Earmark ban targets for-profit companies

http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/20100311/NEWS01/3110343/Earmark+ban+targets+for-profit+companies Posted on: Thursday, March 11, 2010 Earmark ban targets for-profit companies Senate balks at House move; Inouye says it’s discriminatory Advertiser News Services WASHINGTON — House Democratic leaders yesterday barred the long-standing practice of earmarks that allows members to direct federal spending to private companies that often return the favor with campaign contributions. Rep…. Read more »

China’s ‘pearls’ spook Indian observers

http://www.guardianweekly.co.uk/?page=editorial&id=1490&catID=17 China’s ‘pearls’ spook Indian observers Viewpoint Thursday March 4th 2010 Le Monde’s Bruno Philip reports on how strategic Chinese construction projects are encircling India, raising fears that new facilities could be used by China for military purposes should a regional conflict erupt China is weaving a web of trade and maritime agreements around its… Read more »

Hawaiians, mountain in ‘Avatar’-like struggle

http://www.sacbee.com/2010/03/09/2592650/hawaiians-mountain-in-avatar-like.html My View: Hawaiians, mountain in ‘Avatar’-like struggle By Tom Peek Special to The Bee Published: Tuesday, Mar. 9, 2010 – 12:00 am If you’re one of the millions who sat riveted to James Cameron’s blockbuster movie Avatar, you probably sympathized with the indigenous Na’vi when American colonists bulldozed their magical rain forest to mine… Read more »

Mordor on Kaua’i?

Thanks to Juan Wilson on Kaua’i for the following post on his blog Island Breath.  He compares Navy plans for Nohili, site of the Pacific Missile Range Facility, to Mordor, the land seeking to enslave the rest of humanity in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.  Indeed, the military’s objective with missile defense and its other… Read more »

Thousands Call on Obama to Speak with All of Guam’s People, Hear Concerns About Buildup

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM WE ARE GUÅHAN Thousands Call on Obama to Speak with All of Guam’s People, Hear Concerns About Buildup March 11, 2010, GUAM – With the largest military realignment in modern history slated to hit the US Territory of Guam, over 11,000 people from the Pacific Island and across the globe signed… Read more »

Leaders in House Block Earmarks to Corporations

The House votes to block earmarks to for-profit corporations.  Senator Inouye, chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee criticized the ban.   The Project Kai e’e / UARC scandal at the University of Hawai’i and the Pacific Missile Range stems from earmarks abuses.   Leaving earmarks in place for nonprofits is also problematic because some of the same… Read more »

US Dream Come True? The New Henoko Sea Base and Okinawan Resistance

http://japanfocus.org/-Makishi-Yoshikazu/1819 US Dream Come True? The New Henoko Sea Base and Okinawan Resistance By Makishi Yoshikazu [Why is the news of a plan to move 7,000 US Marine troops from southern Okinawa to Guam creating no good vibes in Okinawa? Because nothing much is changing. The Japanese Government is proceeding with construction of a new… Read more »

Organizing Against Empire: Where Left and Right Meet … Amicably

http://www.counterpunch.org/buhle03012010.html March 1, 2010 Organizing Against Empire Where Left and Right Meet … Amicably By PAUL BUHLE Over a conference table at a Washington hotel on March 20, a couple dozen antiwar activists and intellectuals, yours truly included, met to hash out the beginnings of a most unusual movement. We wanted to end American war… Read more »

Unnatural Acts: Breaking the Fever of Militarism

http://www.counterpunch.org/floyd03082010.html March 8, 2010 Breaking the Fever of Militarism Unnatural Acts By CHRIS FLOYD All who draw the sword will die by the sword. — Yeshua Ha-Notsri, Palestinian dissident, c. 33 CE. As we all know – or rather, as everyone but those who climb and claw their way to the top of power’s greasy… Read more »

America, the fragile empire

Coming from a conservative historian who has written about the U.S. Empire as a necessary force for good in the world, Niall Ferguson’s bleak assessment of the U.S. Empire is noteworthy.    His analysis suggests that a sudden collapse of the U.S. Empire is possible.  Will  peace and justice movements be able to capitalize on this?  … Read more »