DARPA loses a hypersonic aircraft over the Pacific

Bloomberg reports: A Pentagon agency reported losing contact with an unmanned hypersonic aircraft over the Pacific Ocean less than an hour after launch today. The experimental Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2, or HTV-2, lifted off today in a Minotaur IV rocket made by Orbital Sciences Corp. at 7:45 a.m. local time from Vandenberg Air Force… Read more »

Stop the helicopter training on Mauna Kea

The Honolulu Star Advertiser article  “Delay in copter-training permit will cost $8 million, Army says” talks about the environmental assessment for army High-Altitude Mountainous Environment Training. (HAMET) for helicopters.  But why is it assumed that the army should naturally be allowed to encroach into ecologically and culturally sensitive areas on Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa… Read more »

Taxpayers Stuck With Unsold Ferries in Default

Bloomberg published an article about the wasteful Maritime Administration (MARAD) loan guarantee program, which became the reluctant owner of two high-speed ferry ships after the Hawaii Superferry went bankrupt in 2009: Two passenger ferries sit at a dock in Norfolk, Virginia, waiting for someone to take them off the government’s hands. The U.S. Maritime Administration… Read more »

“What you haven’t heard about APEC” now streaming online

Watch the streaming video of the recent First Friday television program “What you haven’t heard about APEC”. Victor Menotti, Executive Director of the International Forum on Globalization joined Jonathan Osorio and host Manu Kaiama on the August 5, 2011 First Friday Olelo show to discuss what the upcoming APEC meeting is about and why it… Read more »

Kulani prison may reopen

The Hawaii Tribune Herald reports that the state is considering reopening the Kulani prison, which was closed and converted into a military school.  Advocates of prison reform have called for the reopening of Kulani, which was once the most successful sex offender treatment program in Hawai’i: Closed nearly two years ago to save money, Hawaii… Read more »

Air Force space war facility breaks ground in Lualualei

The Air Force recently broke ground on a new radar facility at Lualualei, part of its global RAIDRS system.  It is another link in the space war network. http://www.hookelenews.com/air-force-space-command-breaks-ground-on-raidrs-program/ Air Force Space Command breaks ground on RAIDRS program Ho’okele Staff | Aug 05, 2011 Capt. Lawrence Scruggs, chief staff officer of Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam;… Read more »

The US military’s secret military

In the wake of the recent attack on a U.S. special forces helicopter that killed 30 U.S. troops including members of SEAL Team 6 and a Maui soldier, journalist Nick Turse published an article about the rise of special forces within the U.S. military and their deployment around the world: Somewhere on this planet a… Read more »

Bahrain: Shouting in the Dark

One forgotten uprising of the ‘Arab Spring’ took place in tiny Bahrain. I have posted articles on this site about the protests in Bahrain and why it matters.  Bahrain is in the backyard of Saudi Arabia. It is also the location of the U.S. 5th Fleet.  The U.S. and western countries turned a blind eye… Read more »

Army finishes ordnance clearing off Waianae coast

The AP reports that the army completed a demonstration project to remove underwater unexploded ordnance from “ordnance reef” off the Wai’anae coast using unmanned underwater vehicles: The Army said Friday it recovered 74 pieces of decades-old exploded ordnance from the ocean floor off Oahu’s Waianae coast during a three-week effort to clear out most of… Read more »

International Solidarity grows for Jeju anti-base struggle

A girl holds a banner that reads “Against the Naval Base no matter what (or even until death)!” Photo: Emily Wang. Today, the 66th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima, there was a large rally against a naval base in Jeju island. You can follow the developments on the Save Jeju Island website. … Read more »