Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Uranium travels nerves from nose to brain

Two articles in Environmental Health News review technical reports on new discoveries about the effects of depleted uranium on the body.  In “Uranium travels nerves from nose to brain”, the author writes: Radioactive uranium that is inhaled by soldiers on the battlefield and by workers in factories may bypass the brain’s protective barrier by following… Read more »

One Creature That Deserves Extinction: the V-22 Osprey

John Feffer wrote the following article about the resistance to the expansion of the U.S. base in Takae, Okinawa.  Construction has commenced with forcible removal of protesters.  When protesters took their demands to the U.S. Embassy, several were arrested and physically assaulted.   Note that one of the aircraft being protested is the V-22 Osprey, the… Read more »

Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators

Rolling Stone published an expose of U.S. Army psyops against visiting members of congress.  If they are using these tactics against elected officials, why should we not expect that they would use the same techniques against members of the public? According to the article: The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in… Read more »

“The visit is over”: Bahrain: Uprising Against the US-backed Regime Gains Critical Mass

Finian Cunningham reports in Global Research that: Bahrain’s uprising against the US-backed ruling elite is gathering critical mass, with the Persian Gulf island state seeing the biggest demonstration ever last night. Some 200,000 people took the main highway leading to the financial district in the capital, Manama, shouting in unison for the regime to go…. Read more »

A Marriage of Convenience: “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” –a complex and costly policy

Ashley Lukens wrote a great article in the Honolulu Weekly about the recent repeal of the  military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy and the complexities surrounding the issue of gays in the military: One year into earning his bachelor’s degree at Hawaii Pacific University (HPU), John Foster longed for more structure and direction in his… Read more »

The Rise and Fall of America’s Military Henchmen: History Repeats Itself? From the “King of Java” to the Pharaoh of Egypt

In “Dictators are “Disposable”: The Rise and Fall of America’s Military Henchmen: History Repeats Itself? From the “King of Java” to the Pharaoh of Egypt”, Michel Chossudovsky cautions against overestimating the role of people power in the toppling of Mubarak in Egypt, lest we overlook the other forces at play.  Reviewing the overthrow of Suharto,… Read more »

The Army’s persistent Depleted Uranium problem in Hawai’i

Joan Conrow has written an excellent synopsis of the military’s depleted uranium (DU) contamination issue in Hawai’i on the Civil Beat website.   Here’s an excerpt of her article: The Army prohibited all training with DU in 1996; however, munitions containing DU remain in wide use. Although the Army for years denied that it had ever… Read more »

Why the U.S. is worried about protests in Bahrain

The revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt have sparked numerous uprisings in the Arab world, including tiny Bahrain. But as AOL News reports, due to the strategic location and the large U.S. military bases on Bahrain, the political unrest there has U.S. officials worried: Most Americans couldn’t find Bahrain on a map before this week, but… Read more »

“Game Over” for Mubarak, “Game On” for Egypt’s Workers

Katy Rose, a good friend and activist who played a key role in the Superferry resistance on Kaua’i and who now works for a union in Californa, sent this insightful article about the revolutionary transformation that is taking place within Egyptian society, much of it driven by the awakened power of the working class: Mubarak’s… Read more »

Pågat Under Fire: A Citizen Suit Against the U.S. Department of Defense to Save an Ancient Chamorro Village

Environmental Law Program Colloquium Series William S. Richardson School of Law Please join us on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 in the Moot Court Room during the Lunch Break (12:45 pm – 1:45 pm) Matthew Adams, Sr. Managing Associate, SNR Denton and Carl Christensen, Visiting Professor at Law Pågat Under Fire: A Citizen Suit Against the… Read more »