Recruiting stand-down ordered in wake of recruiter suicides

Recruiting stand-down ordered

Probe of Houston suicides prompts wide-ranging action

By Michelle Tan – Staff writer

Posted : Thursday Jan 29, 2009 10:45:21 EST

Army Secretary Pete Geren has ordered a stand-down of the Army’s entire recruiting force and a review of almost every aspect of the job is underway in the wake of a wide-ranging investigation of four suicides in the Houston Recruiting Battalion.

Poor command climate, failing personal relationships and long, stressful work days were factors in the suicides, the investigation found. The investigating officer noted a “threatening” environment in the battalion and that leaders may have tried to influence statements from witnesses.

“There were some things found that are disturbing,” said Brig. Gen. Del Turner, deputy commanding general for Accessions Command and the officer who conducted the investigation.

While he declined to discuss what action might be taken, Turner has recommended disciplinary action against battalion- and brigade-level commanders. He declined to discuss what action might be taken.

The report was not made public, with officials citing extensive personal information contained in the report.

The four recruiters who killed themselves were all combat veterans of Iraq or Afghanistan. The Army did not identify them.

The Army Inspector General’s office has been asked to conduct a command-wide assessment of Recruiting Command to determine if conditions uncovered in Houston exist elsewhere.

The one-day stand-down of all 7,000 active Army and 1,400 Army Reserve recruiters will be Feb. 13.

The soldiers will receive training on leadership, a review of the expectations of Recruiting Command’s leaders, suicide prevention and resiliency training, coping skills and recruiter wellness, Turner said.

“It’s significant,” Turner said about the stand-down. “It is not routinely scheduled. It normally occurs after some sort of major event like this.”

Turner was appointed to conduct the investigation on Oct. 14 by Lt. Gen. Benjamin Freakley, commanding general of Accessions Command. The investigation was sought by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, who heard from soldiers and family members after the Houston Chronicle in 2008 reported the suicides.

“I think that when you have something like this happen that’s this serious and has such a huge impact on families and loved ones, of course people will ask what’s going on,” Freakley said.

Recruiters and soldiers who are going to be recruiters, their families and the public are going to want to know what’s happening and what’s being done, he said.

“We’re very aware of our soldiers’ concerns and we want to make it better,” Freakley said.

USAREC is a strong command with good leaders and exceptional soldiers, Freakley said.

“I do not believe for a minute that this is endemic of the entire command whatsoever, but I do believe that one [suicide] is too many, and we had four,” he said. “So let’s fix this and move forward and grow from this in a positive way. It’s hard work, but the whole Army has hard work right now.”

Turner’s investigation was completed Dec. 23, and Turner said his work revolved around the four suicides that occurred between January 2005 and September. Findings from the investigation were released Jan. 21.

“It’s a very tough and very tragic thing,” he said. “But I’m focused on what good can come out of this and that’s where our focus is right now.”

There were 17 suicides within Recruiting Command between fiscal years 2001 and 2008, said Col. Michael Negard, a Training and Doctrine Command spokesman.

There were more than 500 suicides by active-duty soldiers across the Army from Jan. 1, 2003, through Aug. 31, according to data from the Army G-1. Another 31 cases were pending final determination, as of Aug. 31.

The Army’s suicide rate increased from 12.4 for every 100,000 soldiers in 2003 to 18.1 in 2007, an all-time high for the service. Nationwide, the suicide rate for every 100,000 people was 19.5 in 2005, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Gen. Pete Chiarelli, vice chief of staff of the Army, voiced his concern in a Jan. 23 interview with Army Times.

“We need to move out as quickly as we can to do those things that are going to lower the numbers,” Chiarelli said. “That’s the best we can do. We can’t eliminate suicide.”

“I believe there are certain things leaders can do in the short run to reverse the trend and I’m going to talk about those next week,” Chiarelli said.

Turner said he examined the four soldiers’ personal lives, from their financial and medical histories to their performance at work. He also studied organizational factors such as command climate, leadership within the battalion, brigade and Recruiting Command. He looked at screening soldiers for recruiting duty, the impact of assigning soldiers directly to that duty after they return from combat tours, the adequacy of the Army’s suicide prevention training, and soldiers’ access to mental health care.

Here is what Turner said he found:

• There was poor command climate in the recruiting battalion, one of 38 in the Army.

Morale was low among the unit’s 200-plus recruiters, who routinely worked 12- to 14-hour days. They had unpredictable work schedules, frequently working on weekends. There was a “threatening type of environment” established by certain leaders throughout the battalion’s chain of command.

Monthly missions assigned by USAREC were bumped up, violating Army regulations and adding stress. For example, in July 2008, the battalion’s 205 recruiters each had to recruit two new soldiers a month, even though the battalion’s mission was 360 contracts, which is roughly the equivalent of 1.5 or 1.6 new contracts each.

“I don’t think it was malicious necessarily,” Turner said, “but what that does is it artificially ups their work load.”

• All four soldiers who killed themselves suffered from “troubled” or “failing” personal relationships.

Turner said he did not find any common thread of significant financial stress among the four men and none had been diagnosed with PTSD.

At least seven months had passed between the time each man returned from combat to the U.S. and when they were assigned to USAREC.

• Regarding witness statements, Turner noted “inappropriate comments by leaders before investigations were done and before mine started.” He added: “It may have been construed by recruiters as attempts to influence their statements.”

Recruiters who felt their commanders may have been trying to influence their statements were given the opportunity to change their statements during Turner’s investigation.

• There were no inherent problems with assigning soldiers to recruiting duty after they returned from combat, but the assignment process must be improved.

Soldiers now can get approval from the first lieutenant colonel in their chain of command to waive the 90-day stabilization period required of them after returning from a deployment. Sometimes, problems stemming from a soldier’s experience in the war zone may not present themselves immediately, so the Army G-1 is reworking the waiver policy so that soldiers must now get approval from a general officer.

• Almost 50 percent of prospective recruiters were not fully vetted by their chain of command, as required by USAREC.

Soldiers who are nominated for recruiting duty must complete financial disclosure forms and statements declaring that they understand that recruiting is sensitive duty, they may be assigned to remote locations and they must be able to work independently.

