Demoted Navy Captain Led Warship into Drag Race March 5, 2010 Navy Captain Led Warship into Drag Race Officer Demoted Not for High-Speed Race, Navy Says, but for Abusive Behavior Toward Crew (AP) A Navy captain was demoted because she berated and assaulted her crew, not because she led her guided missile cruiser on a drag-race with another U.S. warship in the… Read more »

Japan won’t follow Futenma plan Japan won’t follow Futenma plan Friday, 05 March 2010 01:16 by Therese Hart | Variety News Staff THE Japanese government has conveyed to the United States that Tokyo will not go through with an existing plan to relocate a U.S. Marine base in Okinawa. Citing several Japanese-U.S. sources, Kyodo News reported yesterday that Japan… Read more »

‘Hero rats’: rodents detect landmines in Africa

Detecting landmines is dangerous, tedious work.  In Africa, rats, who possess a highly developed sense of smell, have been trained to sniff out the TNT. They are cheaper and better than dogs for this purpose.    Could rats also be trained to detect other kinds of explosives found in unexploded ordnance in Hawai’i?   With rats being… Read more »

U.S. official: Japan could lose entire Marine presence if Henoko plan scrapped

In this article, heavily slanted in favor of the U.S.-Japan military base agreement, Richard P. Lawless, former deputy undersecretary of the U.S. Department of Defense in charge of Asia-Pacific affairs, essentially threatened that if Japan blocks the plan to move a marine air base to Henoko in Okinawa, the U.S. will pack up its toys,… Read more »

Superferry cost rises another $218,000 to tow barge

The Hawaii Superferry was a prototype and proof of concept for the winning proposal by Austal to build the Joint High Speed Vessel for the U.S. military.   Some Hawai’i politicians are trying to resurrect the Superferry project.  Meanwhile, the military is conducting scoping for an environmental impact statement for stationing a fleet of Joint High… Read more »

Tinian may be alternative for Marines on Okinawa Pacific Island Tinian May Be Alternative for Marines on Okinawa By Teri Weaver, Stars and Stripes Pacific edition, Saturday, February 13, 2010 RELATED STORY: Japanese panel likes Tinian option TOKYO — Attention, Marines: If you need a new home for those helicopters on Okinawa, give Tinian a call. The tiny mid-Pacific island is waiting… Read more »

Can Japan Say No to Washington?,_can_japan_say_no_to_washington/ Tomgram: John Feffer, Can Japan Say No to Washington? Posted by John Feffer at 11:15am, March 4, 2010. When it comes to cracks in America’s imperial edifice — as measured by the ability of other countries to say “no” to Washington, or just look the other way when American officials insist on something —… Read more »

Fort Worth has quietly become a hub for military intelligence Fort Worth has quietly become a hub for military intelligence Posted Wednesday, Mar. 03, 2010 By CHRIS VAUGHN FORT WORTH — It is an unremarkable beige-brick building known by its military acronym, the JRIC. Behind several secure doors requiring top-secret clearance sit analysts who conduct counterterrorism investigations in the Philippines, analyze military buildups… Read more »