Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

People & Power – Egypt: Seeds of change

Al Jazeera produced this excellent documentary about the April 6 Movement, the youth organization behind the revolution in Egypt.   The small group of disciplined and sophisticated leaders were the spark.  Getting training from the Serbian nonviolent youth movement, they applied classic nonviolence organizing principles with new technological tools.  The rest is history. <After initially posting… Read more »

Woman to Woman in Afghanistan

Ann Jones wrote an interesting article in The Nation about the deployment of Female Engagement Teams as part of a counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan: The American military had been engaged in Afghanistan for almost eight years before anyone seemed to notice the effects of the occupation on nearly half the adult population, which happens to… Read more »

Mubarak regime falls, but what will be the legacy?

Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak has been toppled by a people’s power revolution. Al Jazeera reports: Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, has resigned from his post, handing over power to the armed forces. Omar Suleiman, the vice-president, announced in a televised address on Friday that the president was “waiving” his office, and had handed over authority to… Read more »

For Egypt, this is the miracle of Tahrir Square

Source: For Egypt, this is the miracle of Tahrir Square There is no room for compromise. Either the entire Mubarak edifice falls, or the uprising is betrayed Slavoj Žižek Thursday 10 February 2011 20.30 GMT One cannot but note the “miraculous” nature of the events in Egypt: something has happened that few predicted, violating… Read more »

Why Egypt’s progressives win

In this op ed piece, “Why Egypt’s progressives win”, Paul Amar an Associate Professor of Global & International Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, provides a nuanced analysis of the various forces that created and is shaping the revolution underway in Egypt.   He describes the evolution of the Muslim Brotherhood and emerging contradictions… Read more »

Remembering the Ehime Maru

Ten years ago, the USS Greeneville nuclear submarine smashed into a Japanese high school fishing training ship the Ehime Maru sending it to the bottom of the sea and killing nine passengers including four students.  The collision was a product of the rampant militarization in Hawai’i, where sub commanders give joy rides to wealthy political… Read more »

Are We Witnessing the Start of a Global Revolution?

Watching the masses rise up against repressive dictatorships in Egypt, Tunisia and across the Arab world, I wonder if we are witnessing the birth of a global revolution.   Phyllis Bennis of the Insitute for Policy Studies sees a domino effect, the unraveling of the American empire in the Middle East. She provides excellent background on… Read more »

Coming Soon? V-22 Osprey “extremely noisy with a horrific racket”

Coming soon to Mokapu and Pohakuloa? Thanks to Satoko Norimatsu of the Peace Philosophy Centre for sharing these articles. >><< V-22 Osprey “extremely noisy with a horrific racket” Link: Okinawan newspapers on January 27 reported that the residents of Brewton, Alabama complained about the noise caused by the V-22 Osprey used in the US… Read more »

More on military expansion on Pohakuloa

The full extent of military expansion at Pohakuloa is only becoming more evident. The Army website for the Pohakuloa Training Areas Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement can be accessed here. Written comments on the proposed action and alternatives will be accepted via e-mail ( and U.S. mail until February 7, 2011 to:  PTA PEIS, P.O. Box… Read more »

Ann Wright: Why the War in Afghanistan is Unwinnable

Source: Retired Colonel Ann Wright Discusses Why the War in Afghanistan is Unwinnable by Jacob Shafer January 19, 2011 | 02:01 PM We’ve spoken with Ret. Col. Ann Wright of Oahu before—about her decision to resign from the State Department on the eve of the 2003 Iraq invasion, about the follies of the Bush… Read more »