Strykers: Following public outcry, OHA calls on Army to honor 2008 agreement

The Hawaii Independent published another piece on the Army’s failure to conduct cultural surveys for the areas affected by its Stryker brigade expansion and the follow up action by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs calling on the Army to honor terms of a 2008 settlement agreement. The Hawaii Independent reports: “According to the settlement, OHA… Read more »

Ann Wright to speak about the Gaza Freedom Flotilla and Israel’s murder of activists

Sunday, August 15 at 3pm Talk by Ann Wright On the Gaza Freedom Flotilla and Israel’s Murder of Activists Aboard the Mavi Marmara On May 31st Israeli military forces stormed the Mavi Marmara, one of six ships carrying humanitarian relief to Gaza. At least nine activists were murdered and many others were seriously injured. Ann… Read more »

Navy to hear comments on proposed sonar and explosives testing in Hawaii waters

From the Hawaii Independent: Navy to hear comments on proposed sonar and explosives testing in Hawaii waters Aug 04, 2010 – 02:26 PM | by The Hawaii Independent Staff HONOLULU—The U.S. Navy announced its intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Overseas EIS (OEIS) relating to military training and research, including sonar… Read more »

Another rape in Okinawa: U.S. Marine arrested August 4, 2010 Japanese Police Arrest U.S. Marine Suspected Of Sexual Assault In Okinawa By Yumi Otagaki, Bloomberg News Japanese police arrested a U.S. Marine for the alleged sexual assault of a woman on the island of Okinawa, where similar incidents in the past have led to protests against the American military presence. Marine… Read more »

Targeting Children: U.S. uses comics to promote U.S.-Japan military alliance

The U.S. is using manga, a Japanese comic book form to promote its tattered military alliance with Japan.  Psyops targeting children? And the racial and sexual politics of the characters are just a little creepy.  The blond blue-eyed boy “Usa-kun” protects the house of the girl “Arai Anzu”. When asked why he says “Because we… Read more »

Environmental Racism in Wai’anae – “disposable humanity” in the “dumping ground of O’ahu”

On July 19th, the City and Count of Honolulu executed its sweep of more than 350 residents from the strip of land at Maili point known as “Guardrails”.   The majority of the persons evicted were Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian). Among the evicted were many women and children. Much of the news coverage has been biased… Read more »

Giant sea-based radar undergoes $7M repair

The giant sea-based X-band radar has reappeared in Pearl Harbor again for repairs. This expensive piece of hardware has been plagued by problems from the start, when it began to take on water and had to return to Pearl Harbor for repairs. As William Cole reports, the radar will get $7 million in repairs in… Read more »

OHA ‘drops the ball’ in protecting cultural sites from Stryker brigade

The Hawaii Independent has published an exclusive article about a formerly secret archaeological and cultural report contracted jointly by the Army and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) for areas affected by the Army’s Stryker Brigade expansion. The article states: The report, written by independently contracted archaeologist Christopher Monahan, comments on the Army’s numerous shortcomings… Read more »

EPA Releases Rulemaking Guidance on Environmental Justice

Although “Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions To Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-lncome Populations” has been in effect since 1994, the US Environmental Protection Agency has only now released new rulemaking guidance on environmental justice.   This is good step forward, but it fails to provide enough “teeth” in the law for communities to… Read more »

Okinawa problem could boil over

According to Asia analyst Peter Ennis, the August and November deadlines for finalizing plans for the realignment of U.S. bases in Okinawa and Guam will not be met.  In a Pan Orient Op Ed piece, Peter Ennis wrote: Indeed, the political underpinnings of the 2006 bilateral “Roadmap” for realignment of US forces in Japan, of… Read more »