Opposing paradigms converge on Hawaii

Opposing paradigms converge on Hawaii Hawaii is center stage for a meeting between the all-business APEC and international environmental conference Moana Nui Jon Letman    Last Modified: 07 Oct 2011 10:36 Speaking earlier this year on US National Public Radio, Intel CEO Paul Otellini suggested that the global power shift that occurred from the United Kingdom… Read more »

“Living Along the Fenceline” in Jeju

The Stars and Stripes reports that “Naval base puts S. Korea’s ‘island of world peace’ in hot spot”: JEJU ISLAND, South Korea — This country’s southernmost major island is a study in contrasts. A popular tourist destination, Jeju boasts some of the world’s most beautiful scenery and is one of 28 finalists in an international… Read more »

Makua: Wildfires and Military Toxins

On September 28, a wildfire caused by an Army detonation of unexploded ordnance burned 100 acres in Makua Valley: A fire burned about 100 acres of the Army’s Makua Valley training range Wednesday after it was started by workers who had detonated unexploded ordnance. An Army spokesman said the detonation was part of a routine,… Read more »

Severe mold infestations force military families to move

Toxic contamination is not the only military health hazard in Hawaiʻi.  Unhealthy living conditions in newly built military housing are also a threat to military families.   The Honolulu Star Advertiser reports that more than 100 families living in military housing built and managed by Lend Lease company have had mold infestations in their new… Read more »

Court says Army failed to test seaweed and other marine resources in Makua

The AP reports: A federal judge has ruled the Army’s study of contamination of seafood harvested near Makua Valley was satisfactory except for two ways. U.S. District Court Judge Susan Oki Mollway ruled the Army didn’t test seaweed and other marine life eaten by residents of the Waianae Coast to determine whether they pose health… Read more »

Michael Ratner: Anwar al-Awlaki’s Extrajudicial Murder

In authorizing the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen, without trial or imminent threat of harm, President Obama has taken the U.S. across a dangerous threshold: the U.S. is now engaged openly in the assassination of its own citizens.   In the following op ed, Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights describes the… Read more »

“Cruel and unnecessary”: Two former military doctors urge marines to not practice trauma surgery on live animals

Associated Press reports that two former military doctors have asked the Marine Corps Base Hawaii commander to not operate on live animals as part of combat trauma training, calling the practice “cruel and unnecessary”: Two former military doctors have asked Hawaii-based Marines not to allow medical personnel to operate on pigs and goats during combat… Read more »

Army should stop high altitude training on Mauna Kea

The Honolulu Star Advertiser editorial calls on the Army to complete a full environmental impact statement for its High Altitude Mountainous Environment Training (HAMET) on Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa: Training flights for Army helicopter crews scheduled for deployment to Afghanistan in January have been approved on Hawaii island. Nonetheless, in the wake of poorly… Read more »


Moana Nui 2011 – Pacific voices against the APEC agenda. There will be a Panel on “MILITARIZATION AND RESISTANCE IN THE PACIFIC” Thursday, November 10, 2011 2-5:30 PM, CHURCH OF THE CROSSROADS featuring Suzuyo Takazato(Okinawan Women Act Against Military Violence), Christine Ahn (Korea Policy Institute), Lisa Natividad (Guahan Coalition for Peace and Justice), Kyle Kajihiro… Read more »

E Komo Mai APEC: Rolling out the welcome mat for repression

What’s that choking thickness in the air?  Is it the vog?  Humidity?  Or could it be the police state climate that is visibly growing in Honolulu in preparation for the APEC summit in November? The City and County of Honolulu plans to install 34 video surveillance cameras to enhance security during the APEC summit, at… Read more »