Jury for Tacoma Trident Peace Activists Still Out

Published on Saturday, December 11, 2010 by CommonDreams.org Jury for Tacoma Trident Peace Activists Still Out by Bill Quigley The federal criminal trial of five veteran peace activists facing several charges was recessed until Monday after their jury announced late Friday they were unable to reach a unanimous verdict on one of the counts. The… Read more »

Marshallese confront existential threat with climate change

As reported in the Honolulu Star Advertiser, Marshall Islands delegates to the UN climate change conference in Cancun are confronting unique problems as a nation state that is rapidly disappearing under rising seas.  Not only have Marshallese and other Micronesians had to deal with the legacy of imperialism, wars, and nuclear testing; they are now… Read more »

Wikileaks reveals the secret soft underbelly of American Empire

The Honolulu Star Advertiser reported: WASHINGTON >> In a disclosure of some of the most sensitive information revealed yet by WikiLeaks, the website has released a secret cable listing sites worldwide that the U.S. considers critical to its national security. The locations cited in the diplomatic cable from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton… Read more »

The Explosive Growth of U.S. Military Power on Guam Confronts People Power

Source: http://www.japanfocus.org/-LisaLinda-Natividad/3454 The Explosive Growth of U.S. Military Power on Guam Confronts People Power: Experience of an island people under Spanish, Japanese and American colonial rule LisaLinda S. Natividad and Victoria-Lola Leon Guerrero Background The United States Department of Defense is planning a massive military build-up on Guahan (Guam) that threatens to change the entire… Read more »

Alfred McCoy: The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Source: http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/175327/tomgram%3A_alfred_mccoy%2C_taking_down_america/ Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Taking Down America Posted by Alfred McCoy at 5:11pm, December 5, 2010. Trying to play down the significance of an ongoing Wikileaks dump of more than 250,000 State Department documents, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates recently offered the following bit of Washington wisdom: “The fact is, governments deal with the… Read more »

Wikileaks Cables Reveal Diego Garcia Marine Reserve Will Prevent Return of Chagos Islanders

Marine conservation zones as cultural genocide?    The British marine reserve in the Chagos islands was a deliberate attempt to prevent the return of the evicted Chagossians to Diego Garcia, one of America’s crucial military bases in the Indian Ocean.  The Chagos reserve was modeled on the Papahanaumokuakea National Marine Monument and the proposed Mariana Island… Read more »

Waikane munitions cleanup seeks public comments and involvement

This email includes: 1. Update on the Marine Corps Restoration Advisory Board for cleanup of unexploded munitions in Waikane Impact Area, including a call to submit comments on the proposed Feasibility Study for cleanup of unexploded munitions in Waikane Impact Area. 2. Invitation to submit application to join a Restoration Advisory Board for the Army… Read more »

The Silent Truth: murders of women in the military

Thanks to Ann Wright for sharing the links to two articles on violence against women in the military.  The first article discusses a new documentary The Silent Truth, about the murder of LaVena Johnson and subsequent cover up.  Ann has worked with the Johnson family to seek the truth and justice and was a consultant… Read more »

The Abercrombie administration, Mo’olelo Aloha ‘Aina and other news briefs

Governor Elect Neil Abercrombie announced the appointment of William Aila to the position of Chair of the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), an important post that covers protection of the environment and cultural resources, including Native Hawaiian sacred places and burials.  Aila is the harbormaster of the Wai’anae Boat Harbor, a community activist… Read more »

South Korea admits to firing the first shot

In his Organizing Notes blog, Bruce Gagnon writes: South Korea has admitted it was the first to fire the shots in this incident. However it says the firing was part of a military drill, not directed at North Korea. The U.S. and South Korean forces have been holding aggressive military war games directed at North… Read more »