Defense authorization bill resurrects missile defense field at Fort Greely

Looks like Senator Begich (D-AK), who defeated the disgraced Stevens, is following in his predecessor’s footsteps, wrangling military pork to his state when the administration is trying to cut back the missile defense program.  The article also mentions Sen. Inouye’s influence.  Inouye’s support of missile defense led to the wasteful and dangerously provocative deployment of… Read more »

Abercrombie Amendment may block Futenma relocation

This is very interesting that Abercrombie is proposing an amendment that may block the relocation of the Futenma military base from Ginowan to Henoko.   I question whether he is doing this to support the people of Henoko, or if he is seeking to have a marine air facility to Hawai’i. U.S. move may lead to… Read more »

Maritime Administration to repossess Hawai’i Superferry

Government to repossess Hawaii Superferry boats built at Austal Wednesday, June 24, 2009 By KAIJA WILKINSON Business Reporter The U.S. Maritime Administration says that it plans to repossess and sell a pair of fast ferries built at Austal USA for Hawaii Superferry Inc. Hawaii Superferry owes $136.8 million to the agency – commonly known as… Read more »

Haleakala telescope offers no direct benefits, desecrates a sacred place

VIEWPOINT: Haleakala telescope offers no direct benefits, desecrates a sacred place By KIOPE RAYMOND POSTED: June 21, 2009 The summit area of Haleakala does not have a comprehensive, community-driven, scientifically based and culturally appropriate management plan. A partial list of Haleakala summit users would include 1.7 million annual visitors to Haleakala National Park; National… Read more »

“Hawai’i is a pawn in a chess game”

June 23, 2009 Hawaiians Shrug Off Missile Threat By RANDAL C. ARCHIBOLD HONOLULU – Hawaii has long lived with the threat of wipeout, whether by tsunami, volcano or foreign invader. Now the Obama administration says North Korea could launch a ballistic missile in the state’s direction – possibly around the Fourth of July, according to… Read more »

Dahr Jamail: Destroying Indigenous Populations

Truthout Original Destroying Indigenous Populations Saturday 20 June 2009 by: Dahr Jamail, t r u t h o u t | Perspective The Fort Laramie Treaty once guaranteed the Sioux Nation the right to a large area of their original land, which spanned several states and included their sacred Black Hills, where they were to… Read more »

Construction halted to protect Hawaiian temple

…And back to a local fight where a developer apparently began clearing an area without proper permits damaging Hawea heiau, one of the few remaining Hawaiian temple sites in East Honolulu.  It appears that the community won a small reprieve with the City stopping construction.  But the more troubling question is “Where was the State… Read more »

Indigenous peoples of Peru win a historic victory

This is a win for the indigenous peoples of  Peru, and for all indigenous peoples!  Apologies for posting something ‘off-topic’ from demilitarization. However, consider this passage from Thomas Friedman’s ode to globalization, The Lexus and the Olive Tree (1999): The hidden hand of the market can never work without the hidden fist – McDonald’s cannot… Read more »

U.S. fortifies Hawaii to meet threat from N. Korea? What about threat from U.S.?

JUNE 19, 2009 U.S. Fortifies Hawaii to Meet Threat From Korea By YOCHI J. DREAZEN WASHINGTON — The U.S. is moving ground-to-air missile defenses to Hawaii as tensions escalate between Washington and Pyongyang over North Korea’s recent moves to restart its nuclear-weapon program and resume test-firing long-range missiles. In anticipation of a North Korean missile… Read more »

More hysteria about North Korea

This is just a commercial for Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and the rest of the military contractors at the trough… Line of defense Pacific forces are ready to react should North Korea fire a missile By Gregg K. Kakesako POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Jun 19, 2009 Hawaii’s Pacific Command, closely monitoring events in North Korea,… Read more »