They also must complete a mental health evaluation and be interviewed by their current battalion commander, command sergeant major and company commander, who must determine whether the soldier would be a successful recruiter. Input from this command team must include comments on the prospective recruiter’s leadership ability and potential, physical fitness, character, integrity, ability to perform in stressful situations and any incidents of abuse. All negative evaluations must include a full explanation.

Turner said he found that almost half the soldiers who went on to be recruiters did not have a complete nomination packet, and that soldiers were not taking a standardized mental health evaluation.

To correct that, HRC on Jan. 13 sent a message reinforcing the need for a complete nomination packet and instituted a policy that prohibits soldiers from being assigned to recruiting battalions until their completed packet has been reviewed, Turner said.

Also, the Army surgeon general, G-1 and USAREC are creating a mental health evaluation form specific to recruiters, Turner said, and officials are working on a catalog to track the adequacy of medical and mental health care and the access soldiers have, regardless of where they are stationed, to that care.

Turner said “the Army is moving in a very quick way in taking concrete action” and to “improve the climate and leadership inside that battalion and other organizational, institutional factors that will improve recruiting operations.”

Freakley said the Army is listening to Turner’s advice and taking immediate and long-term steps to correct any problems.

“I want to ensure we have a climate where our recruiters know how important they are, are well led in a positive command climate, are well supported by the systems that we put in place to help them in their very important mission of recruiting an all-volunteer force … and that we learn and really grow from this experience,” he said.

Recruiting is a very stressful job, said Bret Moore, a former captain and clinical psychologist who served twice in Iraq.

“I know that recruiting duty is one of the most stressful jobs, alongside drill sergeants,” he said. “They have quotas to meet and there’s a lot of pressure.”

Turner, who briefed the four soldiers’ families and Cornyn before releasing the findings of his investigation, said “all these [deaths] are tragic, but the one thing the Army does extremely well is learn from itself,” he said.

Maj. Gen. Thomas Bostick, commanding general of USAREC, will send a team to Houston this summer to conduct a follow-on assessment of the command, Turner said.

There also is a move to balance suicide prevention training with resiliency training and coping skills, he said.

“[Instead] of trying to recognize that [a soldier] is exhibiting risk factors, this is more toward helping [a soldier] cope with the stresses in his life,” he said.

Bostick is calling for a review of the current USAREC policies on duty hours for each of the five recruiting brigades and their 38 battalions.

For example, the Houston battalion’s policy called for a maximum work day of 13 hours, and recruiters had to seek approval from their chain of command if they worked beyond that, Turner said. However, the 13-hour maximum was interpreted as the expected norm, and the policy could have been written more clearly, Turner said.

Bostick also is directing a review of how missions are assigned to recruiters, so what happened in Houston, where commanders were assigning a higher mission to recruiters, would not be repeated, Turner said.

What is critical in all of this is leadership, Turner said.

“It requires compassionate leaders caring for their soldiers, hitting that sweet spot between accomplishing the mission and caring for soldiers.”

Staff writer Gina Cavallaro contributed to this report.


‘Tragedy Assistance’ or Ending the Tragedy?

Near the end of this article it mentions the suicide of Air Force Staff Sgt. Brandon Stagner, who suffered from PTSD and was about to redeploy to on his fourth tour to Iraq. Very sad.  I didn’t know Brandon, but I know some of his family.  His father Ishmael Stagner is a respected kupuna in the Hawaiian community, and his sister Carmael worked with LGBTQ youth at the AFSC Hawai’i office.  This young man was another human sacrifice for bloodthirsty gods of war and empire.


Group brings together grieving military families

A support group holds its first-ever event in Hawaii

Wearing the buttons with photos of fallen loved one, bereaved military families gathered yesterday in the first-ever Hawaii seminar for the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, or TAPS.

The program helps families of U.S. military service members who have died in the service of the country.

Yesterday, children wrote about lost loved ones in letters that were tied to balloons and released into the sky above Waikiki.

Bonnie Carroll, founder of the 15-year-old nationwide program, said she hopes to make grief seminars in Hawaii an annual event. Darcie Sims, national director of training, said Hawaii’s aloha spirit is conducive to the TAPS mission.

“There’s a natural warmth and openness here we sometimes don’t see on the mainland,” Sims said. “They’re very open to helping, and they’ve been so welcoming to us.”

– Gene Park


By Gene Park

POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Jan 25, 2009

After Army Spc. Toby Olsen’s death in Iraq, his mother, Elisabeth Olsen, struggled to heal. Two years later she wants to help others who have also suffered the loss of a loved one in the military.

Olsen said she got help dealing with her grief from the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, or TAPS, a private organization created to help families of military service members who have died in the service of their country.

Olsen’s son, a Mililani High School graduate, died on Jan. 20, 2007, after an explosion hit his vehicle in Iraq.

She said TAPS is able to bring together people who are going through similar experiences.

“When you don’t have to say a word because you know you’re looking into the eyes of another mother, there’s a connection,” she said. “It’s a family you never wanted to join.”

Olsen said she discovered TAPS when attending the national remembrance ceremony for fallen troops in Washington, D.C.

Yesterday the group held its first grief seminar in Hawaii.

More than 50 people attended. Some were local families, like Olsen. Others came from the mainland, like Victor, N.Y., resident Andrea Ralyea.

Ralyea said her 3-year-old son started asking about his uncle, Army Sgt. Jonathan Lootens, who died in a suicide bomb attack in Kirkuk, Iraq, on Oct. 16, 2006.

“I didn’t know how to answer those questions,” Ralyea said.

She got in touch with TAPS and attended a survivor seminar in Philadelphia. She came to the Hawaii seminar because Lootens was stationed at Schofield Barracks.

“I almost expect him to be here, but it’s nice to be able to be here and be where he was,” she said. “I find great comfort in it.”

Children and teenagers also spoke with counselors, who said that many of them never were able to vocalize their feelings before yesterday. The children wrote their feelings in letters which were tied to balloons and released outside the Hilton Hawaiian Village, where the seminar was held.

