U.S. sailor gets life sentence for murdering a Japanese taxi driver

Last year, I visited the site where the U.S. sailor stationed at Yokosuka Naval Base stabbed the Japanese taxi driver to death.  We placed flowers at a makeshift shrine. >><< Sailor gets life sentence in Japanese taxi driver’s death By Erik Slavin, Stars and Stripes Stars and Stripes online edition, Thursday, July 30, 2009 YOKOHAMA,… Read more »

Declassified Docs Reveal Military Operative Spied on WA Peace Groups

Democracy Now! Broadcast Exclusive: Declassified Docs Reveal Military Operative Spied on WA Peace Groups, Activist Friends Stunned Newly declassified documents reveal that an active member of Students for a Democratic Society and Port Militarization Resistance in Washington state was actually an informant for the US military. The man everyone knew as “John Jacob” was in… Read more »

Chamoru Nation

Michael Bevacqua, Chamoru activist and artist is the guest on Making Waves. He discusses the legacy of colonization and militarization in Guam and the Chamoru resistance.   Terri Keko’olani hosts. http://olelo.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=23&clip_id=7014&publish_id=&event_id=

U.S. Military Plans to Use Three Bases in Colombia

Tensions Rise in Latin America over US Military Plan to Use Three Bases in Colombia The Colombian government has agreed to grant US forces the use of three Colombian military bases for South American anti-drug operations. The move has heightened tensions between Colombia, the largest recipient of US military aid in the Americas, and its… Read more »

This is Where We Take Our Stand

Check out the documentary series “This is Where We Take Our Stand” by Displace Films, featuring the Iraq Veterans Against the War Winter Soldier Hearings.   There are two episodes now up on the site.  The first is entitled “For Those Who Would Judge Me”: Here’s an excerpt from the site: Where’s the debate? Are we… Read more »

Military households use 1.7 times the electricty as off-base housing?

This news story from KHON talks about new renewable energy projects being developed and tested on Hawai’i’s military bases.  This is good and all, but it begs the question why aren’t these programs available to the rest of Hawai’i’s residents?  The other interesting tidbit is that military households use on the average 1.7 times more… Read more »

Sign the petition to oppose U.S. assistance to Indonesian special forces

Hawai’i is one of the places implicated deeply with the abuses of the Indonesian military.  Indonesia’s human rights abuses were so bad that Congress banned all military aid to Indonesia.  After the 9/11 attacks, Senator Inouye openned the door to renewed military aid, adding a clause to a Defense bill that would allow the U.S…. Read more »

Prototype mini-sub shelved

Posted on: Saturday, July 25, 2009 Prototype mini-sub shelved Repairing fire damage would cost more than entire program’s budget By William Cole Advertiser Military Writer A one-of-a-kind SEAL mini-sub based at Pearl City Peninsula that has been plagued by years of development problems and cost overruns won’t be repaired after a November fire because the… Read more »