Filipinas protest US soldier rape acquittal

Transcript of video news story follows. April 25, 2009 Filipinas protest US soldier rape acquittal Philippines protests and calls to end US Visiting Forces Agreement in response to appeals court decision Transcript (VOICEOVER): A Philippine appeals court overturned the 2006 rape conviction of a US marine and ordered his immediate release on Thursday, setting off… Read more »

Frank Rich: The Banality of Bush White House Evil

New York Times Op-Ed Columnist The Banality of Bush White House Evil By FRANK RICH Published: April 25, 2009 WE don’t like our evil to be banal. Ten years after Columbine, it only now may be sinking in that the psychopathic killers were not jock-hating dorks from a “Trench Coat Mafia,” or, as ABC News… Read more »

Landlord sues Superferry over rent

Looks like the Hawai’i Superferry skipped town without paying rent for its harbor facilities.   Their landlord is suing them. Brad Parsons, a blogger who has closely tracked and analyzed the Superferry fiasco had this to write: Saturday, April 25, 2009 They’re not comin’ back? Well, this is interesting. The first shoe drops. How about the… Read more »

Report from Seoul conference of the Global Network

Here is a report by Bruce Gagnon from the 17th annual Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space conference in Seoul, South Korea.  Katy Rose from Kaua’i was the representative from DMZ-Hawai’i / Aloha ‘Aina and AFSC Hawai’i.  It sounded like an amazing conference.  The highlight for Katy was the visit Mugeon-ri, a… Read more »

Marine acquitted of rape – It was “a spontaneous, unplanned romantic episode” CA: Smith not guilty of rape All-women court: Twas a romantic episode By Dona Pazzibugan Philippine Daily Inquirer Posted date: April 24, 2009 MANILA, Philippines-It wasn’t rape, but a spontaneous, unplanned romantic episode stirred by alcoholic drinks. This was the ruling of an all-female division of the Court of Appeals acquitting Lance Cpl. Daniel… Read more »

Vicenza Councilwoman testifies in Congress against US military base

Citizens from Vicenza, Italy, opposed to a new U.S. military base testify before Congress FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 22, 2009 CONTACT: Stephanie Westbrook, 202 320 0752 WHAT: Vicenza City Councilwoman testifies before Congress on behalf of Italian citizens opposed to a new U.S. military base in Vicenza, Italy WHEN: 10 am, April 23, 2009 WHERE:… Read more »

“Kualaka’i” or “Fort Barrette Road”? The colonial violence of naming

Veteran and military historical groups are fighting to retain the military name for the ancient Kualaka’i trail.  Another struggle for domination of the symbolic landscape and an example of the colonial violence of naming… Posted on: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Fort Barrette Road’s name becoming a heated issue By William Cole Advertiser Military Writer KAPOLEI… Read more »

Gun sales “blazing” in Hawai’i

The fear of social and economic unrest and crime is driving up gun sales… Gun sales on Oahu blazing By Leila Fujimori POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Apr 22, 2009 First-time gun buyer Anthony Escasa obtained his permit to purchase a PS-90, describing it as a compact, futuristic-looking, semiautomatic weapon used by SWAT teams. Escasa was… Read more »

Superferry vs. Pirates?

Mahalo to Mike Reitz for pointing out that this story of pirates is very deceiving and may be partially about hyping a threat in order to secure funding for the expensive Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), a prototype of which was made by Austal Corporation, the same company that made the Hawai’i Superferry and its soon… Read more »

Statement of International Conference against the Asia Pacific Missile Defense and for the End of the Arms Race

Statement of International Conference against the Asia Pacific Missile Defense and for the End of the Arms Race Seoul, South Korea April 17, 2009 Here we have come together, facing a new decade in the 21st century where the history of war and strife is being repeated. We are witnessing many countries and regions, having… Read more »