March 4 militancy led by women

Mahalo to Katy Rose for this link: >><< Monday, March 8, 2010 M4: Militancy led by women March 4th Movement: Militancy led by women exellent video! I just watched the video of the UC Davis. (Spoiler) the film shows students led by a woman activist marching down the I-80. She is watched by… Read more »

US for OKINAWA and Peace Boat create Study Program to Okinawa!

Peace Boat and US for Okinawa are planning a study program to Okinawa April 1 – 5, 2010. Deadline for applications is March 16, 2010. Thursday, March 4, 2010 US for OKINAWA and Peace Boat create Study Program to Okinawa! Are you interested in learning more about the U.S. military base issue in Okinawa?… Read more »

Pearl Harbor submariner died in waters of Mokapu-Marine Base

The missing boater, whose body was found in waters off the Marine Corps Base Hawaii Kaneohe was identified as a submariner based at Pearl Harbor.  He was found near Kuau, what the military calls Pyramid Rock. >><< Updated at 1:24 p.m., Monday, March 8, 2010 Boater who died off of Marine base identified as… Read more »

Guam: Japan Group Shares Experience With Military Presence

These people-to-people exchanges and solidarity efforts are very encouraging.   The peoples of our region can make peace despite the oppressive and militarized policies of our governments. >><< Marianas Variety Japan Group Shares Experience With Military Presence Tuesday, 09 March 2010 04:54 by Therese Hart | Variety News Staff Tsuru Masaaki, leader of the 21-member… Read more »

South Korea: Nationwide Protests Against US-ROK War Games

Mahalo to Sung Hee Choi for these reports on peace/anti-war/anti-militarism demonstrations across Korea in response to provocative U.S.-Republic of Korea joint military exercises. >><< Monday, March 8, 2010 Key Resolve, US-SK Annual War Exercise Starts in the Korean Peninsula on March 8 and Nationwide Protests against it, as Well * Image source: Solidarity for… Read more »

Jeju Island Farmers Continue to Resist Navy Base

For more photos, please see here: Monday, March 08, 2010 JEJU ISLAND FARMERS CONTINUE TO RESIST NAVY BASE It has been raining on and off for more than a month in the Gangjeong village. Still the lights in the tents have never been put out in the nights. About 4-5 people in shifts… Read more »

The Travails of a Client State: An Okinawan Angle on the 50th Anniversary of the US-Japan Security Treaty

Gavan McCormack provides an excellent analysis of Japan’s ‘client state’ position, the anti-bases movement in Okinawa and the crisis it represents for the US-Japan Security Treaty. He links the bases issue to “poison” of war and occupation of other countries: While official 50th anniversary commemorations celebrate the US military as the source of the “oxygen”… Read more »

Militarization would desecrate Pagat, Chamorro sacred site From the Marianas Variety Sacrilege in Pagat Friday, 26 February 2010 01:58 Letter to the Editor WHAT is Pagat? For the people who wrote the draft environmental impact statement, it is nothing more than a place to shoot off high-powered guns. For some people, it is worthless jungle, just as lattes and lusongs are… Read more »

Japanese groups conduct fact-finding visit to Guam Fact-finding mission Friday, 05 March 2010 01:20 by Mar-Vic Cagurangan | Variety News Staff Japanese lobby groups coming to Guam A 20-MEMBER delegation consisting of representatives from an influential coalition of Japanese lobby groups, is arriving on Guam tomorrow on a four-day fact-finding mission to assess the island’s capacity to accommodate the troops that… Read more »