I ka wā ma mua, ka wā ma hope: Exploring Pearl Harbor’s present pasts

Here’s an article I wrote for the Hawaii Independent reflecting on a recent school excursion to Ke Awalau o Pu’uloa / Pearl Harbor, and contemporary meanings of Pearl Harbor as national myth: I ka wā ma mua, ka wā ma hope: Exploring Pearl Harbor’s present pasts By Kyle Kajihiro HONOLULU—On the eve of the 70th… Read more »

Send in the Choppers?

Here’s a report from recent hearings for proposed Marine Corps helicopter expansion plans that were held on Hawai’i island: http://bigislandweekly.com/news/send-in-the-choppers.html Send in the Choppers? Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 Marines unveil EIS for more helicopters here. By Alan D. McNarie The Marines were back in town last week, holding meetings in Waimea and Hilo to get… Read more »

The winds of trade

UHM prof, Craig Santos Perez wrote this powerful letter to the editor of the Marianas Variety. Also see Craig’s poem at the Moana Nui conference: The winds of trade Thursday, 08 December 2011 00:16 Letter to the Editor THE northeast trade winds brought Magellan to Guåhan on his quest to trade with China (for silk,… Read more »

Michael Klare: Playing With Fire – Obama’s Risky Oil Threat to China

When President Obama announced his strategic ‘pivot’ to the Asia Pacific region, most understood that it was primarily aimed at bolstering the U.S. economy and containing China. However, in Playing with Fire: Obama’s Risky Oil Threat to China, Michael Klare provides crucial analysis of the shifting “energy equation” for China and the U.S. It explains… Read more »

The Militarization of Police

The recent APEC summit in Honolulu brought an unprecedented level of security which locked down entire parts of the city.  For the first time since the martial law years of World War II, we saw military patrolling and securing areas of Waikiki. The police also loaded up on military style weapons, which raised concerns about… Read more »

Senate votes to authorize indefinite detention of U.S. citizens

Last week, the U.S. Senate voted to authorize the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens accused of supporting terrorism without due process.  Please take action to demand that President Obama veto this dangerous bill! Coleen Rowley, a former FBI Special Agent wrote in the Huffington Post: The political, military industrial, corporate class in Washington DC continues… Read more »

S. Korea to build barracks on island near north border for U.S. troops

Stars and Stripes reports: South Korea plans to build accommodations for U.S. servicemembers on one of the Yellow Sea islands near the disputed maritime border it shares with North Korea, but officials from both countries insist there are no plans to permanently station Americans there. “The Republic of Korea is building a transient barracks for… Read more »

U.S. stealth drone downed in Iran – what was its mission?

The Washington Post reports that a stealth RQ-170 drone was downed in Iran.  Iran claims that it shot down the aircraft, but the U.S. denies that the drone was brought down by hostile fire: A secret U.S. surveillance drone that went missing last week in western Afghanistan appears to have crashed in Iran, in what… Read more »

Save Jeju Island 생명평화 강정마을 Dec. 3: The 6th citizens’ nationwide action to revoke the Jeju naval base

Save Jeju Island 생명평화 강정마을 Dec. 3: The 6th citizens’ nationwide action to revoke the Jeju naval base On Dec. 3, people nationwide gather to the Gangjeong village for the public culture festival for peace. The main issue of the event is: SAVE THE GUREOMBI! Event title: Toward Peace with Hope! Now it is the… Read more »

‘Rape’ remark by Japan Defense Ministry official may be final nail in the coffin of Futenma base relocation plan

The statement by Japanese Defense Ministry official  in Okinawa comparing the base relocation plan to ‘rape’, only the latest outrage over the proposed relocation of the Futenma military base to Henoko, is causing a political storm that, as the Asahi Shimbun opined, “could spell end to (the) Futenma plan”: Discussing the relocation of the U.S…. Read more »