Posts Tagged: Movements and Resistance

Okinawa problem could boil over

According to Asia analyst Peter Ennis, the August and November deadlines for finalizing plans for the realignment of U.S. bases in Okinawa and Guam will not be met.  In a Pan Orient Op Ed piece, Peter Ennis wrote: Indeed, the political underpinnings of the 2006 bilateral “Roadmap” for realignment of US forces in Japan, of… Read more »

Hawaii Superferry failed to pay the state monthly fees

The Associated Press reported that the troubled Hawaii Superferry, a military prototype fast transport ship, had failed to pay the state its monthly fees nine months before the Hawaii Supreme Court ruling that overturned a state law retroactively exempting the Hawaii Superferry from state environmental review laws.  AP reporter Mark Niesse reported: The Hawaii Superferry… Read more »

Russia’s Cheonan investigation suspects that the sinking Cheonan ship was caused by a mine in water

A Russian investigation into the sinking of the Cheonan concludes that the accident was caused by “non-contact external underwater explosion” most likely from a mine.  There are some good photos on the Hankyoreh website.  Thanks to Sung-hee Choi for sharing summaries and links to the four-part series. >><< Hankyoreh special (Four articles) on the Russian… Read more »

TONIGHT: OHA to hold informational meeting on cultural study of Kūkaniloko

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 19, 2010 COMMUNITY INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN UPCOMING OHA MEETING ON KŪKANILOKO OHA to hold informational meeting on cultural study of Kūkaniloko WAHIAWĀ – The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) is conducting a study of Kūkaniloko, and is encouraging and welcoming the surrounding communities of Wahiawā and central O‘ahu to attend… Read more »

Militarization of Central America and the Caribbean: The U.S. Military Moves Into Costa Rica

The U.S. is sending 46 warships and 7000 marines to Costa Rica allegedly to “fight drugs”.  An article from Global Research is posted below, along with an action alert sent by  United for Peace and Justice to its supporters: >><< The outrageous announcement that 46 US warships and 7000 Marines are heading for Costa Rica… Read more »

Christian supremacism in the military Meet the Military Man Battling Dangerous Christian Extremism in the Military By Matt Harwood, Posted on July 12, 2010, Printed on July 21, 2010 In his fight against British imperialism, Mahatma Gandhi described the life cycle of successful civil disobedience: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight… Read more »

Resolution Opposing U.S. Imperialist Wars and Militarism Resolution Opposing U.S. Imperialist Wars and Militarism Full text Resolution Opposing U.S. Imperialist Wars and Militarism Prepared for the 2010 U.S. Social Forum People’s Movement Assembly WHEREAS, Pentagon spending has doubled to over $700 billion in the past eight years, and the U.S. Empire maintains over 700 military bases around the globe to wage… Read more »

Rush to Judgment: Inconsistencies in South Korea’s Cheonan Report

Japan Focus has published a new article that questions the forensic evidence and conclusions of the South Korean government related to the sinking of the Cheonan. >><< Rush to Judgment: Inconsistencies in South Korea’s Cheonan Report Seunghun Lee (Department of Physics, University of Virginia) J.J. Suh (SAIS, Johns Hopkins University) On the night of… Read more »

Cheonan sinking and New Cold War in Asia

Thanks to Sung-hee Choi for forwarding this analysis about the sinking of the South Korean ship Cheonan and its implications for peace in NE Asia and three petitions to end the Korean War: 1. ———- Forwarded message ———- From: Martha Duenas <> Date: Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 12:00 AM Subject: [famoksaiyanfriends] SIGN THE PETITION… Read more »

UN Special Committee decision concerning Puerto Rico 08 July 2010 (English Version) Special Committee decision concerning Puerto Rico The Special Committee, Bearing in mind the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, contained in General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, as well as the resolutions and decisions of the Special Committee concerning Puerto Rico,… Read more »