Action alert Guam: Realize Our Destiny: Community Response to the Record of Decision

We Are Guahan FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 23, 2010; Guam- With the release of the DoD’s Record of Decision, it has become evident that the Department of Defense will continue to disregard concerns voiced by the people of Guam. Guam’s local residents will be the demographic most severely impacted by plans to increase the… Read more »

Beware the ‘Angels’

From Richard Hamasaki on Facebook: Beware the angels…the Blue Angels whose deadly emissions in the form of “vapor” will rain down poison on land and sea as their noxious clouds spew the venom of war and literally envelop all of Ko’olau Poko from Kailua to Ahuimanu to Kualoa-Hakipu’u, from Ulumawao to Kapapa to Mokoli’i. Take… Read more »

OCTOBER 11: Day of Action to Confront US Militarism in the Americas

OCTOBER 11: Day of Action to Confront US Militarism in the Americas please circulate widely Call: Day of Action to Confront US Militarism in the Americas October 11, 2010 Our organizations urge you to join us in a National Day of Action to Confront US Militarism in the Americas on Monday, October 11, 2010. October… Read more »

Army sergeant allegedly killed in fight near stip club

Police arrest Salt Lake man for alleged murder near strip club Victim was a noncommissioned officer at Tripler Detectives arrested a 23-year-old Salt Lake man this morning for investigation of second-degree murder in connection with an early morning fight Sunday that left a 35-year-old Army sergeant and father dead on Kapiolani Boulevard. READ MORE

Is DREAM Act a Solution for Millions of Undocumented Youth or a Funnel for Military Recruitment?

Debate: Is DREAM Act a Solution for Millions of Undocumented Youth or a Funnel for Military Recruitment? The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act—DREAM—would allow undocumented young people a chance at citizenship provided they attend college for at least two years or enlist in the military. It’s been described as a dream come… Read more »

Military trained at Kulani for more than 10 years

The Honolulu Star Advertiser published an article about the Board of Land and Natural Resources decision to transfer land to the State of Hawai’i Department of Defense for an Army National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Academy. The article is mostly a puff piece for the Youth ChallenNGe Academy. However, what the article reported about the military… Read more »

Creech 14 trial becomes referendum on drone warfare

Published on Saturday, September 18, 2010 by A Peace Movement Victory in Court by John Dear “Fourteen anti-war activists may have made history today in a Las Vegas courtroom when they turned a misdemeanor trespassing trial into a possible referendum on America’s newfound taste for remote-controlled warfare.” That’s how one Las Vegas newspaper summed… Read more »

Military use of Kulani nixed

Last Thursday,  DMZ-Hawai’i / Aloha ‘Aina and allies testified at the Hawai’i State Board of Land and Natural Resources meeting against the transfer of the former Kulani prison land to the Hawaii National Guard for a Youth ChalleNGe Academy (YCA) and military training. Testimony was overwhelmingly against the militarization of Kulani. We scored two wins… Read more »

Peace Crimes

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” John F. Kennedy, 1962 >><< Source: Peace Crimes Sunday 12 September 2010 by: Diane Lefer, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed Hector Aristizábal lay on a table in Medellin, Colombia, his head covered with a black cloth. Twenty-eight years… Read more »

Pentagon wants to buy and destroy all copies of book by former Defense Intelligence Agency officer

The Washington Post reports: The Defense Department is attempting to buy the entire first printing – 10,000 copies – of a memoir by a controversial former Defense Intelligence Agency officer so that the book can be destroyed…”Operation Dark Heart,” which was scheduled to be published this month by St. Martin’s Press, recounts the adventures and… Read more »