Protests to mark 50th anniversary of Hawai’i statehood

Updated at 8:59 a.m., Thursday, August 20, 2009 Protests planned when Hawaii marks 50th anniversary with festivities By MARK NIESSE Associated Press HONOLULU – Protesters will march the streets and Hawaiian chants will echo from the sprawling lawn of Iolani Palace on Hawaii’s 50th anniversary of statehood, as high-minded panelists ponder the Islands’ future at… Read more »

September 11, Town Hall Meeting

Town Hall Meeting Friday, September 11 Center for Hawaiian Studies 6-7pm: tables & social hour; 7-9 Town Hall Meeting Featured guest speaker: Larry Everest, author of “Oil, Power & Empire”; independent journalist on Middle East affairs; frequent appearances on radio and TV (including Democracy Now); contributor to Revolution Newspaper for 30 years. Organized by World… Read more »

Poetry at Revolution Books

Revolution Books sponsors An Afternoon of Poetry with Darron Cambra, Tui Scanlan & Danny Sherrard Sunday, August 30, 3pm All three were on the Hawai`i slam team that went to Nationals. Each has their own CD or book of poetry. Join us in welcoming them to Revolution Books!

“Freedom would not have been possible without slavery”

Mana Caceres best pointed out the contradictions expressed in the article on an email listserve: quote:  “Sovereignty would not be possible without statehood, said retired 2nd Circuit Judge and Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee Boyd Mossman.” Makes just as much sense as this:  “Freedom would not have been possible without slavery.” stupid…… >><< The effects… Read more »

“OOF!” is what America did to Hawai’i

The Seattle Times ran an interview with Geologic of the Blue Scholars hip hop group.  Geo grew up in Hawai’i and was inspired by recent visits to write new songs about Hawai’i. The product is a new EP entitled “OOF!”.    Here’s an excerpt from the interview. I don’t understand the title of “OOF!” We… Read more »

New Informational Website on U.S. Military Violence Against Women

Announcing A New Informational Website on U.S. Military Violence Against Women Providing information, analysis, and news about the history of U.S. military violence against girls and women in Okinawa and Japan, and in numerous other locations around the world. Other related concerns include: * Sexual assault and violence against women within the U.S. armed… Read more »

“They survived the combat, came back and – within two months – died on a motorcycle”

The Army is training soldiers in motorcycle safety to curb the high number of cycle fatalities that have occurred since 2005.  An Army spokesperson said that “motorcycles are a great tool to release adrenaline” and that one possible reason for the fatalities is the “aggressive soldier mind-set”.    First of all, motor vehicles shouldn’t be tools… Read more »

Hired killers

How is this different from organized crime hiring hit men?  Well, if you consider the famous quote by  Gen. Smedley Butler in 1933 – “I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism…During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that… Read more »

CIA hired Blackwater mercenaries to assassinate Al Qaeda operatives

August 20, 2009 C.I.A. Sought Blackwater’s Help in Plan to Kill Jihadists By MARK MAZZETTI WASHINGTON – The Central Intelligence Agency in 2004 hired outside contractors from the private security contractor Blackwater USA as part of a secret program to locate and assassinate top operatives of Al Qaeda, according to current and former government officials…. Read more »