Hawaii is a great environment for TAPS, said Darcie Sims, TAPS national director of training. Sims has been with the group since 1995, one year after its inception.

“There’s a natural warmth and openness here we sometimes don’t see on the mainland,” Sims said. “They’re very open to helping, and they’ve been so welcoming to us.”

Sims said TAPS was borne out of necessity because self-help books and programs on grieving military families did not exist. Sims lost a brother during the Vietnam War, and her father to a nuclear weapons accident.

“Families did back then what they still do today, put one foot in front of the other,” Sims said. “We are literally a family organization, reaching out. When the checks have stopped, when the papers have been filed, this family is there.”

Olsen said she has volunteered to be a local point of contact for the organization, and hopes to make TAPS seminars a regular event for Hawaii.

TAPS has a telephone hot line manned at all hours, if family members need someone to talk to.

It is a valuable resource for newly grieving parents Ishmael and Carmen Stagner of Kaneohe.

Their son, Air Force Staff Sgt. Brandon K. Stagner, committed suicide in November while stationed in Alaska, but before going on his fourth tour of duty in Iraq. His parents said he suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.

“We all think we’re John Wayne … but the fact of the matter is that it’s just a shell,” Ishmael Stagner said. “But maybe the heroes are also the ones who live and have to go on.”

After Army Spc. Toby Olsen’s death in Iraq, his mother, Elisabeth Olsen, struggled to heal. Two years later she wants to help others who have also suffered the loss of a loved one in the military.

Olsen said she got help dealing with her grief from the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, or TAPS, a private organization created to help families of military service members who have died in the service of their country.

Olsen’s son, a Mililani High School graduate, died on Jan. 20, 2007, after an explosion hit his vehicle in Iraq.

She said TAPS is able to bring together people who are going through similar experiences.

“When you don’t have to say a word because you know you’re looking into the eyes of another mother, there’s a connection,” she said. “It’s a family you never wanted to join.”

Olsen said she discovered TAPS when attending the national remembrance ceremony for fallen troops in Washington, D.C.

Yesterday the group held its first grief seminar in Hawaii.

More than 50 people attended. Some were local families, like Olsen. Others came from the mainland, like Victor, N.Y., resident Andrea Ralyea.

Ralyea said her 3-year-old son started asking about his uncle, Army Sgt. Jonathan Lootens, who died in a suicide bomb attack in Kirkuk, Iraq, on Oct. 16, 2006.

“I didn’t know how to answer those questions,” Ralyea said.

She got in touch with TAPS and attended a survivor seminar in Philadelphia. She came to the Hawaii seminar because Lootens was stationed at Schofield Barracks.

“I almost expect him to be here, but it’s nice to be able to be here and be where he was,” she said. “I find great comfort in it.”

Children and teenagers also spoke with counselors, who said that many of them never were able to vocalize their feelings before yesterday. The children wrote their feelings in letters which were tied to balloons and released outside the Hilton Hawaiian Village, where the seminar was held.

Hawaii is a great environment for TAPS, said Darcie Sims, TAPS national director of training. Sims has been with the group since 1995, one year after its inception.

“There’s a natural warmth and openness here we sometimes don’t see on the mainland,” Sims said. “They’re very open to helping, and they’ve been so welcoming to us.”

Sims said TAPS was borne out of necessity because self-help books and programs on grieving military families did not exist. Sims lost a brother during the Vietnam War, and her father to a nuclear weapons accident.

“Families did back then what they still do today, put one foot in front of the other,” Sims said. “We are literally a family organization, reaching out. When the checks have stopped, when the papers have been filed, this family is there.”

Olsen said she has volunteered to be a local point of contact for the organization, and hopes to make TAPS seminars a regular event for Hawaii.

TAPS has a telephone hot line manned at all hours, if family members need someone to talk to.

It is a valuable resource for newly grieving parents Ishmael and Carmen Stagner of Kaneohe.

Their son, Air Force Staff Sgt. Brandon K. Stagner, committed suicide in November while stationed in Alaska, but before going on his fourth tour of duty in Iraq. His parents said he suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.

“We all think we’re John Wayne … but the fact of the matter is that it’s just a shell,” Ishmael Stagner said. “But maybe the heroes are also the ones who live and have to go on.”


Report shows gap in Army’s 2008 recruitment quantity and quality goals

January 21, 2009

Contact: Suzanne Smith, Research Director
413.320.8530 (cell),
Jo Comerford, Executive Director
413.559.1649 (cell)

On the heels of the U.S. Army’s announced goal of 65,000 additional recruits National Priorities Project (NPP) finds significant gap in Army’s 2008 quantity and quality goals

Online Tool Allows the Public to Analyze Army Data by State, County, Zip Code, Education Level, “Quality of Recruit”

NORTHAMPTON, MA – A new NPP analysis highlights a significant gap in the Army’s 2008 quantity and quality goals. Using census material, combined with data on 2008 Army enlistment obtained through a Freedom of Information Act, NPP research also uncovers a continued trend of disproportionate recruits from southern states.

This work is a result of an expanded NPP initiative, which now includes a database of 2004-2008 military recruitment numbers broken down by zip code, county and state. A snapshot analysis and overview of current military recruitment data, which includes a ranking of counties by recruits per thousand youth, charts and tables on a particular county, zip code or state is available at

“Analysts project a $60 billion increase in the 2010 defense budget, largely tied to increasing troop levels. This increase does not include a six month supplemental funding request to pay for the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, which is expected to approach, if not exceed $70 billion,” notes Suzanne Smith, Research Director for National Priorities Project. “These budget figures, combined with a call for increased troop numbers, are striking in light of a report recently issued by a Pentagon advisory group which noted that ‘rising costs of military personnel, their healthcare and overhead’ exacerbated the problem of an ‘unsustainable’ Defense Department budget in tough economic times.”

NPP’s new data shows:

While the army claims 80,517 new army recruits this year, surpassing its goal of 80,000, in actuality, its figures reflect the number of individuals with whom they have some form of – often non-binding – contract. The number of accessions, or actual recruits who reported for duty in 2008, was 69,357.

