Why Hawaii Loves War

Anthony Pignataro writes in the Maui Time “Why Hawaii Loves War”: Living on Maui, with its mostly undeveloped landscape and near complete lack of military facilities, makes it easy to think that America’s global war on terrorists, dictators and all-around bad dudes is something far away. Not according to the Rand Corporation’s new study “How… Read more »

U.S., China broach South China Sea in Hawaii talks

Travis Quezon, the editor of the Hawaii Independent, covered recent U.S.-China security talks in Hawai’i for Reuters. The United States and China kicked off a new round of consultations on the Asia Pacific region in Hawaii on Saturday by broaching the flaring tensions in the South China Sea, a U.S. official said. The first set… Read more »

Kulani saved? Possible win for environmental, peace and justice advocates!

CORRECTION:  I was originally informed that the resolution passed by the Hawai’i State Senate effectively reversed the reset aside of Kulani Prison to the Hawaii National Guard Youth ChalleNGe program.  However, I was informed by another source that the senate vote alone may not have been sufficient to overturn the executive order by itself.   We’re… Read more »

Will military areas be exempt from monk seal critical habitat?

The critically endangered`Ilioholoikauaua, the Hawaiian monk seal, continues to dwindle in numbers.  Environmental groups have pushed the National Ocean0graphic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to expand the critical habitat designation for the Hawaiian monk seal to include the main Hawaiian islands.  NOAA recently issued its proposed revised critical habitat which thankfully includes most of the main… Read more »

Army’s ‘Big Lie’ in Hawai’i

Jim Albertini of Malu ‘Aina released the following message in response to the Army’s announcement that it will renege on a decision to no longer use Makua for live fire training: The Big Lie! Lt. General Francis J. Wiercinski, Commanding General U.S. Army Pacific, was quoted in an Associated Press news story on June 19,… Read more »

Honolulu Solidarity Demonstration Against Militarism and Overseas U.S. Bases

RALLY AGAINST MILITARISM & OVERSEAS U.S. BASES THURSDAY, JUNE 30 4-6pm, FEDERAL BUILDING  (Ala Moana Blvd & Punchbowl) Aloha, this Irei-no-Hi, the Okinawan Memorial Day for ALL War Dead (June 23).  This day commemorates the end of war between Imperial powers Japan & USA in Okinawa.  Unfortunately, 66 years after the fact, Okinawa remains heavily… Read more »

Military studies Waikane Valley bomb cleanup

The Honolulu Star Advertiser published an article about the progress of unexploded ordnance (UXO) cleanup in Waikane valley in Ko’olaupoko district of O’ahu. Waikane is a lush valley that is very significant in Hawaiian legend and history.  The name refers to the waters of the great deity Kane. Sites in the valley are referred to… Read more »

How much does the military economy cost Hawai’i?

  With much media hype, the Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii and the Hawaii Institute of Public Affairs (HIPA) coordinated the public release of a study of the military’s economic impact in Hawai’i by the RAND corporation, but the report said nothing really new or remarkable.   The Honolulu Star Advertiser reported: The U.S. military pumped… Read more »

U.S. backs Saudi military intervention in Bahrain

The U.S. has a keen interest in suppressing the popular uprising in the tiny Persian Gulf island kingdom of Bahrain.  Since WWII, the U.S. has stationed its 5th Fleet in Bahrain and has  propped  up the ruling family, which is Sunni and allied with Saudi Arabia. But the Bahraini population has traditionally been Shia and… Read more »