The Murder of Military Women Continues

This is an important article by Hawai’i’s own Ann Wright.  The violence against women in the military and in military households is epidemic and shocking in its brutality.  Are military and public officials asking themselves why? Published on Monday, October 6, 2008 by ‘My Daughter’s Dream Became a Nightmare’: The Murder of Military Women… Read more »

Military seeks input on Hawaiian matters

November 16, 2008 Military seeks input on Hawaiian matters Meetings set for draft consultation plan on 4 islands this week Advertiser Staff Meetings are scheduled to begin this week across the state to seek comment from the Hawaiian community on the draft U.S. Department of Defense Hawaiian Consultation Protocol. When finalized, this draft document will… Read more »

More of the same with Inouye as Appropriations Chair

November 22, 2008 Critics fault Inouye’s stay-the-course approach By DENNIS CAMIRE Advertiser Washington Bureau WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Inouye, the incoming chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, doesn’t plan to make any major changes in its operations, quashing hopes of watchdog groups seeking more openness in the way tax dollars are spent. Two… Read more »

Nuclear survivors of Rongelap Weekend Edition November 21 / 23, 2008 The Voices of Rongelap Cautionary Tales From a Nuclear War Zone By BARBARA ROSE JOHNSTON and HOLLY M. BARKER John Anjain, Alab of Rongelap, Marshall Islands: Early in the morning of March 1, 1954, sometime around five or six o’clock, American planes dropped a hydrogen bomb on… Read more »

Japanese missile defense test fails off Hawaii

Reuters, Thursday November 20 2008 (Recasts, official blames Raytheon missile glitch) By Jim Wolf WASHINGTON, Nov 19 (Reuters) – A Japanese naval destroyer failed to shoot down a ballistic missile target on Wednesday because of a glitch in the final stage of an interceptor missile made by Raytheon Co, a U.S. military official said. The… Read more »

Missile test off Kaua’i fails at the ‘very end’

November 20, 2008 By William Cole Advertiser Military Writer A missile fired by the Japanese destroyer Chokai yesterday failed to intercept a ballistic missile target off Kaua’i in a second test of Japan’s ship-based Aegis ballistic missile defense system. The $55 million exercise paid for by Japan was intended to knock down a simulated ballistic… Read more »

Henry A. Giroux | Against the Militarized Academy Against the Militarized Academy Thursday 20 November 2008 by: Henry A. Giroux, t r u t h o u t | Perspective Defense Secretary Robert Gates has announced an effort to increase the militarization of higher education. While there is an ongoing discussion about what shape the military-industrial complex will take under an Obama… Read more »

Army settles Hawaii culture lawsuit

The Associated Press Posted : Tuesday Nov 18, 2008 6:09:54 EST HONOLULU — The Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Army announced Monday that they have settled an OHA lawsuit filed in 2006 over the establishment of a Stryker brigade and its impact on Native Hawaiian cultural resources. OHA representatives and a neutral archaeologist accompanied… Read more »

Mauna Kea plan blasted

The University of Hawai’i (UH) has overdeveloped Mauna Kea in violation of previous management plans and Kanaka Maoli religious beliefs.  Now it seeks to build the Pan-STARRS, an Air Force telescope, and a giant Thirty Meter Telescope.  Furthermore, UH is seeking to become the managing entity for Mauna Kea, which would be the proverbial fox… Read more »

DoD wants to limit the number of Kanaka Maoli groups it consult with

The Department of Defense has been meeting with Kanaka Maoli organizations over several years to develop a protocol for handling cultural issues that impact Kanaka Maoli.   This is really a process to LIMIT Kanaka Maoli input into military decision making by designating “legitimate” Kanaka Maoli organizations that must be consulted.  Of course, we can anticipate… Read more »