The percent of Tier 1 recruits, at 74% is 16 percentage points below the army’s goal of 90%. This is the fourth year running that the army has missed its “quality” goal.

The highest recruitment rates – defined as the number of recruits per thousand of 15-24 year-old population – were found in the south with Texas, Florida and Georgia ranking in the top five states.

Jo Comerford, NPP’s Executive Director adds, “Four years of missed recruiting quantity and quality goals, combined with dramatic increases in the recruitment budget, raise important questions which must be tackled. Not only are education rates down but evidence shows increases in physical and felony waivers, the latter having doubled from 2006 to 2007. It stands to reason that we must ask whether the Army has exhausted its potential supply of new quality recruits. Its announced intent to increase its base by 65,000 additional recruits, should signal a clarion call for a new look at the realities of an ever-expanding military. A new approach to national security is what is needed. Clearly, we are being called to a new strategy – for this new day.”

# # #

The National Priorities Project (NPP) is a 501(c)(3) research organization that analyzes and clarifies federal data so that people can understand and influence how their tax dollars are spent. Located in Northampton, MA, since 1983, NPP focuses on the impact of federal spending and other policies at the national, state, congressional district and local levels. For more information, go to


Will Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Education militarize our schools even more?

The Duncan Doctrine

The Military-Corporate Legacy of the New Secretary of Education

By Andy Kroll

On December 16th, a friendship forged nearly two decades ago on the hardwood of the basketball court culminated in a press conference at the Dodge Renaissance Academy, an elementary school located on the west side of Chicago. In a glowing introduction to the media, President-elect Barack Obama named Arne Duncan, the chief executive officer of the Chicago Public Schools system (CPS), as his nominee for U.S. Secretary of Education. “When it comes to school reform,” the President-elect said, “Arne is the most hands-on of hands-on practitioners. For Arne, school reform isn’t just a theory in a book — it’s the cause of his life. And the results aren’t just about test scores or statistics, but about whether our children are developing the skills they need to compete with any worker in the world for any job.”

Though the announcement came amidst a deluge of other Obama nominations — he had unveiled key members of his energy and environment teams the day before and would add his picks for the Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior the next day — Duncan’s selection was eagerly anticipated, and garnered mostly favorable reactions in education circles and in the media. He was described as the compromise candidate between powerful teachers’ unions and the advocates of charter schools and merit pay. He was also regularly hailed as a “reformer,” fearless when it came to challenging the educational status quo and more than willing to shake up hidebound, moribund public school systems.

Yet a closer investigation of Duncan’s record in Chicago casts doubt on that label. As he packs up for Washington, Duncan leaves behind a Windy City legacy that’s hardly cause for optimism, emphasizing as it does a business-minded, market-driven model for education. If he is a “reformer,” his style of management is distinctly top-down, corporate, and privatizing. It views teachers as expendable, unions as unnecessary, and students as customers.

Disturbing as well is the prominence of Duncan’s belief in offering a key role in public education to the military. Chicago’s school system is currently the most militarized in the country, boasting five military academies, nearly three dozen smaller Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps programs within existing high schools, and numerous middle school Junior ROTC programs. More troubling yet, the military academies he’s started are nearly all located in low-income, minority neighborhoods. This merging of military training and education naturally raises concerns about whether such academies will be not just education centers, but recruitment centers as well.

Rather than handing Duncan a free pass on his way into office, as lawmakers did during Duncan’s breezy confirmation hearings last week, a closer examination of the Chicago native’s record is in order. Only then can we begin to imagine where public education might be heading under Arne Duncan, and whether his vision represents the kind of “change” that will bring our students meaningfully in line with the rest of the world.

The Militarization of Secondary Education

Today, the flagship projects in CPS’s militarization are its five military academies, affiliated with either the Army, Navy, or Marines. All students — or cadets, as they’re known — attending one of these schools are required to enroll as well in the academy’s Junior ROTC program. That means cadets must wear full military uniforms to school everyday, and undergo daily uniform inspections. As part of the academy’s curriculum, they must also take a daily ROTC course focusing on military history, map reading and navigation, drug prevention, and the branches of the Department of Defense.

Cadets can practice marching on an academy’s drill team, learn the proper way to fire a weapon on the rifle team, and choose to attend extracurricular spring or summer military training sessions. At the Phoenix Military Academy, cadets are even organized into an academy battalion, modeled on an Army infantry division battalion, in which upper-class cadets fill the leading roles of commander, executive officer, and sergeant major.

In addition, military personnel from the U.S. armed services teach alongside regular teachers in each academy, and also fill administrative roles such as academy “commandants.” Three of these military academies were created in part with Department of Defense appropriations — funds secured by Illinois lawmakers — and when the proposed Air Force Academy High School opens this fall, CPS will be the only public school system in the country with Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps high school academies.

CPS also boasts almost three dozen smaller Junior ROTC programs within existing high schools that students can opt to join, and over 20 voluntary middle school Junior ROTC programs. All told, between the academies and the voluntary Junior ROTC programs, more than 10,000 students are enrolled in a military education program of some sort in the CPS system. Officials like Duncan and Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley justify the need for the military academies by claiming they do a superlative job teaching students discipline and providing them with character-building opportunities. “These are positive learning environments,” Duncan said in 2007. “I love the sense of leadership. I love the sense of discipline.”

Without a doubt, teaching students about discipline and leadership is an important aspect of being an educator. But is the full-scale uniformed culture of the military actually necessary to impart these values? A student who learns to play the cello, who studies how to read music, will learn discipline too, without a military-themed learning environment. In addition, encouraging students to be critical thinkers, to question accepted beliefs and norms, remains key to a teacher’s role at any grade level. The military’s culture of uniformity and discipline, important as it may be for an army, hardly aligns with these pedagogical values.

Of no less concern are the types of students Chicago’s military academies are trying to attract. All of CPS’s military academies (except the Rickover Naval Academy) are located in low-income neighborhoods with primarily black and/or Hispanic residents. As a result, student enrollment in the academies consists almost entirely of minorities. Whites, who already represent a mere 9% of the students in the Chicago system, make up only 4% of the students enrolled in the military academies.

