17th Annual Makua Christmas Vigil for Peace

Malama Makua is holding the 17th Annual Christmas Vigil at the gate of Makua Valley for peace in Makua & the world Sunday Dec 26, 2010 3:45 pm Potluck to follow. Questions?  Contact Fred Dodge Email: makuakauka@hotmail.com Or call 696-4677.

Sailors use Australian navy ships to ‘import cocaine, heroin’

Thanks to Mike Reitz for sharing this article with a headline: “Military in Hawaii the new French Connection?”  Apparently Australian sailors accused of smuggling drugs into their country picked up a package in Hawai’i: “…The source says naval ships recently returned from Pacific Rim war games in Hawaii with packages of drugs onboard…” >><< Source:… Read more »

Harriet Hanako Hanzawa/Kondo’s Instructions for War

Source: http://hawaiinewsdaily.com/2010/12/harriet-hanako-hanzawakondo%E2%80%99s-instructions-for-war/ Harriet Hanako Hanzawa/Kondo’s Instructions for War 1:53 pm By Dwight Kondo by Dwight Kondo Puna, Hawaiian Kingdom 1338-121610 My mother’s instruction, as my father and she waited with me at Honolulu International Airport, was simple though incongruent with sending a son to War. As the other soldiers began to line up to board,… Read more »

Army announces Programmatic EIS for construction at Pohakuloa Training Area

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: FOUO FOR MG TERRY / LTC NILES / USARPAC MS. NIELSEN for PTA PEIS NOI notifications Aloha ‘Okou, I hope that this email finds you well. Unfortunately time constraints preclude my ability to call all of you today.  Therefore I am sending this email to ensure that you receive this information. I… Read more »

Mother of One Dead Soldier Suspects Sex Assault

Source: http://www.womensenews.org/story/military/101217/mother-one-dead-soldier-suspects-sex-assault Mother of One Dead Soldier Suspects Sex Assault By John Lasker WeNews correspondent Monday, December 20, 2010 At least 20 female soldiers have died in Iraq and Afghanistan in “noncombat” circumstances that their families find mysterious. The mother of one talks here about why she thinks sexual violence–not suicide–was her daughter’s real killer…. Read more »

ATSDR Late with Vieques Report

Source:  http://www.elnuevodia.com/retrasadoelinformedeatsdr-831633.html ATSDR Late with Vieques Report Concern within the scientific Community by José A. Delgado jdelgado@elnuevodia.com WASHINGTON – The confidentiality with which the Federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has handled the report that would officially discard conclusions made a decade ago that minimized health damages caused by military maneuvers on… Read more »

A win for Micronesians in Hawai’i

As reported in the Honolulu Star Advertiser, Micronesian islanders in Hawai’i who are part of the group of Compact of Free Association (COFA) nations won a court victory to restore health insurance benefits several days ago: A federal judge ordered the state yesterday to restore lifesaving health benefits to low-income legal migrants from Micronesia, the… Read more »

Earmarkers feast on pork one last time before diet

The AP reports that there the lame duck Democratic controlled Congress is pushing for one last pork barrel spending spree: The spending barons on Capitol Hill, long used to muscling past opponents of bills larded with pet projects, are seeking one last victory before tea party-backed GOP insurgents storm Congress intent on ending the good… Read more »

California study shows low levels of perchlorate affect infants

A new study shows newborns in perchlorate contaminated areas have a 50% chance of having impaired thyroid function. Perchlorate is an oxidizer used in rocket propellant that attacks the thyroid. It has been detected in groundwater in Nohili, Kaua’i near the caves where munitions are stored. I think it was also detected in Schofield (Lihu’e)…. Read more »