Environmental Protection of Bases?

From Foreign Policy In Focus: http://www.fpif.org/articles/environmental_protectionof_bases Environmental Protection of Bases? By David Vine. Edited by John Feffer, April 22, 2010 Just weeks before today’s Earth Day, and for the second time in little more than a year, environmental groups have teamed with governments to create massive new marine protection areas across wide swaths of the… Read more »

Hatoyama betrays Okinawa – Japan to relocate Futenma to Henoko

Okinawans say “No!” Japanese Prime Minister Hatoyama has betrayed the Okinawan people. After months of waffling, he decides to go with the original plan to relocate Futenma base to Henoko and wants to “apologize” to the Okinawan people and asked them to “bear the burden”.  Satoko Norimatsu who writes the Peace Philosopy Blog posted the… Read more »

Blackwater is operating in Guam and Shariki, Japan

Another blogger shared the following articles about Blackwater and their involvement in Guam and Shariki, a tiny village in Japan that hosts a missile defense radar facility.  She points out: • In 2006, Blackwater’s aviation division won a $91 million contract for air charter work in Guam, a contract the Navy had set aside for small… Read more »

Blackwater Secrets Exposed

Blackwater is in the news again with the release of secret tapes of Blackwater owner Erik Prince speaking candidly about the chilling details of Blackwater’s covert operations.  Democracy Now! aired these recordings today: EXCLUSIVE…Secret Recording of Erik Prince Reveals Previously Undisclosed Blackwater Ops Investigative journalist and Democracy Now! correspondent Jeremy Scahill obtains a rare audio… Read more »

Schofield sergeant indicted in assault on infant son

Sad news that perhaps reflects how war affects families. >><< http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/20100504/BREAKING01/100504050/Schofield+sergeant+indicted+in+assault+on+infant+son Updated at 2:14 p.m., Tuesday, May 4, 2010 Schofield sergeant indicted in assault on infant son Advertiser Staff A Schofield Barracks Army sergeant was indicted this morning on a charge of assaulting his infant son “to stop his crying,” a prosecutor said in court… Read more »

In These Times: The Poisoning of Puerto Rico

http://www.inthesetimes.com/main/article/5869/ The Poisoning of Puerto Rico The U.S. Navy left Vieques, but for many, the cancer remains. By Jacob Wheeler May 3, 2010 Vieques, puerto rico — on March 31, retired Sgt. Hermogenes Marrero was told during a visit to the Veterans Affairs (VA) outpatient clinic in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, that he didn’t have cancer… Read more »

Images from the Disarm Now for Peace and Human Needs March and Rally

Correction:  Previously I had erroneously posted photos from the 2005 march. Here are a couple of photos I took at the march on 5/2/10. Mahalo to Christina Illarmo of the Guahan Coalition for Peace and Justice for the following photos: There is are down loadable videos of the plenary sessions at the Riverside Church website:  … Read more »

Guam: military buildup impact study contains “inaccurate, inadequate information and plagiarized materials”

This is what happens when the military predetermines the outcome, hires mercenary environmental firms to make the results ‘to fit’, then tries to force the decision on the local community. It’s called environmental racism. It’s called imperialism. >><< http://mvguam.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=11944:plagiarism-irks-senators&catid=1:guam-local-news&Itemid=2 Plagiarism irks senators Thursday, 29 April 2010 02:54 by Jennifer Naylor Gesick | Variety News Staff… Read more »

Palau: Senate asks U.S. to consider Angaur as Futenma relocation site

http://www.mvariety.com/2010042826058/local-news/senate-asks-u.s.-to-consider-angaur-as-futenma-relocation-site.php Senate asks U.S. to consider Angaur as Futenma relocation site Wednesday, April 28 2010 15:19 By Bernadette H. Carreon KOROR (Palau Horizon) – The Senate has adopted a resolution asking President Johnson Toribiong to offer the State of Angaur as an alternative location for the United States’ Airbase following plans to relocate the Futenma… Read more »

Time to Cancel the Army’s Lease at Pohakuloa over Radiation Contamination

Call from Malu ‘Aina: Time to Cancel the Army’s Lease at Pohakuloa over Radiation Contamination 1. The Army repeatedly denied the use of Depleted Uranium (DU) in Hawaii. 2. Now it has been confirmed that in the 1960s the U.S. Army used the Pohakuloa Training Area for firing spotting rounds containing DU for the Davy… Read more »