U.S. Bases in Colombia Rattle the Region

http://www.colombianobases.org/index.php/news/1-aca/64-us-bases-in-colombia-rattle-the-region U.S. Bases in Colombia Rattle the Region By Benjamin Dangl, March 2010 issue On the shores of the Magdalena River, in a lush green valley dotted with cattle ranches and farms, sits the Palanquero military base, an outpost equipped with Colombia’s longest runway, housing for 2,000 troops, a theater, a supermarket, and a casino…. Read more »

The Struggle against US bases in Korea – for Denuclearization and Peace

http://www.spark946.org/bugsboard/index.php?BBS=eng_1&action=viewForm&uid=64&page=1 The Struggle against US bases in Korea – for Denuclearization and Peace May 1, 2010 Oh Hye-ran,  Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea (SPARK) Korea-U.S. Alliance – Obstacle to Peace In July 1953, only 2 months after they signed the “Korean War Armistice Agreement,” South Korea and the United States entered into an… Read more »

Truth about the N. Korean nuclear issue and the key to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea (SPARK) presentation May 5, 2010, a Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty side event: Truth about the N. Korean nuclear issue and the key to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula 1. The reality of the US nuclear war threat against the DPRK (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, i.e. North Korea)… Read more »

Japanese lawmaker: Obama pushing us toward China

http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2010/05/05/japanese_lawmaker_obama_pushing_us_toward_china Japanese lawmaker: Obama pushing us toward China Posted By Josh Rogin Tuesday, May 4, 2010 – 9:18 PM When Barack Obama met briefly with Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama on the sidelines of last month’s nuclear summit, he asked the Japanese leader to follow through on his promise to resolve the U.S.-Japan dispute over… Read more »

Chalmers Johnson: ‘Another battle of Okinawa’

http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-johnson-20100506,0,4706050.story Another battle of Okinawa Despite protests, the U.S. insists on going ahead with plans for a new military base on the island. By Chalmers Johnson May 6, 2010 The United States is on the verge of permanently damaging its alliance with Japan in a dispute over a military base in Okinawa. This island prefecture… Read more »

‘We will stand up for a new fight’

Mahalo to Makiko SATO for translating the following message from Hiroshi ASHITOMI, one of the leaders in the anti-bases movement in Okinawa.  Ashitomi-san visited Hawai’i at the invitation of the Hawai’i Okianwa Alliance to build support for the Henoko struggle. >><< Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 11:32 AM Subject: 安次富浩さんからの談話 ,(辺野古浜通信) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 鳩山の裏切り(公約違反)に対して、絶望しない。 金持ちボンボンの鳩山に失望したけれど わたしたちは、子どもたちのため、この海を守る夢があります。 Though… Read more »

Recruiters target Micronesians for U.S. military

Military recruiters exploit the poverty of Micronesia and other Pacific islands to fill their quotas.  The U.S. took the land, then they take the youth to fight wars of empire.   Here’s a fact to make one ponder:  “A recent study by the Heritage Foundation of US enlistment rates cites “Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander” as the… Read more »

S. Korea Aegis destroyer scheduled to train at RIMPAC, related to Jeju struggle

Below is an old article about South Korea testing its Aegis destroyer in Hawai’i during the RIMPAC exercises this summer.  Bruce Gagnon wrote this about the article: This is an indication that the South Korean Navy is now being fully integrated into the command structure of the U.S. Navy and that the Aegis destroyers that… Read more »

Hawai’i Presentation given at the International Conference For a Nuclear Free, Peaceful, Just and Sustainable World

Hawai’i Presentation given at the International Conference For a Nuclear Free, Peaceful, Just and Sustainable World By Kyle Kajihiro, Program Director, American Friends Service Committee – Hawai’i Area Office, member of DMZ-Hawai’i / Aloha ‘Aina network April 30, 2010 Aloha kakou. Warm greetings from Hawai’i. For more than a century, the U.S. has treated the… Read more »

Does Guam have an identity crisis?

This article on the struggle to recover Chamoru culture and identity in Guahan came across as patronizing to me.  Is it an identity crisis in Guam/Guahan?   It’s more like colonial trauma caused by 500 years of occupation and oppression by three different colonizers.  Occupation creates schizophrenia in a people.  With this perspective, the survival and… Read more »