Tokunoshima, a proposed site for relocation of Futenma base, is really part of the Ryukyu/Okinawa

Satoko Norimatsu posted a very interesting explanation of the history of Tokunoshima, one of the islands where the Japanese government is proposing to relocate some U.S. Marine Corps functions.  Currently, politically speaking, Tokunoshima is a part of Kagoshima prefecture.  But historically and culturally, Tokunoshima is part of the Ryukyu (Okinawan) culture.   With apologies to Norimatsu-san,… Read more »

Collateral Murder Collateral Murder Overview 5th April 2010 10:44 EST WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad — including two Reuters news staff. Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success… Read more »

U.S. commander reveals true purpose of troops in Okinawa is to remove N. Korea’s nukes April 1, 2010 U.S. commander reveals true purpose of troops in Okinawa is to remove N. Korea’s nukes The commander of U.S. Marine Corps troops in Asia has recently revealed to Japanese defense officials that the true purpose of stationing Marines in Okinawa is to remove North Korea of its nuclear weapons if its… Read more »

Toxic landfill seeks permit extension in Lualualei

The PVT landfill in Lualualei valley in Wai’anae is the only construction and demolition landfill on O’ahu.  It is also certified to take CERCLA hazardous waste, including toxic waste from military clean up sites.  Lualualei is also the site of military munitions storage, electromagnetic radio emissions and offshore dumping of conventional and chemical munitions.   The… Read more »

UH Law Forum: Environmental Justice in Wai`anae

Environmental Law Program Colloquium Series William S. Richardson School of Law Please join us on Tuesday, April 6, 2010 for an Evening Colloquium, starting at 5:30 p.m. Moot Court Room Jarman Fellowship Colloquium: Environmental Justice in Wai`anae In a move strongly opposed by some community groups, developers are seeking to build an industrial park on… Read more »

Fuse Yūjin: The Complete Withdrawal of the US Military from Ecuador: A Victory for Sovereignty and Peace in Latin America

Japan Focus has translated into English two important articles about anti-bases struggles.  Below is the second of two parts, ‘The Complete Withdrawal of the US Military from Ecuador: A Victory for Sovereignty and Peace in Latin America’ by Fuse Yūjin.   It gives an excellent overview of the campaign to oust the U.S. military base… Read more »

Kageyama Asako: Marines Go Home: Anti-Base Activism in Okinawa, Japan and Korea

Japan Focus has translated into English two important articles about anti-bases struggles.  Below is the first of a two part series in Japan Focus by Kageyama Asako.   It gives an excellent comparative analysis of the demilitarization struggles in Okinawa, Korea and Hokkaido. Part 2, ‘The Complete Withdrawal of the US Military from Ecuador: A… Read more »

“From the Burkha to the Thong” – Sunsara Taylor on the military and pornography

Revolution Books is sponsoring a talk by Sunsara Taylor at UH Manoa “From the Burkha to the Thong: Everything Must and Can Change – We Need Total Revolution!” April 13th – University of Hawai’i 7-9:30 pm – Architecture Building University of Hawai’i-Manoa Suggested donation $20-10; students free w/ID Sponsored by Revolution Books contact: 808-944-3106 They… Read more »

UK designates Chagos marine reserve, but right of return for Chagos refugees unclear

According to this AP article, the UK has outdone the US and created the largest marine reserve in the world in Chagos, surpassing the Papahanaumokuakea national marine monument.  However, as the Times reported earlier this environmentally friendly move may make it more difficult for the evicted Chagos islanders to return to their island home in… Read more »

Documents confirm 1959 Japan-U.S. secret meeting over court case

Did the U.S. interfere with the outcome of a trespass case in Japan where in 1959 protesters were accused of trespassing on a U.S. military base slated for expansion?  After a district court in Tokyo acquitted the protesters on the grounds that the U.S. bases were unconstitutional, secret meetings took place between the U.S. and… Read more »