Ex-Navy officer gets year for videotaping stepdaughters undressing

Updated at 12:28 p.m., Tuesday, August 18, 2009 Retired Navy officer gets year for videotaping stepdaughters while they were undressing Advertiser Staff A retired Navy officer was sentenced to a year in jail this morning for secretly videotaping his stepdaughters while they were undressing. Robert T. Franks, 49, pleaded guilty to the charge earlier this… Read more »

Marines: Stranded concert goers “should have planned their day” better

Posted on: Monday, August 17, 2009 Band’s fans stalled on H-3 Some never made it to Black Eyed Peas concert at Kane’ohe Marine base By John Windrow Advertiser Staff Writer People who waited for hours on H-3 Freeway only to miss Saturday night’s Black Eyed Peas concert at Marine Corps Base Kane’ohe’s BayFest should have… Read more »

Nuclear Regulatory Commission public meetings on Depleted Uranium in Hawai’i

NRC public meetings on Army’s DU permit application August 24th, 1:00 pm Hawaii Army National Guard’s Wahiawa Armory 487 FA, at 77-230 Kamehameha Highway in Mililani August 25th, 6 – 8:30 pm Wahiawa District Park – Hale Koa Nutrition Site, 1139 Kilani Ave., in Wahiawa August 26th, 6 – 8:30 p.m. King Kamehameha Kona Beach… Read more »

Guam Resists Military Colonization

Published on Monday, August 17, 2009 by CommonDreams.org http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/08/17-6 Guam Resists Military Colonization Having No Say When Washington Tries to Increase your Population by 25% by Ann Wright The United States and the Chinese governments have some remarkable similarities when it comes to colonization. The Chinese government has sent a huge Han population to inhabit… Read more »

Pearl Harbor, Part II?

Good analysis of the North Korea crisis. Pearl Harbor, Part II? by JOHN FEFFER | Tuesday, June 23, 2009 The war in Afghanistan is ugly. The conflict in Iraq is still seething. The prospect of Pakistan’s collapse is terrifying. But the real nightmare scenario, or so the media headlines suggest, involves North Korea. Its leader… Read more »

Aid sought for ‘Atomic Vets’

Source: http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/20090817/NEWS01/908170340/0/NEWS01/Aid-sought-for–Atomic-Vets- Posted on: Monday, August 17, 2009 Aid sought for ‘Atomic Vets’ Bill would facilitate care for U.S. veterans exposed to radiation By John Yaukey Advertiser Washington Bureau WASHINGTON – Charles Clark knew something was wrong when he started losing his teeth at age 37. “They just fell out – no blood,” the Hawai’i… Read more »

With jobs harder to find, work gets easier for Army recruiters

August 12th, 2009 6:36 pm With jobs harder to find, work gets easier for Army recruiters Traditionally the Army has attracted the young. But as the number of jobs dwindles across the country, more Americans are enlisting later in life, drawn by the promise of steady work and benefits. By Alexandra Zavis / Los Angeles… Read more »

China warns against missile defence systems

China warns against missile defence systems AFP Wed Aug 12, 7:34 am ET GENEVA (AFP) – China’s foreign minister warned on Wednesday that there was a “looming danger” of an arms race in outer space, as he urged countries not to deploy missile defence systems that could undermine global security. “The practice of seeking absolute… Read more »

Study seeks clues to soldier suicides

The military is trying to find the cause of suicide in soldiers’ genes or psychological profiles?  Why isn’t the military looking at the insanity of militarism and war itself. I spent two hours last night talking with a vet who was harassed, isolated and tormented by his chain of command in Iraq to the point… Read more »