Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

[Jeju Update] 34 people arrested but released except for Prof. Yang/ Island Assembly and Parties denounce Island government and navy

Korea activist Sung-Hee Choi reports in her blog  that 34 people were arrested but released except for Prof. Yang in Jeju island protests of military  base construction on a world peace island.   Some photos from the blog are re-posted below.  Visit the No Bases Stories Korea blog.  As reported previously, although the proposed base is… Read more »

Community resists military expansion on Jeju Island

Thanks to Bruce Gagnon for posting these updates on the critical situation in Jeju island, Korea, where villagers are resisting the construction of a new military base. Mon 12/27/2010 12:54 PM RESISTANCE BEGINS ON JEJU ISLAND I got these photos from a Jeju Island media outlet….you can see more of them if you click here… Read more »

Harriet Hanako Hanzawa/Kondo’s Instructions for War

Source: Harriet Hanako Hanzawa/Kondo’s Instructions for War 1:53 pm By Dwight Kondo by Dwight Kondo Puna, Hawaiian Kingdom 1338-121610 My mother’s instruction, as my father and she waited with me at Honolulu International Airport, was simple though incongruent with sending a son to War. As the other soldiers began to line up to board,… Read more »

Army announces Programmatic EIS for construction at Pohakuloa Training Area

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: FOUO FOR MG TERRY / LTC NILES / USARPAC MS. NIELSEN for PTA PEIS NOI notifications Aloha ‘Okou, I hope that this email finds you well. Unfortunately time constraints preclude my ability to call all of you today.  Therefore I am sending this email to ensure that you receive this information. I… Read more »

ATSDR Late with Vieques Report

Source: ATSDR Late with Vieques Report Concern within the scientific Community by José A. Delgado WASHINGTON – The confidentiality with which the Federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has handled the report that would officially discard conclusions made a decade ago that minimized health damages caused by military maneuvers on… Read more »

Jury for Tacoma Trident Peace Activists Still Out

Published on Saturday, December 11, 2010 by Jury for Tacoma Trident Peace Activists Still Out by Bill Quigley The federal criminal trial of five veteran peace activists facing several charges was recessed until Monday after their jury announced late Friday they were unable to reach a unanimous verdict on one of the counts. The… Read more »

Marshallese confront existential threat with climate change

As reported in the Honolulu Star Advertiser, Marshall Islands delegates to the UN climate change conference in Cancun are confronting unique problems as a nation state that is rapidly disappearing under rising seas.  Not only have Marshallese and other Micronesians had to deal with the legacy of imperialism, wars, and nuclear testing; they are now… Read more »

Wikileaks reveals the secret soft underbelly of American Empire

The Honolulu Star Advertiser reported: WASHINGTON >> In a disclosure of some of the most sensitive information revealed yet by WikiLeaks, the website has released a secret cable listing sites worldwide that the U.S. considers critical to its national security. The locations cited in the diplomatic cable from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton… Read more »

The Explosive Growth of U.S. Military Power on Guam Confronts People Power

Source: The Explosive Growth of U.S. Military Power on Guam Confronts People Power: Experience of an island people under Spanish, Japanese and American colonial rule LisaLinda S. Natividad and Victoria-Lola Leon Guerrero Background The United States Department of Defense is planning a massive military build-up on Guahan (Guam) that threatens to change the entire… Read more »

Alfred McCoy: The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Source: Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Taking Down America Posted by Alfred McCoy at 5:11pm, December 5, 2010. Trying to play down the significance of an ongoing Wikileaks dump of more than 250,000 State Department documents, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates recently offered the following bit of Washington wisdom: “The fact is, governments deal with the… Read more »