Navy wants the two Hawaii Superferries

When the community rallied to oppose the fast-track of the Hawaii Superferry back in 2007, we began to raise concerns about the military interests driving the venture.  Corporate and public officials dismissed the concerns as paranoid rantings.   But diligent research by Lance Holter and others surfaced many connections between the Hawaii Superferry prototype and… Read more »

Call for solidarity to save Takae forest in Okinawa!

The Okinawa Outreach blog posted news and an action alert about an escalating situation in Takae in Northern Okinawa.  The U.S. military uses the area as a jungle warfare training area and is attempting to expand the base, including construction of a new helipad.  The local residents have been blocking construction and holding vigil.  The… Read more »

APEC “Hawaii’s biggest media event since Pearl Harbor”?

Calling APEC  “a game changer for Hawaii,” (11/19/2011) Honolulu City Council member Stanley Chang gushed that “This was Hawaii’s biggest media event since Pearl Harbor.”   And to him, “good press” included headlines like “Leaders’ close call with grass skirts and coconut bras.”  Or APEC agent Christopher Deedy fatally shooting local Kollin Elderts in a 3… Read more »

Occupy APEC with Aloha

Christine Ahn wrote an brilliant article in FPIF on the Moana Nui conference and peoples’ resistance to the APEC neoliberal – militarization agenda.   I quote liberally from the article below.  You should read the full article here. “The time has come for us to voice our rage,” the Hawaiian artist Makana sang as he gently… Read more »

Army tests hypersonic weapon from Kaua’i

When the Navy did its environmental impact statement (EIS) for the expansion of its Hawaiian Range Complex, “air-breathing hypersonic vehicles” were listed as one of the items to be tested there. However, there were no details about the nature of the tests in the report.  The Navy officials at the time said that the technology… Read more »

America’s Pacific Century?

Mahalo to Noelani Arista for pointing out this article by Tina Gerhardt, “America’s Pacific Century?”, which explains many of the trade issues surrounding the APEC, Trans-Pacific Partnership and related trade agreements in the Asia Pacific region.  It gives a good explanation of the impacts of the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement: A Harbinger of Things to… Read more »

U.S. pivot to Asia makes China nervous

The Washington Postpublished an informative article on China’s reaction to President Obama’s “pivot” toward Asia: With the Obama administration’s high-profile pivot toward Asia this week — pushing for a new free-trade agreement with at least eight other countries and securing military basing rights in Australia — China is feeling at once isolated, criticized, encircled and… Read more »

Teaching Children War

Jon Letman describes how militarism has seeped into our society and culture, event the “Scholastic News” that his second grade son brings home from school.  He asks profound questions about how our society has become so militarized and what it means for our future. With teaching materials like this, is it any wonder the U.S…. Read more »

Skies above Marine base expected to grow busier

The Honolulu Star Advertiser reports that the proposed expansion of Marine Corps aviation activities in the Marine Corps Base Hawaii Kaneohe Bay will increase by 49%.   Ko’olaupoko residents have an opportunity to speak out against this plan! Skies above Marine base expected to grow busier By William Cole POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Nov 16,… Read more »

Pearl Harbor-Hickam Restoration Advisory Board (RAB)

The Pearl Harbor-Hickam Restoration Advisory Board will meet tomorrow at 7:00 pm at the ‘Aiea Library.   The Pearl Harbor Sediment Draft Feasibility Study should be of interest to many. It will deal with proposals for cleaning up the contamination in the sediment of Ke Awalau o Pu’uloa, which is substantial.  Here’s the invitation.  The meetings… Read more »