A partial win for Makua, but struggle far from over

Yesterday, the Army announced that it will end live fire training in Makua valley. This is a win for those who have struggled for many years to save Makua from the destructive and contaminating activities of the U.S. military. The Honolulu Star Advertiser ran a story and so did the Associated Press. However, it is… Read more »

Tomgram: Nick Turse, The Pentagon’s Planet of Bases

http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/175338/tomgram:_nick_turse,_the_pentagon Tomgram: Nick Turse, The Pentagon’s Planet of Bases Posted by Nick Turse at 5:13pm, January 9, 2011. [TomDispatch recommendations: If you have a chance, check out “The Tyranny of Defense Inc.,” the latest piece by Andrew Bacevich, author of the bestselling Washington Rules, at the Atlantic.  It was written to commemorate the 50th anniversary of… Read more »

Japan Focus: New Year 2011, Okinawa and the Future of East Asia

Thanks to Gavan McCormack, Norimatsu Satoko and Mark Selden for this excellent recap of events surrounding the U.S. military base controversy in Okinawa and an analysis of prospects for for the future. Please visit the Japan Focus website for some of the best analysis of Japan and East Asia issues. >><< New Year 2011, Okinawa… Read more »

‘I didn’t think of Iraqis as humans,’ says U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old girl before killing her and her family

Steven Green, the former soldier sentenced to five life terms for raping and killing a 14 year-old Iraqi girl and killing her family spoke to a reporter for the Daily Mail newspaper: An Iraq War veteran serving five life terms for raping and killing a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and killing her parents and sister says… Read more »

Tucson Terrorism: A Deeply Rooted Assault on American Democracy

Tucson Terrorism: A Deeply Rooted Assault on American Democracy Joseph Gerson* Now its political assassination and murders in Tucson. William Faulkner wrote that the past isn’t dead, it isn’t even past. I’m a veteran of Arizona. As one of the state’s leading peace advocates and organizers during the Vietnam War, I had more than my… Read more »

Hawaii key in U.S. plans for Pacific region

As the Honolulu Star Advertiser reports, despite the Pentagon’s announced budget cuts of $78 billion, the message from the 10th annual Hawaii military partnership conference is that “Hawaii is of extreme strategic importance” to the United States because of our location in the critically important Asia Pacific region and because of the rising economic and… Read more »

Are Haoles Victimized?

Judy Rohrer recently published a book Haoles in Hawai’i.  It is an excellent history of the U.S. occupation of Hawai’i, haole identity formation and race relations in Hawai’i. She also provides insightful analysis of haole reaction to Native Hawaiian and local demands for justice.   Originally from Hawai’i, she is back in the islands to give… Read more »

Colonel Ann Wright to speak about recent peace delegations to Afghanistan and Gaza

Download flyer here Witness: Afghanistan and Gaza Col. (Ret.) Ann Wright Ann Wright will report back on her recent trip to Afghanistan and the 2nd Gaza Freedom Flotilla. Just back from Kabul to Honolulu on December 31st, 2010, Ann will describe the conditions in Afghanistan and the exciting peace activism.  Ann worked with Afghan Youth… Read more »

Navy commander loses carrier job over anti-gay videos

A Commander of the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier was permanently relieved of command for producing and broadcasting a series of lewd anti-gay videos to his crew according to the Virginian-Pilot: Adm. John C. Harvey announced today that he has permanently relieved Capt. Owen Honors as commanding officer of the aircraft carrier Enterprise for showing “exceptionally… Read more »

Solidarity Actions to Protest US Military Expansion in Takae (Okinawa)

U.S. military helicopters buzzed the peace encampment near the Yambaru forest  in Takae, at the northern end of Okinawa. Construction of the jungle warfare training area has begun.  This is another site of community resistance to U.S. military base expansion in Okinawa, but it has gotten far less media attention than Futenma and Henoko.  Groups… Read more »