Hawaiian sovereignty reawakened

Posted on: Sunday, August 9, 2009 Pride in Hawaiian culture reawakened Seeds of sovereignty movement sown during 1960s-70s renaissance By Michael Tsai For five electric days in 1993, tens of thousands of Native Hawaiians and others sympathetic to Native Hawaiian causes marked the 100th anniversary of the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy with a series… Read more »

Hawaiian movement leaders reject statehood

Posted on: Monday, August 10, 2009 Some Hawaiian activists reject statehood, saying it’s a ‘crime’ Activists point to illegal acts, starting with the overthrow By Michael Tsai Advertiser Staff Writer In 1959, what opposition there was to Hawai’i statehood was based on a variety of factors, from fears that communists had infiltrated the territory’s labor… Read more »

Statehood traumatic for Kanaka Maoli

August 9, 2009 Hawaii’s move into statehood traumatic for many Hawaiians Illegal overthrow still stung for many Native Hawaiians By Michael Tsai Advertiser Staff Writer Manny Fernandez was in Fort Bliss, Texas, when he and his fellow National Guard officers from back home heard the news that Hawai’i had officially joined the United States. “We… Read more »

Nagasaki mayor calls for nuclear abolition

AFSC Hawai’i and ‘Ohana Koa / Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific attended the Hiroshima atomic bombing commemoration in Honolulu on August 6th. The event featured Mayor Mufi Hanneman, representatives of different religious denominations, representatives from Hiroshima and an Hibakusha (nuclear survivor).  The speeches talked of the horror of the atomic bombing and celebrated peace and… Read more »

A $191 Million Question

Army official meets pretty private contractor at a conference in Hawai’i. They become intimate friends.  Confidential Army information is shared with the contractor. Her company wins a big contract. Whistleblower triggers and investigation, but nothing happens.  Whistleblower gets investigated and run out of town.  This story bears a striking resemblance to the Project Kai e’e/… Read more »

Hawai’i State Historic Preservation Division under investigation

Hopefully this investigation will shine a light on the pattern of neglect at the agency responsible for protecting Hawai’i’s precious cultural resources.  The tragedy stretches from the state’s collusion with developers in the desecration of a Hawaiian cemetery in Naue, to the destruction of Hawea Heiau and the desecration of burials at the Walmart and… Read more »

New Battle on Vieques

New Battle on Vieques, Over Navy’s Cleanup of Munitions By MIREYA NAVARRO Published: August 6, 2009 VIEQUES, P.R. – The United States Navy ceased military training operations on this small island in 2003, and windows no longer rattle from the shelling from ships and air-to-ground bombings. Gone are the protests that drew celebrities like Benicio… Read more »

Blue Scholars new EP, free download of “HI-808” track

BLUE SCHOLARS To Release OOF! EP, tour Hawaii Offer Free Download of their “HI-808” Track http://bluescholars.com/blog/releases/oof-ep/ Everybody loves Hawaii. Few know better than Blue Scholars’ MC Geologic, having grown up in Honolulu in the 1980’s and returning with the Scholars’ dj/ producer Sabzi last year to rock a sold-out homecoming show at Next Door. Love… Read more »

Wired on HAARP

This is an interesting description of the controversial HAARP program in Alaska.  What struck me was the similarities to the issues we face in Hawai’i such as the UARC, missile defense and network centric warfare at PMRF, and the astronomy assault on Mauna Kea and Haleakala:  high tech research that utilizes the military as the… Read more »

New policy will shield students from some unwanted military recruiter contact

Good news! The State of Hawai’i Department of Education confirmed that starting this year all public schools in Hawai’i that choose to offer the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), the military-sponsored career aptitude test, must designate “Option 8” on the test that no student information or test results will be released to military recruiters. … Read more »