Army helicopter training enroaching on Mauna Kea

As reported previously on this site, the Army proposes to conduct High Altitude Mountainous Environmental Training (HAMET) on the slopes of Mauna Kea.    This training would take place outside of the training areas currently under Army control.   The Army has just posted the Environmental Assessment (EA), Appendices and Draft Fining of No Significant Impact on its… Read more »

Army wants more helicopter training on Mauna Kea after violating Mauna Kea Ice Age Reserve

In addition to plans to expand Army training facilities in the Pohakuloa Training Area, the Army recently issued a notice of a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for impelementation of High Altitude Mountainous Environmental Training (HAMET) on the slopes of the sacred mountain, Mauna Kea. According to Marti Townsend of KAHEA, the area that the… Read more »

Global Day of Action on Military Spending

Check out this website and call to action for a Global Day of Action on Military Spending. It’s a great resource to discuss the cost of militarization and alternative social and fiscal priorities.  Here’s some background info from the website: In 2009, global military spending surged to an all-time high of US $1.53 trillion. Given… Read more »

Remembering Pearl Harbor, forgetting Ke Awalau o Pu’uloa

I recently visited the new exhibition at the Arizona Memorial.  The exhibit is ripe for political, psychological and cultural analyses.  But here I only offer a few initial impressions: On the one hand, the new exhibit tells a more complex and nuanced story about the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the origins of World War… Read more »

Two articles with analysis of the tensions in Korean peninsula

Mahalo to Marta Duenas of West Coast Famoksaiyan for posting the following articles about the tensions in the Korean Peninsula on her listserve.   Another blog for Famoksaiyan is here.  I am just reposting what she sent in her email as it captures my sentiments.  Mahalo to Satoko Norimatsu and her Peace Philosophy Centre blog, to… Read more »

[Jeju Update] 34 people arrested but released except for Prof. Yang/ Island Assembly and Parties denounce Island government and navy

Korea activist Sung-Hee Choi reports in her blog  that 34 people were arrested but released except for Prof. Yang in Jeju island protests of military  base construction on a world peace island.   Some photos from the blog are re-posted below.  Visit the No Bases Stories Korea blog.  As reported previously, although the proposed base is… Read more »

The Big (Military) Taboo

In this New York Times Op-Ed piece, Nicholas Kristof argues that in order to cut government spending the U.S. must eventually make cuts to the obscenely bloated military budget: We face wrenching budget cutting in the years ahead, but there’s one huge area of government spending that Democrats and Republicans alike have so far treated… Read more »

Native Hawaiian-Owned Companies and the Militarization of Hawai’i

Jim Dooley wrote a revealing article for the Hawaii Reporter on the growth of Native Hawaiian Owned Companies (NHO) since the passage of legislation that gave them special preferences in federal contracting.  Under special provisions for Native American, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians, these NHOs can get no-bid, unlimited sized contract awards, nearly all of… Read more »