Hawaiʻi Supreme Court Invalidates Electoral Reaportionment Plan

Big Island Video News reports: After a day of oral arguments, the Hawaii Supreme Court has found the 2011 Final Reapportionment Plan to be constitutionally invalid. The Order Granting Petition for Writ of Mandamus and Judicial Review states: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the petition for a writ of mandamus and judicial review is granted…. Read more »

8 U.S. soldiers charged in death of comrade in Afghanistan

The Washington Post reported that eight U.S. soldiers have been charged with crimes related to the October 3 death of a fellow soldier who apparently committed suicide.  This is the second Asian American military personnel in recent months who allegedly committed suicide after abusive treatment by fellow GIs.  It appears that there were racial elements… Read more »

The Secret Life (and death) of Drones

The Washington Post published an interesting article on the intense secrecy surrounding the U.S. drone wars around the world: Since September, at least 60 people have died in 14 reported CIA drone strikes in Pakistan’s tribal regions. The Obama administration has named only one of the dead, hailing the elimination of Janbaz Zadran, a top… Read more »

Craig Santos Perez: Our sea of voices

Craig Santos Perez wrote another beautiful letter to the editor about the “giant fish” eating Guahan / Guam.   I like how he is reclaiming the letter to the editor as a powerful literary form: WHEN the giant fish began eating the middle of Guåhan, our ancestors did not receive an environmental impact statement (EIS)… Read more »

How the military contributes to Hawai’i’s high cost of housing

Despite the best efforts of City officials to sweep the homeless out of sight, the APEC summit in Honolulu in November shined a spotlight on Hawai’i’s cruel inequalities and vast homelessness problem.  A recent Honolulu Star Advertiser article gives one of the main reasons for it:  Honolulu has some of the highest housing costs in… Read more »

“We Are the Many – Across the Pacific Blue Continent”

Listen to a podcast of the “Blue Pacific Continent” forum that was held in Guam on November 30, 2011 via Beyond The Fence, a program of Public Radia Guam- KPRG 89.3 FM: I invite you to tune in to Beyond the Fence which airs every Friday at noon on Public Radio Guam-KPRG 89.3 FM, immediately following Democracy Now…. Read more »

Members of U.S. Congress question costs of military realignment on Okinawa and Guam

The Ryukyu Shimpo reports: Barney Frank, a leading Democratic Congressman was quoted in the U.S. magazine “Foreign Affairs” (December issue) as saying, “I do think we could remove the Marines from Okinawa; whose only purpose has been to destabilize Japanese politics, so when the first alternative government to the conservative regime got elected, we caused… Read more »

Military Predator Drone used for local policing

In this LA Times story, we see another example of the militarization of our society.  In what appears to be a clear violation of the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits the deployment of the military for domestic policing, Predator drones from a military base are being used by the police in North Dakota for surveillance… Read more »

Nevermind Iran: U.S. Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons Violate International Law

In “Gingrich, The Times & Doomsday,”  Conn Hallinan turns Newt Gingrichʻs obsession with a hypothetical Iranian electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon back on the United Statesʻ own EMP weapon program.  He writes: In a recent New York Times article the newspaper’s senior science writer, William J. Broad, takes a dig at Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich’s… Read more »