Military lied about convoy stranding

As I pointed out in a previous post, it appears that the military made up the story about there being an auto accident on Farrington Highway and about being directed by Honolulu Police Department to make a U-turn that took them onto the beach.   This was nothing more than a joyride by armored vehicles where… Read more »

South Korean villagers say ‘No!’ to U.S. Navy base South Korean villagers say ‘No!’ to U.S. Navy base Times Record Opinion Page (Brunswick, Maine) By Bruce K. Gagnon Friday, July 2, 2010 I have recently returned from a weeklong trip to South Korea, where I visited several communities that are experiencing major expansion of U.S. military bases. Several farming and fishing villages, each… Read more »

Hawai’i businesses try to lure workers to participate in the destruction of Guahan/Guam

Hawai’i businesses are talking as if the proposed military expansion on Guam is a done deal.  See the Pacific Business News article below.  They are beginning to swarm like flies on carrion in an orgiastic spectacle to feed on the misery and destruction the build up will cause on Guam.  Disaster capitalism.  But the resistance… Read more »

Move the Money, Starve the Empire Foreign Policy in Focus Move the Money, Starve the Empire By Christine Ahn, July 1, 2010 June 26 may have been the last day of the U.S. Social Forum (USSF) in Detroit, but it might very well be the emergence of a more powerful antiwar movement in this country. The U.S. Social Forum is… Read more »

RIMPAC electromagnetic interference jams remote garage door openers, but Navy feigns ignorance

The invasion of Ke Awalau o Pu’uloa (Pearl Harbor) by ships, aircraft and personnel for RIMPAC exercises, the largest multinational war exercises in the world, may be causing a mysterious epidemic of dysfunctional remote garage door openers in Honolulu.  The Honolulu Star Advertiser writes: Mary Abe came home from a workout and shopping, pushed the… Read more »

Ka La Ho’iho’i Ea 2010 (Hawaiian Independence Restoration Day)

July 31 2010 marks the 167th anniversary of the restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom. This was the joyous event that ended the six month occupation of the Kingdom of Hawai`i by Great Britain. Admiral Richard Thomas properly reversed the unjust and illegal invasion by the Right Honorable Lord George Paulet, Captain, Royal Navy from February… Read more »

Puerto Rico: Police brutally attack protesters at the legislature

Puerto Rican professor and activist Deborah Berman Santana sent this urgent report about the brutal police attack on peaceful protesters at the government capitol building. >><< Aloha y Hafa adai, I was present to see an incredibly brutal police attack on peaceful Puerto Rican citizens reclaiming their right to view the kind of legislation that… Read more »

Marine convoy gets stuck in the sand in Wai’anae

A Marine convoy took a wide U-turn and got stuck in the sand at Kahe (on the Wai’anae coast) by accident?  Here’s what the Honolulu Star Advertiser reported: Honolulu police directed the miniconvoy to make a U-turn, and because the vehicles are much bigger than most cars, their wider turning radius took them onto the… Read more »

Assault on the Sea: A 50-Year U.S. Plan to Build a Military Port on Oura Bay, Okinawa Assault on the Sea: A 50-Year U.S. Plan to Build a Military Port on Oura Bay, Okinawa Ryukyu Asahi Broadcasting (Video) and Norimatsu Satoko (Introduction and translation) So often, Okinawan voices go unheard outside of Okinawa. So often, probing TV documentaries on such sensitive issues as the Battle of Okinawa or on Okinawa-Japan-U.S. relations… Read more »

New analysis of Hawai’i statehood referendum data raises doubts about its legitimacy

Arnie Saiki of the Statehood Hawaii blog has done excellent analysis of the voting data for Hawai’i’s statehood referendum and raises critical questions about the legitimacy of the vote as an act of self-determination.  The data on population patterns and the military population are interesting.    See the maps and analysis. >><< 1959 Election… Read more »