There is obviously a correlation between these low-income, minority communities, the military academies being established in them, and the long-term recruitment needs of the U.S. military. The schools essentially functional as recruiting tools, despite the expectable military disclaimers. The Chicago Tribune typically reported in 1999 that the creation of the system’s first military school in the historically black community of Bronzeville grew, in part, out of “a desire for the military to increase the pool of minority candidates for its academies.” And before the House Armed Services Committee in 2000, the armed services chiefs of staff testified that 30%-50% of all Junior ROTC cadets later enlist in the military. Organizations opposing the military’s growing presence in public schools insist that it’s no mistake the number of military academies in Chicago is on the rise at a time when the U.S. military has had difficulty meeting its recruitment targets while fighting two unpopular wars.

It seems clear enough that, when it comes to the militarization of the Chicago school system, whatever Duncan’s goals, the results are likely to be only partly “educational.”

Merging the Market and the Classroom

While discussing his nomination, President-elect Obama praised the fact that Duncan isn’t “beholden to any one ideology.” A closer examination of his career in education, however, suggests otherwise. As Chicago’s chief executive officer (not to be confused with CPS’s chief education officer), Duncan ran his district in a most businesslike manner. As he put it in a 2003 profile in Catalyst Chicago, an independent magazine that covers education reform, “We’re in the business of education.” And indeed, managing the country’s third-largest school system does require sharp business acumen. But what’s evident from Duncan’s seven years in charge is his belief that the business of education should, first and foremost, embrace the logic of the free market and privatization.

Duncan’s belief in privatizing public education can be most clearly seen in Chicago’s Renaissance 2010 plan, the centerpiece of his time in that city. Designed by corporate consulting firm A.T. Kearney and backed by the Commercial Club of Chicago, an organization representing some of the city’s largest businesses, Renaissance 2010 has pushed hard for the closing of underperforming schools — to be replaced by multiple new, smaller, “entrepreneurial” schools. Under the plan, many of the new institutions established have been privatized charter or “contract” schools run by independent nonprofit outfits. They, then, turn out to have the option of contracting school management out to for-profit education management organizations. In addition, Renaissance 2010 charter schools, not being subject to state laws and district initiatives, can — as many have — eliminate the teachers’ union altogether.

Under Duncan’s leadership, CPS and Renaissance 2010 schools have adopted a performance-driven style of governance in which well-run schools and their teachers and administrators are rewarded, and low-performing schools are penalized. As Catalyst Chicago reported, “Star schools and principals have been granted more flexibility and autonomy, and often financial freedom and bonus pay.” Low-performing schools put on probation, on the other hand, “have little say over how they can spend poverty funding, an area otherwise controlled by elected local school councils… [Local school councils] at struggling schools have also lost the right to hire or fire principals — restrictions that have outraged some parent activists.”

Students as well as teachers and principals are experiencing firsthand the impact of Duncan’s belief in competition and incentive-based learning. This fall, the Chicago Public Schools rolled out a Green for Grade$ program in which the district will pay freshmen at 20 selected high schools for good grades — $50 in cash for an A, $35 for a B, and even $20 for a C. Though students not surprisingly say they support the program — what student wouldn’t want to get paid for grades? — critics contend that cash-for-grades incentives, which stir interest in learning for all the wrong reasons, turn being educated into a job.

Duncan’s rhetoric offers a good sense of what his business-minded approach and support for bringing free-market ideologies into public education means. At a May 2008 symposium hosted by the Renaissance Schools Fund, the nonprofit financial arm of Renaissance 2010, entitled “Free to Choose, Free to Succeed: The New Market of Public Education,” Duncan typically compared his job running a school district to that of a stock portfolio manager. As he explained, “I am not a manager of 600 schools. I’m a portfolio manager of 600 schools and I’m trying to improve the portfolio.” He would later add, “We’re trying to blur the lines between the public and the private.”

A Top-Down Leadership Style

Barack Obama built his campaign on impressive grassroots support and the democratic nature of his candidacy. Judging by his continued outreach to supporters, he seems intent on leading, at least in part, with the same bottom-up style. Duncan’s style couldn’t be more different.

Under Duncan, the critical voices of parents, community leaders, students, and teachers regularly fell on deaf ears. As described by University of Illinois at Chicago professor and education activist Pauline Lipman in the journal Educational Policy in 2007, Renaissance 2010 provoked striking resistance within affected communities and neighborhoods. There were heated community hearings and similarly angry testimony at Board of Education meetings, as well as door-to-door organizing, picketing, and even, at one point, a student walk-out.

“The opposition,” Lipman wrote, “brought together unions, teachers, students, school reformers, community leaders and organizations, parents in African American South and West Side communities, and some Latino community activists and teachers.” Yet, as she pointed out recently, mounting neighborhood opposition had little effect. “I’m pretty in tune with the grassroots activism in education in Chicago,” she said, “and people are uniformly opposed to these policies, and uniformly feel that they have no voice.”

During Duncan’s tenure, decision-making responsibilities that once belonged to elected officials shifted into the hands of unelected individuals handpicked by the city’s corporate or political elite. For instance, elected local school councils, made up mostly of parents and community leaders, are to be scaled back or eliminated altogether as part of Renaissance 2010. Now, many new schools can simply opt out of such councils.

Then there’s the Renaissance Schools Fund. It oversees the selection and evaluation of new schools and subsequent investment in them. Made up of unelected business leaders, the CEO of the system, and the Chicago Board of Education president, the Fund takes the money it raises and makes schools compete against each other for limited private funding. It has typically been criticized by community leaders and activists for being an opaque, unaccountable body indifferent to the will of Chicago’s citizens.

Making the grade?

Despite his controversial educational policies, Duncan’s supporters ultimately contend that, as the CEO of Chicago’s schools, he’s gotten results where it matters — test scores. An objective, easily quantifiable yet imperfect measure of student learning, test scores have indeed improved in several areas under Duncan (though many attribute this to lowered statewide testing standards and more lenient testing guidelines). Between 2001 and 2008, for instance, the percentage of elementary school students meeting or exceeding standards on the Illinois Standards Achievement Test increased from 39.5% to 65%. The number of CPS students meeting or exceeding the Illinois Learning Standards, another statewide secondary education achievement assessment, also increased from 38% in 2002 to 60% in 2008.

