Superferry may seek to lease ship to the military

Superferry’s President addresses the future of the Alakai Posted: March 19, 2009 06:00 PM By Mari-Ela David HONOLULU (KHNL) – What’s next for the Hawaii Superferry? President and CEO Tom Fargo says it doesn’t look like there’s a short-term solution, but says he intends to keep the Alakai in Hawaii. As the Superferry sails away… Read more »

Support the Military Environmental Responsibility Act

This appeal came from Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger, a member of the Military Toxics Project. A similar bill was initially introduced 10 years ago, but the hostile climate during the Bush Administration made prospects for its passage dim.   It attempts to hold the military accountable to the same environmental laws everyone else must… Read more »

New EPA Toxic Inventory Report released – Military sites are the four biggest lead polluters

The U.S. EPA releases its latest Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) today for the year 2007.   Toxic chemical releases in Hawai’i totaled 3 million pounds, a less than one percent increase from the previous year according to the EPA press release. The EPA press release states: The data comes from the EPA’s Toxics Release Inventory, commonly… Read more »

Hawaiians protest statehood

Posted: Thursday, March 19th, 2009 4:42 AM HST Native Hawaiians protest statehood By Associated Press HONOLULU (AP) – Those seeking the restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom are protesting the 50th anniversary of Hawaii’s statehood. Members of the Hawaiian Independence Action Alliance chanted and marched to the state Capitol yesterday. They wore shirts that spelled out… Read more »

U.S. military considering return to Vieques U.S. military considering return to Vieques By CB Online Staff Testimony at U.S. Senate committee hearing signals interest by military to return to island municipality in a limited capacity. SAN JUAN (AP)_ Six years after protesters were able to get the U.S. Navy out of Vieques, military authorities are considering a return to the… Read more »

Superferry looking for new work – Strykerferry anyone?

March 19, 2009 Hawaii Superferry seeking new work for Alakai Advertiser Staff Hawaii Superferry will search for options to lease out the Alakai after a state Supreme Court ruling on Monday found that the law which allowed the catamaran to operate during an environmental review was unconstitutional, Superferry president and chief executive officer Thomas Fargo… Read more »

Army had more gang-related incidents in Hawai’i than anywhere else

Ian Lind found an interesting source of information about gang related activity in Hawai’i.  He noted “the U.S. Army had more gang-related incidents in Hawaii during 2004-2005 than in any other part of the world.” Here is the full Army report on gang-related activity. Here’s Ian Lind’s post: Wednesday…Army reports describe gang-related incidents at Schofield… Read more »

Military ignored conditions set by state regulators on undersea warfare exercises

The Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) established a regulatory regime to create more consistency in regulating coastal resources, by delegating certain regulatory powers to approved state CZM agencies. This means that on matters of Coastal Zone Management, the federal government should be in accordance with the regulatory guidelines set by the Hawai’i CZM agency. However,… Read more »

UH makes moves to seize control of Mauna Kea

The University of Hawai’i (UH) is responsible for the illegal, haphazard and destructive overdevelopment of Mauna Kea, one of the most sacred sites for Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians).  But UH has always been the tenant of the mountain, which gave some degree of independent oversight by a separate state agency.  Kanaka Maoli have successfully fought… Read more »

Military ground-based missile defense shot down test missile

US intercepts ballistic missile in Hawaii test By AUDREY McAVOY Associated Press March 17, 2009 HONOLULU – The military’s ground-based mobile missile defense system successfully shot down a medium-range ballistic missile during a test in Hawaii, the Missile Defense Agency said Tuesday. It was the first time the military fired two interceptors at one target… Read more »