Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Sleepwalking into the Imperial Dark / Will the US extend the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan

In August 2010, when President Obama announced to much fanfare:  “Consistent with our agreement with the Iraqi government, all of our troops will be out of Iraq by the end of next year,” did anyone really believe him? Earlier this month, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited Iraq and raised the possibility of U.S. troops… Read more »

Libya Conflict Highlights NATO’s Imperialist Mission

SOURCE: Libya Conflict Highlights NATO’s Imperialist Mission Saturday 26 March 2011   by: Joseph Gerson, t r u t h o u t | News Analysis Having launched its Libyan regime change war to oust the Qaddafi dictatorship from the United States’ German-based Africa Command, the Obama administration this week arranged to continue its… Read more »

U.S. spending on military operations in Libya drains Pentagon

The Washington Post reported: “The U.S. military operations in Libya will cost hundreds of millions of dollars and force Congress to seek help next week for the cash-strapped Pentagon, which is operating on a short-term funding resolution.” Here are some figures to consider: The 162 Tomahawk missiles launched at Libyan targets in the first four… Read more »

“When nuclear reactors blow, the first thing that melts down is the truth”; What They’re Covering Up at Fukushima

Yesterday the EPA reported its first detection in Hawai’i of radiation from the Japanese nuclear meltdown: “The isotope was “far below any level of concern for human health,” the EPA said.” As the New York Times reported that Japanese authorities have issued a warning not to drink tap water in Tokyo due to contamination by… Read more »

The ‘Kill Team’ images

SPIEGEL magazine has published photos of U.S. troops posing with the corpse of an innocent Afghan civilian allegedly killed for sport by this so-called Stryker brigade “Kill Team”.  The release of the photos has the U.S. and NATO concerned about a backlash.  The U.S. Army issued an apology for the suffering the photos may cause…. Read more »

Libya, the West and the Narrative of Democracy

Interesting analysis from Stratfor of the U.S.-led war in Libya and the Westʻs conflicting imperatives: welcoming popular democratic uprisings while preventing repressive governments from crushing them: Nevertheless, a narrative on what has happened in the Arab world has emerged and has become the framework for thinking about the region. The narrative says that the region… Read more »

The Libyan War of 2011 and Crisis in Yemen

After obtaining a United Nations Security Council resolution establishing a “no fly zone” and authorizing “all necessary measures” to stop Libyaʻs military assault on rebel forces, the U.S. and European began their attack on Libya.  The AP wrote: The U.S. claimed initial success two days into an assault on Libya that included some of the… Read more »

Female soldiers’ suicide rate triples when at war

The March 4, 2011 suicide by Schofield Barracks soldier Pvt. Galina M. Klippelunderscores the high human cost of militarization and war on our families and communities.  The rate of suicide by female soldiers is three times higher when they go to war.   As Col. Ann Wright says “Reasons for never starting these wars!!!” >><<… Read more »

What the U.S. Can Do to Help Japan Recover – Stop Demanding Billions From Japan for U.S. Bases

The following appeal was sent by the New Japan Womenʻs Association calling for an end to the billions of dollars Japan pays to the U.S. to cover the cost of foreign military bases. >><< Dear our friends in the U.S. peace community, This is Emiko HIRANO, international section head of the New Japan Women’s Association… Read more »

Pentagon Takes Aim at Asia-Pacific, and deploys mercenary social scientists

Recently, versions of the same op ed piece appeared in both Guam and Hawai’i newspapers by James A. Kent and and Eric Casino.  Kent describes himself as “an analyst of geographic-focused social and economic development in Pacific Rim countries; he is president of the JKA Group (”  Eric Casino is “a social anthropologist and freelance… Read more »