When measured on a national scale, however, Duncan’s record looks a lot less impressive. In comparison to other major urban school districts (including Los Angeles, Boston, New York City, and Washington, D.C.) in the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or “The Nation’s Report Card,” Chicago fourth and eighth graders ranked, with only one exception, in the bottom half of all districts in math, reading, and science in 2003, 2005 and 2007. In addition, from 2004 to 2008, the Chicago Public Schools district failed to make “adequate yearly progress” as mandated by the Bush administration’s No Child Left Behind Act.

Even if Duncan’s policies do continue to boost test scores in coming years, the question must be asked: At whose expense? In a competition-driven educational system, some schools will, of course, succeed, receiving more funding and so hiring the most talented teachers. At the same time, schools that aren’t “performing” will be put on probation, stripped of their autonomy, and possibly closed, only to be reopened as privately-run outfits — or even handed over to the military. The highest achieving students (that is, the best test-takers) will have access to the most up-to-date facilities, advanced equipment, and academic support programs; struggling students will likely be left behind, separate and unequal, stuck in decrepit classrooms and underfunded schools.

Public education is not meant to be a win-lose, us-versus-them system, nor is it meant to be a recruitment system for the military — and yet this, it seems, is at the heart of Duncan’s legacy in Chicago, and so a reasonable indication of the kind of “reform” he’s likely to bring to the country as education secretary.

Andy Kroll is a writer based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and a student at the University of Michigan. His writing has appeared at the Nation Online, Alternet, CNN, CBS News,, and Wiretap Magazine, among other publications.

Copyright 2009 Andy Kroll


Federal impact aid to Hawai’i increases, but only covers 14% of actual costs

According to the DOE, the cost to educate a pupil in the Hawai’i public schools is $11,659.36. This mostly comes out of the general appropriations that the state generates through taxes, plus federal and other grants.

In school year 2007-2008, there were 28,026 federally connected students (including military dependents) enrolled in the public schools out of a total enrollment of 179,423 public school students.

Federal impact aid is granted to states to help offset the cost of educating students of families who live or work on federal facilities and families on Sec. 8 housing, since the state cannot collect the same taxes from these families.

Based on the figures given in the press release below, the state was able to increase impact aid from the federal government by $3,893,525, raising the total from $43,331,482 to $47,225,007.

This comes out to about $1685 per federally connected student, or 14% of the actual cost per pupil to educate these students.


Contact: Sandra Goya
Date: January 9, 2009

Additional Federal Impact Aid for DOE

The Hawaii State Department of Education announced an increase in Federal Impact Aid funds at a ceremonial check presentation by Rep. K. Mark Takai and military housing representatives.

The increase in impact aid funds is a result of an effort coordinated by Rep. Takai. In 2002, he found an obscure provision in the Federal Impact Aid law. The provision provides for a significant increase in funding for children displaced because of housing renovations occurring on military installations.

This year’s effort resulted in an additional $3,893,525 in impact aid funds over the $43,331,482 that the DOE was already anticipating. Over the past six years, the increase of impact aid due to this effort totals $31,715,226.

Superintendent Patricia Hamamoto was pleased to learn about the additional federal funds. “In these times of budget constraints, we must pursue all sources of funding to support quality education for our students,” Hamamoto said.

Impact aid is a federal program that provides funding for a portion of the educational costs of federally-connected students. It is an in-lieu-of-tax program – in other words, it is the federal government paying its “tax bill” to local school districts as a result of the presence of a military installation, low income housing, or federal property.

Impact aid is the only federal education program in which the funds are sent directly to the school district. The funds go directly into the school district’s general fund for operational expenses such as the purchase of textbooks, computers, utilities, and payment of staff salaries.

The federal government provides significantly more funds for students of military families living on military installations than for students living off base.

Source contact: Cherise Imai, Military Liaison, 271-5724 (cellular)


Bad economy good for Army re-enlistment

When the working class and poor are deprived of educational and economic opportunities, the military is seen as the only alternative.  This is called the “Poverty Draft”.  As described in the article below from the Honolulu Advertiser, this pressure for the poor to join the military has become worse with the current economic crisis.   Meanwhile, this other article about a Hawai’i based soldier killed in Iraq appeared on the same day.

January 6, 2009

Army re-enlistments high

With tough economy, many soldiers are coming back for more

By William Cole
Advertiser Military Writer

Repeat deployments and a healthier economy made it more difficult in recent years for the Army to retain quality soldiers. The recession may be changing that.

Hawai’i’s Stryker brigade of about 4,300 soldiers is at almost 100 percent re-enlistment for two of its battalions in Iraq, with the other four at between 70 percent and 75 percent, said spokesman Maj. Al Hing.

Hing said re-enlistments are at record rates.

The brigade commander’s goal was 80 percent before the unit returns to Hawai’i in February and March. Hing said there is a “very strong retention rate for the young company grade officers” at 94 percent.

Even as the huge re-enlistment bonuses of years past dwindle, soldiers and officers are finding reason to stay in – or return.

Lindsey Rowland made a deal with her parents: They would approve of her going into the Army – which she wanted to do – if she went to college first.

Rowland went to Hawai’i Pacific University on an ROTC scholarship, was commissioned a second lieutenant in 2005, received an assignment to Germany, and in October returned from 15 months in Kuwait and Iraq.

Now a first lieutenant, Rowland, who is not exactly warriorlike at 5 feet 2 and 120 pounds, has experienced the rigors of combat. But like an increasing number of enlisted soldiers and officers who see what shape the economy is in, she’s pretty much made the decision to re-up for at least three more years after her first four.

The truth is, she doesn’t want to get out – at least not yet.

It doesn’t matter that Rowland probably won’t receive the $35,000 bonus that was offered for her specialty in each of the last two years, but may be gone now.

The huge re-enlistment bonuses that the Army needed to dole out to keep up its numbers now are dropping as the economy worsens and more soldiers are staying in with fewer bonuses.

