Making the Invisible Empire Visible Making the Invisible Empire Visible Film Review by John Junkerman Mention “The Insular Empire” to the average American, and they’d likely have no idea what you were talking about. They probably still wouldn’t get it if you gave them another clue: “America in the Mariana Islands.” These are the title and subtitle of a… Read more »

A New Antiwar Voice From Hawaii … Don’t Count On It A New Antiwar Voice From Hawaii … Don’t Count On It Friday 14 May 2010 by: Jon Letman, t r u t h o u t | Report Lihue, Hawaii – In a week, voters in Hawaii’s First Congressional District will select the woman or man who will replace former Democratic Congressman Neil Abercrombie,… Read more »

Hilo peace activists threatened with arrest at Hilo Armed Forces Day events

Press release:  May 16, 2010 Peace Activists threatened with arrest at Hilo Armed Forces Day events further contact: Jim Albertini 966-7622, “Over a dozen peace activists were threatened with arrest for offering peace leaflets and peacefully sign holding at Armed Forces Day events in Hilo on Saturday, May 15th.  The activists held signs reading… Read more »

Okinawans surround Futenma Air Base with a 13 km ‘Human Chain’; solidarity demo in Honolulu

Yesterday, tens of thousands of Okinawans surrounded the Futenma Air Base with a Human Chain 13 kilometers long calling for the removal of the U.S. military base. There is video at the Okinawa Times website: On Friday, 5/14/2010, the Hawai’i Okinawa Alliance held a demonstration in front of the Federal Building in Honolulu in… Read more »

UK Asked Red Cross to Investigate Fallujah Birth Defects MoD asked Red Cross to look into Iraq birth defects Letter reveals Government wanted charity to investigate claims following Fallujah attacks By Robert Verkaik, Law Editor Thursday, 6 May 2010 Britain was so concerned about reports from Iraq of an alarming increase in the number of babies being born with deformities that ministers asked… Read more »

Corporate interests Behind “Reduction of Okinawa’s Burden”

This post on the Peace Philosophy blog exposes the corporate agendas behind the Okinawa base relocation issue. >><< Thursday, May 13, 2010 Corporate Interests Behind “Reduction of Okinawa’s Burden” 「沖縄の負担軽減」の本当の意味 This is a summary translation of one part of Tokyo Shimbun journalist Handa Shigeru’s lecture in Tokyo on December 15, 2009. I thought it… Read more »

Hawaii foreclosures soar – military homebuyers a key factor

The following article in the Honolulu Star Bulletin reports that foreclosures are soaring in Hawai’i.  Although military housing allowances have historically tended to inflate the cost of housing in Hawai’i, with disruptions due to multiple deployments, military families who invested their housing allowances in buying homes seem to be getting hit hard by the downturn… Read more »

Two different perspectives on Mother’s Day

From Wikipedia: The “Mother’s Day Proclamation” by Julia Ward Howe was one of the early calls to celebrate Mother’s Day in the United States. Written in 1870, Howe’s Mother’s Day Proclamation was a pacifist reaction to the carnage of the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War. The Proclamation was tied to Howe’s feminist belief… Read more »

Dugong Sighted – What is Sacred?

A dugong, the endangered sea manatee of Okinawa, a sacred animal deity that is recounted in ancient Okinawan songs, was recently seen in Henoko, proposed site of the military base relocation from Futenma. A ho’ailona (sign)? Meanwhile, Carolyn Raffensperger, Executive Director of the Science and Environmental Health Network., asks “what is sacred?” She reflects on… Read more »

Hawai’i contractors feeding on Guam’s destruction and loss

The following editorial from the Honolulu Star Bulletin reflects the pro-business thinking about militarization of Guam.  Now that the wave of military expansion has swept past Hawai’i to Guam, the largest contractors are positioning themselves to feed on the ensuing disaster and misery the buildup will cause there.   Will Hawai’i workers participate in this cannibal… Read more »