%

As reported in the Washington Post, Senator Inouye pushed for more funding for C-17s: In a separate action Wednesday, the subcommittee joined the House in adding funds to the appropriations bill to purchase an additional 10 C-17 transport airplanes. The Obama administration has said it does not need the planes. “We expect that in re-examining… Read more »

Big U.S. Bases Are Part of Iraq, but a World Apart

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/09/world/middleeast/09bases.html?_r=2&ref=middleeast Big U.S. Bases Are Part of Iraq, but a World Apart Johan Spanner for The New York Times. At the Subway at Joint Base Balad, workers from India and Bangladesh make sandwiches for American soldiers. MARC SANTORA Published: September 8, 2009 JOINT BASE BALAD, Iraq – It takes the masseuse, Mila from Kyrgyzstan,… Read more »

Micronesians fight for health care

Micro-managing Pacific immigrants face a death panel of their own. by Alan D. McNarie Sep 2, 2009 Retired cook Calvin Nelson says that when he came to Hawaii from Kwajalein after the United States had seized his home for a new missile range, he was told, “everything will be covered.” But 20 years later, he… Read more »

‘Hey, can you move the birds?’

Marines drive amphibious assault vehicles through Nu’upia pond, a wetland and Hawaiian fishpond, to help create bird habitat?    “It’s better than a monster-truck rally.” >><< Posted on: Monday, January 13, 2003 Mud-churning Marines help birds By William Cole Advertiser Military Writer KANE’OHE BAY – Back in the late 1970s, the Marines used to drive their… Read more »

American Militarism on Steroids

http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/175110/william_astore_american_militarism_on_steroids posted September 03, 2009 10:48 am Tomgram: William Astore, American Militarism on Steroids Here’s what Cheryl Bartholomew, described as an “Omaha Early Childhood Parenting Examiner,” wrote recently about an event happening at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska, for the local affiliate of the national web portal Examiner.com: “The Offutt Air Show, Defenders… Read more »

Fallout from nuclear tests leads to health crisis

Sep. 6, 2009 4:33 PM EDT Fallout from nuclear tests leads to health crisis MARK NIESSE Associated Press Writer HONOLULU (AP) – Pius Henry fears his adopted government will kill him, that the United States won’t live up to a health care obligation to people from Pacific islands where it tested nuclear bombs. Henry, a… Read more »