A reduction of the violence in Iraq and a drawdown of the mission there also have led to optimism that soldiers can spend more time at home between deployments.

Although the 27-year-old Rowland was based in Kuwait, she spent more time in Iraq, providing security escort for convoys in a Humvee gun truck with a transportation company.

The more soldiers are on the road, the more danger they face.

But as a single soldier without kids to worry about back home, she didn’t mind being deployed, misses being in command of four Humvees and 11 other soldiers, and expects to be back in Iraq or Afghanistan in the future.

“We had a really cool mission,” Rowland said by phone from Germany. “For females and for transportation, doing gun truck missions on the road was really cool.”

personal benefits

For reasons that are different for each soldier, Rowland may be representative of a bit of a reversal of fortune for the Army and its retention of soldiers.

Eventually, she said she’d like to be a journalist outside the Army, “but I’m not quite ready to do that yet – especially with the economy.”

The Army has seen the return of nearly 500 Army officers who left the service during the past year, Army Times reported.

Not all were eligible for retention incentives, so career security and military benefits are seen as possible factors.

Recruiting also is up. The Army for fiscal 2008 exceeded its recruiting goal, signing up more than 169,500 men and women, and the Army and the Marines – which do the bulk of the ground fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan – surpassed recruitment goals early in fiscal 2009, which began in October.

The Army has in the past worried about the quality of its recruits and an exodus of midlevel officers.

“I have a really optimistic look about it. I think the Army is changing for real this time, and I think a lot of the officers are staying in and I think leadership is improving,” Rowland said. “The Army has adapted to the idea that they can offer the people that work in the Army the things they want – as in duty locations, money, schools.”

bonuses dropping

However, Army Times said re-enlistment bonuses are dropping sharply in 2009 as retention programs enjoy unprecedented success and fewer specialties are being targeted with the extra payments.

Rowland doesn’t think the $35,000 bonus will be available to her that had been offered in the past to transportation officers being promoted to captain, a rank she soon expects to make.

Rowland figures she spent more time in Iraq than in Kuwait where she was based because of the convoy security missions – the same mission that many Hawai’i National Guard soldiers have now.

A soldier in her unit was killed when a shaped charge hit his Humvee, and Rowland separately experienced a small roadside bomb that went off near her Humvee. “It really wasn’t that exciting,” she said. “Blew up smoke. That was it.”

Mostly, the security missions did not encounter enemy fire, she said, and the only time the turret gunner’s .50-caliber machine gun was fired was when an oncoming bus wouldn’t stop. Warning shots were fired near the bus.

Rowland, who is from Ohio, wants to go to an Army language school to learn Turkish. She expects she’ll be deployed several more times to a combat zone if she stays in.

That’s OK with her.

“I would hope I’d get to go to Afghanistan,” she said, “just because I spent 15 months in Iraq, and I already know that.”


Soldier arrested in infant attempted-murder case is released

December 19, 2008

Soldier arrested in infant attempted-murder case is released

A 20-year-old Army man arrested in the attempted-murder case of a 5-month-old Wahiawa girl has been released pending further investigation.

The man was arrested at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

The girl, who suffered critical injuries Dec. 8, remains at Tripler Army Medical Center.

Police said the man knows the victim.

Meanwhile, officials also said today that the man’s two children have been placed in foster care. The man has two children under 5, a state Department of Human Services spokeswoman said. They were taken into protective custody Dec. 9.

Ex-soldier gets life term

Sex crime plea deal includes life term

By Nelson Daranciang

POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Dec 09, 2008

A man who videotaped himself sexually assaulting his infant daughter has agreed to accept a life prison term with the possibility for parole.

Video: Defendant In Shocking Sex Assault Case Gets A Life Sentence. In partnership with

In a plea agreement with the state, Danny Franklin Friddle, 31, of Honokai Hale pleaded guilty yesterday to eight counts of first-degree sexual assault, three counts of first-degree promoting child abuse and three counts of third-degree sexual assault.

Circuit Judge Patrick Border said he will abide by the terms of the plea agreement when he sentences Friddle in February.

Friddle remains in custody at Oahu Community Correctional Center, unable to post $100,000 bail.

He will request that the Hawaii Paroling Authority grant him eligibility for parole after 15 years.

Douglas Chin, first deputy prosecutor, said the state will ask that Friddle serve at least 20 years before he is eligible.

“Regardless of the recommendation of the prosecutor or the public defender, his responsibility will be to plead his case in front of the parole board. And it is up to the parole board, what he’s eventually sentenced to,” Chin said.

Police arrested Friddle on March 12 after they recovered a videotape of Friddle sexually assaulting a baby girl who appeared to be less than 6 months old in one segment. A second segment showed Friddle apparently assaulting the same girl, who appeared about 1 year old. Date stamps on the video clips were June 25, 2006, and Jan. 28, 2007.

“What Danny Friddle did was shocking, despicable. It was an outrage to the entire community,” Chin said. “This life sentence with the possibility for parole that he is agreeing to sends a clear message from the community to any offender out there that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.”

Police said a woman turned over a bag containing the mini-DV videotape and Friddle’s work identification, which she said was left at a bus stop in Kalihi.

Chin said the woman’s child found the bag.

According to state court records, Friddle and his ex-wife had a daughter who was born June 2006. Friddle and his wife separated in August 2006 and were divorced in September 2007. The court granted the ex-wife physical custody of the child but allowed Friddle visitation.

Police said when they showed the video to Friddle’s ex-wife, she identified the child as her daughter and the location of the assault, Friddle’s Honokai Hale home.


America’s Child Soldiers

America’s Child Soldiers: US Military Recruiting Children to Serve in the Armed Forces
Global Research, November 29, 2008

In violation of its pledge to the United Nations not to recruit children into the military, the Pentagon “regularly target(s) children under 17,” the American Civil Liberties Union(ACLU) says.

The Pentagon “heavily recruits on high school campuses, targeting students for recruitment as early as possible and generally without limits on the age of students they contact,” the ACLU states in a 46-page report titled “Soldiers of Misfortune.”

