Nago assembly rejects US Marine relocation option Nago assembly rejects US Marine relocation option The municipal assembly of Nago, Okinawa says it will not allow a helicopter runway to be built within a US Marine base in the city. The building of a helicopter runway within the US Marine Corps Camp Schwab is one of the options being considered by a… Read more »

Kahuli: MUSIC 4 da PEOPLE – Pu’uloa

MUSIC 4 da PEOPLE March 13, 2010 12:00 pm BLAISDELL PARK in Pearl City Uncle George Kahumoku and his puppet show will be featured Theme is the demilitarization & healing of Pu’uloa…and the honoring of da Shark Queen, Ka’ahupahau!! Spread da word!!!/photo.php?pid=3544197&id=16679366309

A Military Coup in Iraq? A Military Coup in Iraq? Thursday 04 March 2010 by: Raed Jarrar, t r u t h o u t | Report Twenty million eligible voters are invited to participate in this weekend’s parliamentary election in Iraq. The election, scheduled for Sunday March 7, will take place amid an wave of increased violence and… Read more »

U.K. proposes Chagos marine reserve that could block islanders’ return

Chagos is an Indian Ocean island possession of the UK, one of the colonies it held onto after decolonization. Britain evicted the native Chagossian population and leased the island to the U.S. military. Now Diego Garcia is one of the most important bases in America’s empire of bases. British courts except for the House of… Read more »

U.S. Tightens Missile Shield Encirclement Of China And Russia March 4, 2010 U.S. Tightens Missile Shield Encirclement Of China And Russia Rick Rozoff So far this year the United States has succeeded in inflaming tensions with China and indefinitely holding up a new strategic arms reduction treaty with Russia through its relentless pursuit of global interceptor missile deployments. On January 29 the White… Read more »

U.S., NATO Intensify War Games Around Russia’s Perimeter Stop NATO March 6, 2010 U.S., NATO Intensify War Games Around Russia’s Perimeter Rick Rozoff Along with plans to base anti-ballistic missile facilities in Poland near Russia’s border (a 35 mile distance) and in Bulgaria and Romania across the Black Sea from Russia, Washington and the self-styled global military bloc it leads, the North… Read more »

Fight for Guahan delivers message to PACOM

On February 22, 2010, an international delegation representing Fight for Guahan, a group opposed to the military buildup on Guam, and DMZ-Hawai’i / Aloha ‘Aina delivered a message to Admiral Willard, Commander in Chief, Pacific Command. Joining the delegation was Colonel Ann Wright, Chamorro activist Hope Cristobal, Saipan activist and navigator Lino Olopai and filmmaker… Read more »

Campaign cash, earmarks and corruption

There has been increased scrutiny of earmarks and campaign contributions by companies that received earmarks and their lobbyists.  Military contractors are among the biggest beneficiaries of earmarks.   Why hasn’t someone investigated the earmarks related to Hawai’i politicians?   Senator Inouye consistently proclaims that he is the “King of Pork”.  His earmarks have been linked to some… Read more »

Groups protest Office of Hawaiian Affairs over Makua burial issue

The purpose of the action reported in the Honolulu Adverstiser was to protest the Office of Hawaiian Affairs for allowing the Army to desecrate sites in Makua. The demonstration was led by  representatives of families with ties to Makua valley.  This is distinct from the efforts of Hui Malama o Makua and Malama Makua. >><<… Read more »

Okinawa leaders are adamant on moving Futenma Okinawa leaders are adamant on moving Futenma By David Allen and Chiyomi Sumida, Stars and Stripes Pacific edition, Sunday, March 7, 2010 NAHA, Okinawa — Prefectural leaders, riled by news reports that Tokyo will keep Marine Corps air operations on Okinawa, said Friday they will organize an islandwide protest rally if the government follows… Read more »