Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Peace Crimes

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” John F. Kennedy, 1962 >><< Source: Peace Crimes Sunday 12 September 2010 by: Diane Lefer, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed Hector Aristizábal lay on a table in Medellin, Colombia, his head covered with a black cloth. Twenty-eight years… Read more »

“Stryker Advise and Assist Brigade”?

According to the Tacoma News Tribune the Hawai’i-based 2nd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division is now called the Stryker Advise and Assist Brigade: the Defense Department is using kinder, gentler terminology to describe its deployed units in Iraq, now that President Obama has pulled out all “combat” troops. For example, according to a casualty press release… Read more »

Missile programme raises concern in Hawaii Missile programme raises concern in Hawaii Posted at 04:30 on 09 September, 2010 UTC A Kauai resident in Hawaii says people are divided over the issue to expand a military missile programme to develop ballistic missile testing from the island. Juan Wilson says some residents support the military, saying it brings jobs and incomes… Read more »

US troops ‘murdered Afghan civilians and kept body parts’

This is the mission?  War distorts our morality and steals the humanity of both the killers and the dead.  The lands of Makua, Pohakuloa and Lihu’e should not be used to support the illegal and immoral occupation of other countries. BBC reports: US troops ‘murdered Afghan civilians and kept body parts’ A group of US… Read more »


Washington’s Wars and Occupations: Month in Review #64 August 31, 2010 By Maryam Roberts & Alicia Garza, War Times/Tiempo de Guerras SHAPE-SHIFTER: THE MANY FACES OF U.S. MILITARISM Countless monsters lurk in the shadows of the U.S. empire. But U.S. militarism may be the biggest, most elusive, of them all – a shape-shifter. The nature… Read more »

Wolfowitz urges the U.S. to prolong its occupation of Iraq

Former Assistant Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, an arch Neoliberal hawk, argues that the U.S. should leave permanent troops in Iraq, a never-ending occupation along the lines of the “Korea model”.  Such is the arrogance of Empire. >><< Op-Ed Contributor In Korea, a Model for Iraq By PAUL D. WOLFOWITZ Published: August 30, 2010… Read more »

Protest at Pohakuloa “By Invitation ONLY” Army meeting on Depleted Uranium hazard

Press Release: Community Press Conference OUTSIDE PTA main gate Tuesday, Aug. 31st at 1:15PM further contact: Jim Albertini 966-7622 There will be a press conference outside the Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) main gate on Tuesday, Aug. 31st at 1:15PM The press conference will raise questions about the “By Invitation ONLY” meeting inside Pohakuloa at 2PM… Read more »

Suit seeks restored health benefits for Pacific migrants

The Honolulu Star Advertiser reports that Pacific islanders from nations that have Compacts of Free Association (COFA) with the U.S. living in Hawai’i are suing to restore health care benefits for these Micronesian residents who need critical care that would be denied under the separate and unequal “Basic Health Hawaii” plan created for COFA residents…. Read more »

A taste of things to come – everyday indignities in militarized Guahan/Guam

Desiree Taimanglo Ventura, who writes the Drowning Mermaid blog about life on U.S.-occupied Guahan / Guam, posted a vivid account of a few of her everyday encounters with foreigners as an indigenous Chamorro woman.  One is an insulting exchange between several U.S. military personnel and herself that reveals the often overlooked racial and sexual politics… Read more »

Air base expansion plans reflect long-term occupation of Afghanistan

The Washington Post reported that despite promises by the Obama Administration that the war in Afghanistan will end, U.S. investment in base expansion signal the opposite intention: a long-term military presence.  This is similar to the reports of the 50,000 troops left behind in Iraq along with the thousands of mercenaries hired to provide security… Read more »