This is in violation of the U.S. Senate’s 2002 ratification of the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Pentagon recruiters are enrolling children as young as 14 in the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps(JROTC) in 3,000 middle-, junior-, and high schools nationwide, causing about 45 percent of the quarter of million students so enrolled to enlist, a rate much higher than in the general student population. Clearly, this is the outcome of underage exposure.

In some cities, such as Los Angeles, high school administrators have been enrolling reluctant students involuntarily in JROTC as an alternative to overcrowded gym classes! In Lincoln high school, enrollees were not told JROTC was involuntary. In Buffalo, N.Y., the entire incoming freshman class at Hutchinson Central Technical High School, (average age 14), was involuntarily enrolled in JROTC. In Chicago, graduating eighth graders (average age 13) are allowed to join any of 45 JROTC programs.

“Wartime enlistment quotas (for Iraq and Afghanistan) have placed increased pressure on military recruiters to fill the ranks of the armed services,” an ACLU report says. Trying to fill its quotas without reinstituting a draft “has contributed to a rise in…allegations of misconduct and abuse by recruiters” that “often goes unchecked.”

The Pentagon also spends about $6 million a year to flog an online video game called “America’s Army” to attract children as young as 13, “train them to use weapons, and engage in virtual combat and other military missions…learn how to fire realistic Army weapons such as automatic rifles and grenade launchers and learn how to jump from airplanes,” the ACLU reports. As of Sept., 2006, 7.5 million users were registered on the game’s website, which is linked to the Army’s main recruiting website.

And when Pentagon recruiters sign 17-year-olds into the inactive reserves under the Future Soldiers Training Program, (the idea being to let them earn their high school diploma), they frequently don’t tell the children they can withdraw with no penalty.

“Over the years, we have had reports from students who were told that if they change their minds, they would be considered deserters in war time and could be hunted down and shot,” the New York City-based Youth Activists-Youth Allies said. One young woman was told if she backed out of her enlistment her family would be deported. And Bill Galvin, of the Center on Conscience and War, said one young man who changed his mind about enlisting and was told by his recruiter: “If you don’t report, that’s treason and you will be shot.”

Singled out by the Pentagon for intense recruitment drives are urban centers such as Los Angeles and New York. The latter, in which low-income students account for 51% of all high school enrollment and where 71% are black or Latino, contains three of the nation’s top 32 counties for Army enlistment. In Los Angeles, 91% of the students are non-white and 75% are low-income.

And the Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools says the 30 JROTC programs in Los Angeles Unified School District (with 4,754 students) are “Located in the most economically depressed communities of the city.”

African-Americans make up 16% of the civilian population of military age but 22% of the Army’s enlisted personnel, the ACLU notes. It charges bluntly: “The U.S. military’s practice of targeting low-income youth and students of color in combination with exaggerated promises of financial rewards for enlistment, undermines the voluntariness of their enlistment…”

JROTC also runs a Middle School Cadet Corp for children as young as 11, that militarizes them even before they graduate elementary school. “Florida, Texas, and Chicago, offer military-run after-school programs to sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-graders…(that) involve drills with wooden rifles and military chants….and military history.” Children wear uniforms to school once a week for inspection.

While the U.S. claims “no one under age 17 is eligible for recruitment,” the Pentagon’s Joint Advertising Market Research & Studies database(JAMRS) scoops up data on eleventh graders, typically just 16. JAMRS has data on 30 million Americans between age 16 and 25 for recruitment purposes.

The ACLU says this data includes “e-mail addresses, grade point averages, college intentions, height and weight information, schools attended, courses of study, military interests, and racial and ethnic data” as well as Social Security numbers.

In the face of grim casualty reports from the Middle East, Pentagon recruiters appear increasingly desperate to make their quotas. About one in five, the New York Times reported in 2004, was found to have engaged in “recruiting improprieties” ranging from “threats and coercion to making false promises to young people that they would not be sent to Iraq.”

Given the Bush regime’s plunge into criminal wars of aggression that defy international law and the Geneva conventions, there is no reason why military recruitment of any kind should be allowed on any college campus, much less in the secondary schools. If the United States truly wished to spread democracy, (rather than seize oil fields), it would be assigning vast numbers of Peace Corps recruiters to college campuses, and the budgets of the Peace Corps and the Defense Department would be reversed.

As Eugene Debs, the presidential candidate on the Socialist ticket that went to prison for speaking against World War One, (he polled 913,000 votes in 1920) once said: “I would no more teach children military training than I would teach them arson, robbery or assassination.”

The fact that the Pentagon is having such a daunting time these days filling its ranks as it wages an illegal war speaks very well for the intelligence of the American people. That’s no excuse, though, for the Defense Department to illegally recruit impressionable children. #

Sherwood Ross is a Miami-based public relations consultant and columnist who previously worked for the Chicago Daily News, as a radio commentator, and as a columnist for wire services. Reach him at


Ex-Marine accused of raping a 10-year old girl

Ex-Marine charged with assaulting girl

By Nelson Daranciang

POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Sep 24, 2008

A man kicked out of the Marine Corps is accused of raping a 10-year-old girl after assaulting the girl’s father in a Waikiki hotel last week, said Vickie Kapp, deputy city prosecutor.

An Oahu grand jury returned an indictment yesterday charging Christopher Cantrell, 27, on five counts of sexual assault in the first degree, one count of sexual assault in the third degree, promoting child abuse, kidnapping, burglary and assault.

The first-degree child-abuse charge alleges that Cantrell produced or participated in the preparation of child pornography.

Police said Cantrell committed the crimes about 3 a.m. Wednesday at the Waikiki Banyan condominium-hotel.

Kapp said Cantrell “kidnapped and sexually assaulted the 10-year-old daughter of a man who had befriended him.”

Cantrell was in the victims’ 12th-floor hotel room where, the girl told police, he punched her father in the face until her father fell to the ground unconscious. She said Cantrell then forced her into the 10th-floor laundry room, where he sexually assaulted her.

Two security guards detained him until police arrived.

Kapp said Cantrell was dishonorably discharged from the Marine Corps in 2005 and had spent three years in confinement. Information regarding the crime or crimes for which he was court-martialed were not available.

He remains in custody unable to post $200,000 bail.
