Posts Tagged: Women

1 in 5 Air Force Women and 1 in 20 Men Victims of Sexual Assault

From Service Womenʻs Action Network: Service Women’s Action Network Statement on Air Force Survey Christian Science Monitor Previews Survey’s Release:  1 in 5 Air Force Women and 1 in 20 Men Victims of Sexual Assault NEW YORK – According to an exclusive piece published today online in the Christian Science Monitor, the Air Force… Read more »

Ann Wright: Crime and (Disparate) Punishment for US Soldiers

Published on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 by Crime and (Disparate) Punishment for US Soldiers Army Private Bradley Manning faces a death sentence while Army Specialist who mutilated the body of an Afghan gets “supervised chores” by Ann Wright The U.S. government is clearly signaling that murdering, raping, mutilating and assaulting are not nearly as… Read more »

“She committed suicide”: Schofield soldier died of ‘self-inflicted’ gunshot wound

Yesterday, I wrote a short post about a Schofield Barracks soldier who was barricaded in a car with a gun and later went to the hospital from a gunshot wound.  The soldier died shortly after being taken to the hospital. The Honolulu Star Advertiser and Associated Press carried stories about the apparent suicide.  The identity… Read more »

Woman to Woman in Afghanistan

Ann Jones wrote an interesting article in The Nation about the deployment of Female Engagement Teams as part of a counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan: The American military had been engaged in Afghanistan for almost eight years before anyone seemed to notice the effects of the occupation on nearly half the adult population, which happens to… Read more »

Mother of One Dead Soldier Suspects Sex Assault

Source: Mother of One Dead Soldier Suspects Sex Assault By John Lasker WeNews correspondent Monday, December 20, 2010 At least 20 female soldiers have died in Iraq and Afghanistan in “noncombat” circumstances that their families find mysterious. The mother of one talks here about why she thinks sexual violence–not suicide–was her daughter’s real killer…. Read more »

The Silent Truth: murders of women in the military

Thanks to Ann Wright for sharing the links to two articles on violence against women in the military.  The first article discusses a new documentary The Silent Truth, about the murder of LaVena Johnson and subsequent cover up.  Ann has worked with the Johnson family to seek the truth and justice and was a consultant… Read more »

Two different perspectives on Mother’s Day

From Wikipedia: The “Mother’s Day Proclamation” by Julia Ward Howe was one of the early calls to celebrate Mother’s Day in the United States. Written in 1870, Howe’s Mother’s Day Proclamation was a pacifist reaction to the carnage of the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War. The Proclamation was tied to Howe’s feminist belief… Read more »

Pasifik rising! Famokaiyan and Women for Genuine Security action in San Francisco

On Earth Day, April 22, Famoksaiyan and Women for Genuine Security held a press conference and action at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Earth Day commemoration in protest of the military expansion in Guahan/Guam and the Mariana Islands. The action was also in solidarity with the massive demonstrations in Okinawa protesting U.S. military bases. Check… Read more »

Women, gays and smoking ban: Reality crashes in on the world of Navy submariners Plans to allow women and gays, ban smoking shake world of Navy submarines By Craig Whitlock Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, April 22, 2010 Imagine 150 fraternity brothers packed into a container the size of a three-bedroom house. Announce you are breaking hallowed traditions by taking away their cigarettes and admitting women. Then lock… Read more »

“From the Burkha to the Thong” – Sunsara Taylor on the military and pornography

Revolution Books is sponsoring a talk by Sunsara Taylor at UH Manoa “From the Burkha to the Thong: Everything Must and Can Change – We Need Total Revolution!” April 13th – University of Hawai’i 7-9:30 pm – Architecture Building University of Hawai’i-Manoa Suggested donation $20-10; students free w/ID Sponsored by Revolution Books contact: 808-944-3106 They… Read more »