Why the U.S. is worried about protests in Bahrain

The revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt have sparked numerous uprisings in the Arab world, including tiny Bahrain. But as AOL News reports, due to the strategic location and the large U.S. military bases on Bahrain, the political unrest there has U.S. officials worried: Most Americans couldn’t find Bahrain on a map before this week, but… Read more »

Army temporarily closes beaches to check for munitions hazards

Source: http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/Global/story.asp?S=14054713 Army temporarily closes beaches to check for munitions hazards Posted: Feb 17, 2011 6:04 PM Thursday, February 17, 2011 11:04 PM EST Updated: Feb 17, 2011 6:04 PM Thursday, February 17, 2011 11:04 PM EST HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) Areas of Makua Beach and the Keawaula section of Kaena Point State Park will be temporarily… Read more »

Navy blows up projectile at Hapuna Beach

Honolulu Star Advertiser reports: “Navy today exploded a World War II 16-inch unfused projectile that was found in the waters off Hapuna Beach on the Big Island’s Kohala coast.” … “The Navy hasn’t been able to determine its age or origin” … “The southern half of Hapuna Beach had been closed since Monday while the… Read more »

Navy might shift more jets, and noise to Kane’ohe

More militarization for O’ahu!   All the residents around Kane’ohe Bay are probably loving the prospect of more deafening noise from the planes.   Peace activist and Quaker elder Elayne Pool got a good quote in the article.   Kane’ohe residents need to be talking to folks in Ginowan City. >><< Source: http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/20110216_Navy_might_shift_more_jets_to_isles.html Navy might shift more jets… Read more »

Hapuna Beach shut down because of suspected ordnance

The Honolulu Star Advertiser reported today: The state Department of Land and Natural Resources shut down Hapuna State Recreation area in Kona today after a county lifeguard spotted an object suspected of being unexploded ordnance. Army ordnance experts were called in to investigate the cylindrical metal object partially buried in the sand.  There is good… Read more »

“Game Over” for Mubarak, “Game On” for Egypt’s Workers

Katy Rose, a good friend and activist who played a key role in the Superferry resistance on Kaua’i and who now works for a union in Californa, sent this insightful article about the revolutionary transformation that is taking place within Egyptian society, much of it driven by the awakened power of the working class: Mubarak’s… Read more »

Pågat Under Fire: A Citizen Suit Against the U.S. Department of Defense to Save an Ancient Chamorro Village

Environmental Law Program Colloquium Series William S. Richardson School of Law Please join us on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 in the Moot Court Room during the Lunch Break (12:45 pm – 1:45 pm) Matthew Adams, Sr. Managing Associate, SNR Denton and Carl Christensen, Visiting Professor at Law Pågat Under Fire: A Citizen Suit Against the… Read more »

People & Power – Egypt: Seeds of change

Al Jazeera produced this excellent documentary about the April 6 Movement, the youth organization behind the revolution in Egypt.   The small group of disciplined and sophisticated leaders were the spark.  Getting training from the Serbian nonviolent youth movement, they applied classic nonviolence organizing principles with new technological tools.  The rest is history. <After initially posting… Read more »

Woman to Woman in Afghanistan

Ann Jones wrote an interesting article in The Nation about the deployment of Female Engagement Teams as part of a counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan: The American military had been engaged in Afghanistan for almost eight years before anyone seemed to notice the effects of the occupation on nearly half the adult population, which happens to… Read more »

Mubarak regime falls, but what will be the legacy?

Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak has been toppled by a people’s power revolution. Al Jazeera reports: Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, has resigned from his post, handing over power to the armed forces. Omar Suleiman, the vice-president, announced in a televised address on Friday that the president was “waiving” his office, and had handed over authority to… Read more »